Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade or any of its characters.

Summary: When Biovolt goes after one of its past 'students' the BBA steps in and places the girl under the watch of the Blade Breakers. What are Biovolt's plans for this girl and what happens when they get a hold of her because she risked herself by saving one of the Blade Breakers that has grown fond of her.

Please review!

Takes place after the World Beyblading Tournament

" " Talking ' ' Thinking

Clandestine Wolf

Chapter One - First Impressions

"Bye Tyson! Bye Max! Have fun back at home, and don't forget to call, will ya!" Ray was hollering at the top of his lungs as both Tyson and Max made their way to their plane where they'd take a flight back home for a few months or so. Tyson was going to stay with his grandpa and Max was going back home to visit with his dad. As for Kai, Ray, Chief, Mr. Dickenson, and Tyson's dad they all stayed at a rather large home in the tropics of South America somewhere.

Everyone was waving bye to each other besides Kai who stood there with his arms crossed and a blank look on his face, but you could just see the look in his eyes that suggested he was inwardly saying goodbye to his two teammates. Even though the team was splitting up that didn't mean that they'd stay apart forever. Even if Kai insisted that they weren't a team anymore he still couldn't deny the fact that he appreciated the company of his friends yet still having the pleasantries of being able to be alone when he wanted as well.

It seemed forever that they waved, arms feeling as if they were going to fall off. When the plane finally took off it was a relief to everyone who was left to stay in South America, merely because they didn't have to wave anymore or yell good byes that couldn't be heard through the thick glass of the airport. Then there was the little point that no one would have to worry about Tyson always complaining that he was hungry and always stuffing his face until he was more or less sick.

"Well then," started Mr. Dickenson, "how about we all head but to the mansion for now? I have something I'd like to talk to you three about." That was Mr. Dickenson for you, always getting the Blade Breakers into something or planning something for the team without their knowing. Ray groaned inwardly, hoping he would have the rest of the weeks off to do what he wanted. But now what did this cheery old fellow want?

Kai didn't say much; or rather he didn't say anything at all as he merely followed behind everyone back to their transport that would bring the rest of the Blade Breakers that didn't leave back to the temporary home. Ray was trying to get Mr. Dickenson to spill what he had planned while Kenny mussed on and on with Dizzi about this and that.

The ride to the ocean-side mansion wasn't very long, but soothing to everyone with its remarkable scenery of wild animals and green forestry. Actually they weren't forests at all, too lively and vibrant. More like rain forests with the most exotic and wild animals that anyone has even seen. The road was oddly gentle with very few jolts or bumps, not expected from dirt roads. The air outside was humid and warm but strangely comfortable and acceptable.

Ray was giddy about wanting to see a tiger in the wild, moving back and forth between windows as he tried his best to spot one of the magnificent beasts in the green of the rain forest. Every now and then he'd trip over someone's foot or limb but he'd keep on going back and forth until Kai finally pulled the golden eyed boy back down into his seat with a stern look. With an apologetic grin that showed his cat-like fangs the raven haired boy settled himself back down into his seat, Chief chuckled at Ray's attempts to still catch sight of a tiger.

When their ride came to a halt in front of their temporary home everyone shuffled out of the open doors and into the cool atmosphere of the main room of the mansion. It wasn't a fancy place despite its largeness, just simply decorated with easy to go by themes in each room. There were enough bedrooms in the mansion to nearly bed four teams of bladers, each having their own bathroom. Outside there was a pool and inside there was a controlled atmosphere gym with nearly anything that one could dream of. There was equipment to work out on, punching bags, gymnastics equipment, an open floor, and not to mention a trampoline just for the fun of it. There was a bladeing dish both outside and inside along with a game room to go with it all. The kitchen was huge, almost too large for its own good with an even bigger dinning room to match it. There was also a library and a conference room that Mr. Dickenson had put together for everyone to meet at, and that was where they were headed now.

The room was comfortable, a large oval table in the center with padded leather office chairs for everyone to lounge in. Only Tyson's father didn't come into the room, but he ushered the rest into the conference room before closing the door behind them quietly. Once the three teens made themselves comfortable in their usual seats Mr. Dickenson soon took a seat in front of the door and in front of them where he sometimes sat yet at other times didn't, it was all on a matter of how he felt the day and where he actually wanted to sit. The room was quiet, Kenny with his laptop open and Dizzi listening in as well. Kai had his arms crossed at his chest while leaning back into his chair, and as for Ray he was leaning his elbows against the smooth wooden table top waiting with an ever patient but anxious look on his face.

Getting his briefcase and digging into it Mr. Dickenson soon found what he was looking for, once more closing the leather case before sliding a folder to each of the three boys. The front of the vanilla folders were marked with the symbol of the BBA but followed vividly by the words -Top Priority-. It was then that the older man finally began to speak to the Blade Breakers. "This file contains very sensitive and private material to one of the most important cases that the BBA is dealing with at the moment. You're probably wondering why I gave you each a folder of this information then, but it's because the BBA has asked for the Blade Breakers help in the matter. What led to this major problem is that your grandfather, Kai, has gotten out of jail and is running Biovolt again."

Kai jerked his head up from the folder he had opened in front of him, all eyes turning to look at his expression of sheer surprise and mild anger mixed with fear. Crimson orbs blinked slowly in disbelief, but the older man kept on speaking and the words that followed soothed Kai's soul. "They're no after you this time, Kai. I'm afraid they're after a girl that is just barely younger than you that has been a little experiment of Biovolt for years. When you came back to the Abby they released her in the thought that they no longer needed her, but they were dreadfully wrong and they can't risk killing her. The BBA still has yet to figure out why they can't risk loosing her, but we have to keep them from getting to her."

As Mr. Dickenson paused Kenny spoke up, not really looking at the folder in fear of what he might find. "But Mr. Dickenson why were we selected to take this case into our hands? I'm sure the police could do a much better job than we could. We're just a Beyblading team, not a police force." The young Chief shifted in his chair uneasily but as he was about to speak again Kai interrupted while closing his folder.

"They chose us, Kenny, because we have a link with Biovolt; me. The BBA is hoping that with what I know about Biovolt and the Abby that we can protect her easier, but this file that you have given us Mr. Dickenson isn't helping in the least. There isn't any information of the girl specifically, and that's more important at the moment so we know how to protect her. I don't plan on being a babysitter, understand that?" Kai's voice was stern and slightly shaken with the fact he had to deal with Biovolt all over again.

"I'm afraid all three of you are going to have to baby-sit her. I'm leaving for several weeks to talk with the BBA in conference and Tyson's dad is going to be busy with other things in the mansion for now. As for knowing anything about her I'm afraid we can't even find out when she was born. She simply never existed. The only thing we could find out about her is that she was born in some place around the west coast of South America, but she lived her whole life in a training facility in northern Siberia. There's a picture of her in the file for everyone to look at to show she wasn't originally from Siberia to begin with because of her darkly tanned skin, and her hair is a stark white almost as if it was bleached by the sun. Other than that information we only have bits and pieces about her. The only name that the BBA could put together was the nickname that everyone called her by in northern Siberia; Snowflake, because of her hair. As for her past we have fragments of information to show that she has been through a worse time than even you, Kai. She was abused mentally, emotionally, and physically and right now she's in a delicate state. The extensive training she had is rather amazing because it goes far beyond beyblading skills," and at that he was interrupted by the still cheery Ray who wanted to see the better side of everything.

"You mean this girl beyblades too? What about a bit beast? I'm sure if she was working, no, being trained by Biovolt that she'd have a powerful bit beast to battle with…" his thoughts were cut short by a slightly annoyed Kai. "Let him finish already so we can get out of here quicker." With that Ray fell silent.

"Now as I was saying," Mr. Dickenson continued, "she has been trained to the point that it's evident that she was supposed to be used as a weapon of sheer destruction. As for her bladeing skills I'm not too sure about them, really. Not even the BBA has information on her skills or any of the matches that people claim that she has had. This girl, however, does have a bit beast but she won't let us get close enough to her beyblade to see the blade in general or the bit beast. I think it's right that you all meet her, though I warn you she doesn't take well to very many things in the least and while I'm gone you must keep her from doing anything that could strain her injuries that she has. Also she's sick and needs to rest."

"You mean this Snowflake girl is here already? When did she get here and how long will she be staying?" piped up Ray after glancing up from the opened vanilla folder. Kenny was busy entering all the data into his laptop, Dizzi making the occasional comment here and there as he typed things up.

"She'll be staying until the BBA says it is safe to leave her in their custody, and yes she is here. She's been here for well over a week, recovering from her injuries and illness with grave difficulty since she won't go along with the treatments. Now.." Mr. Dickenson cleared his throat as he shifted his chair to face the closed door behind him. His voice picked up volume so that anyone behind it could hear as more words slipped form his vocal chords, "You can bring her in now."

Kai leaned forward in his chair, the others obviously squirming impatiently to meet this girl that hey had heard about. There was an uncomfortable silence before a shift behind the wooden door was heard, Soon enough you could hear the yelling of Tyson's father before there was an obvious clash of bodies in the hallway. Then everything fell silent again before the tall and thickly set man that was Tyson's dad opened the door and walked in. To everyone's amusement there was a rather painful looking scratch on his face that looked as if it was made by a cat or possibly another wild animal with claws of the such, maybe even a wolf or wild dog. He looked rather annoyed while his large frame stepped aside a good distance to let someone else in the conference room.

The girl that the boys had been wondering about finally made her way into the room, a good distance put between herself and the taller man holding the door. Nothing could really be seen of her features as she clutched a dull gray blanket around her form like a cloak of the sorts. A good section of the gray material was pulled up over her head to keep her face hidden while the rest of the blanket was pulled around the slim frame of her body. She was about Kai's height, if a little shorter at anything, yet was sleekly built with meek muscles but a lean frame that would allow a powerful punch but a quick movement as well. Steel blue eyes gazed out from the little peep hole that she had made in the blanket to see, their pools of blue filled with defiance yet swarming with fear, anxiety, pain, sadness, loneliness, and several other feelings that couldn't be sorted out very clearly.

'So this is the trained so called killer of Biovolt that they want back… She's too frail looking and not even solid on her own base of emotions. This is even more pointless than I first thought it was, but that spark of defiance needs to be watched. That girl is bound to snap and turn on anyone with that bewildered look in her eyes.' Kai was too caught up in his thoughts to even notice that the raven haired boy that had been sitting beside him had already jumped from his seat. When he saw him moving it was too late, for the Chinese boy was bounding over to the girl that was called Snowflake to grasp her shoulder and hug her in his friendly way.

There was a shriek, more heart shattering that ear shattering as the fear that was warped into the sound tore at one's heart. Ray had barely even touched the girl and she was already backed up so tightly against the now closed door of the room that you would've thought that he had stabbed her in the heart. Wide, scared eyes stared at Ray as the once calm breaths turned into shaky and unstable ones that finally made the raven haired boy step away in dismay and looking as if he had done something wrong.

'Weak.' That's the only think Kai thought as he shook his head at the smothered form of the girl that pressed herself up against the wall to get further away from Kai's teammate. Tyson's father was trying to calm the girl back down, yet every time he tried to touch her she would move further away, squirming around until she was crouched against the wall near a corner. Ray, feeling quite upset that he had caused this whole mess, slumped back into his seat half-heartedly. Kenny was hugging his laptop to his chest, sitting as far as he could back into his chair.

"He didn't mean to touch you, Snowflake, now come on and lets get you back to your room where no one can bother you at. At your room they can't touch you, remember? Come now…Don't back yourself into a corner and make it hard for you…" On and on Tyson's father kept trying to coax the steel blue eyed girl from the corner that she kept crawling further into. It was finally Mr. Dickenson who spoke up about the matter, having been sitting there quietly to access the whole situation. "Snowflake, go back to your room." It was simple yet decisive and demanding, a tone that the man hardly ever used.

It was as if nothing ever happened, Snowflake moved on her own. Around the taller man who was previously trying his best to coax her out of the corner, she made her path, slipping quietly out of the door in which she opened on her own. It was as if an order to do something was all she needed rather than to be asked to do something. Fear still resided in her steely blue globes, but an obedient gloss filmed over their lenses as she left the conference room and went to her own room just a few doors down the hall.

"She's insecure, unstable, won't talk I'm guessing, and doesn't want to be touched. That girl was not trained by Biovolt if she acts like that. Weak and undeserving in this matter of being protected. We should just give her back to BBA so I can go on about my vacation without having to baby-sit something like her." That was Kai's response before he left the room as well, leaving to where ever he went to when no one could ever find him. His mind was set; he wanted nothing to do with this girl. Everyone else was left in the room, dumbfounded.