
Blue Eyes
Part 3

"Hey! This place is off limits!!"
Seifer ignored the guards and ducked under the yellow tapes surrounding the mansion. He looked up at the large window on the third floor.
"That must be the room..."
"Sir?!! You cannot enter!! Please get behind the tapes!!!"
The guy in the police uniform grabbed Seifer's shoulder and tried to pull him out. Seifer turned annoyingly and glared at the law enforcer.
The shorter man froze. He stared at the blonde's deep green eyes.

"It's okay. The man is a SeeD."
A man... or rather, a young man with a weird tattoo on his cheek came out from the mansion and greeted them. The law enforcer quickly came to and saluted the young man.
"Sorry, sir! I.... thought he was a reporter.."
The law enforcer bowed at the young man and then to Seifer. He walked back to the crowd of people surrounding the area.
"Well, well. If it isn't my good ol' friend Zell Dincht."
Seifer fixed his coat and smiled at the young man.
"Save it, Seifer. You're not even supposed to be here anyways."
The young man, Zell, is also a member of SeeD. He eyed Seifer and warned him.
"Listen, I'm only allowing you in because Quistis called me. I don't care what you do... as long as you don't cause any trouble."
"You're the boss."
Seifer saluted Zell. The shorter SeeD just sighed and guided Seifer in the mansion.
The law enforcer from earlier turned and watched as the two SeeD walked in the building. He couldn't explain it, but the emerald eyes of the tall one gave shivers down his spine.

Everyone turned and watched as Seifer and Zell walked in the hallway. The members of SeeD bowed and saluted them, trembling a little.
Two great figures of SeeD in the same building... This was enough to make everyone's teeth chatter with excitement and nervousness.
"They said O'Riley was dead as soon as his guards forced into his room. No sign of the killer anywhere..."
Zell lead Seifer in the crime scene. Seifer walked around the big room and smiled.
"...So, this is how a perverted old man's rooms look like.."
Zell shook his head.
"Seifer.. don't bad-mouth the dead... Have some little respect."
Seifer just snorted at that. He hated how naïve and oblivious Zell always was. No matter how evil and cruel the victim was, he always showed a sign of sympathy and remorse.
"The papers said he was killed from a single slash to the throat."
Seifer quickly changed the subject. Zell nodded his head.
"Yeah... Just like all his victims..."
Seifer watched as Zell's face turned serious, which was unusual for the cheerful spirit.
"I don't understand how someone could kill innocent lives....... So ruthless and inhumane......."
Seifer watched Zell for a while and looked down at the bloodstain on the carpet. He then turned to the unmade bed.

"Did someone touch the bed?"
Zell turned to Seifer and followed his gaze to the messed up sheets of the bed.
"Oh yeah... about that.......... We think he has a sexual identity crisis....."
Seifer lifted his eyebrow and turned to Zell.
".....He....as in... 'Blue Eyes'..?"
Zell nodded his head. Seifer waited for him to continue.
"Serial killers usually have some sort of mental illness.... Which is not surprising....... Whenever 'Blue Eyes' kills, the victim is usually a man. And not just a man, but a man with power. He wants to show dominance over these politicians because that's what turns him on..... as they say........."
Seifer just stared at Zell. He blinked couple of times and finally opened his mouth.
"They....?.... As in criminal analysts?..."
"The best of the best. They all agreed that the killer is at least 6'feet tall.... Well, he has to be in order to take advantage over these men...... O'Riley wasn't exactly what you call a puny old man…... He was at least 190lbs…."
"Okay, okay.... That's enough....."
Seifer closed his eyes and waved his hands. He slowly walked up to the large window.

"Well, that's all we have so far. The killer signed up as O'Riley's guard to get close to him, forced him to bed..... God knows what he made the poor old man do.... And killed him and somehow managed to escape before the guards got here….."
Zell looked at his notes to see if he was missing anything. He read through until he detected Seifer's shoulders shaking. He crossed his arms.
"What's so funny, Seifer? Care to share?"
Zell found none of this funny, but Seifer apparently did. Though he was facing the window, it was obvious he was laughing.
"All this time... I was wondering how we never even seen the guy.......... But now.. I think I figured out why..."
Seifer turned to Zell still snickering. Zell kept his arms crossed and tilted his head.
"What do you mean?"
Seifer shook his head and sat on O'Riley's desk. His eyes were glittering with amusement and looked down on Zell.
"He was here, Zell.......... He was still here when the guards ran in."
Zell was taken aback. He looked at Seifer's face to see if he was kidding, but the green eyes looked serious.
"Mental illness? Identity crisis? That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard!!"
Seifer laughed almost insanely and walked to the bed. Zell's eyes followed his every move.

"Why do you think we don't have his exact profile?"
Seifer asked Zell.
"Because he can use a disguise, Seifer. But we kind of have an idea what he looks like-"
"6'feet tall, beard and a mustache? A monstrous face and bulging muscles? So fucking strong that he can command a big fat man to do whatever he pleases?"
Seifer almost spat as he spoke.
"We got it all wrong, Zell. Don't you get it?"
Seifer lifted his hands up as if to say he gave up on the whole world.
"O'Riley was a fucking pedophile. He loved fucking young pretty boys. 'Blue Eyes' was his type. He's probably the prettiest damn thing alive."

Seifer pointed at the hallway.
"I saw bunch of cameras set up on the hallway."
Zell was staring at Seifer. He finally blinked and nodded.
"Y...yeah.... We've checked the images....... Nothing peculiar..."
"I want to see 'em."

Zell lead Seifer to the security room. There was a man in there with a coffee mug in his hand.
"You wanna see them again?"
The man made a face but set up the tape without arguing. Messing with the SeeD was not a good idea.
"Could you fast forward it until the guards are ripping the door open?"
The man nodded as Zell motioned Seifer to stand next to him.
They watched as four men rammed into the door. The camera wasn't exactly close enough to show clear images of their faces, but it was clear enough they were frantic to get through the door. They finally forced their way in. Seconds later, couple of other guards ran in. About three seconds passed, five guards ran out to either report the situation or from sheer panic.
Seifer commanded the man sipping his coffee. He paused as quickly as he could, but the guards were out of the picture.
"Rewind it and pause it to the figures running out of the room."
Seifer was annoyed at the incompetence of the man but waited patiently as he set the tape.
"Did you find something?"
Zell asked Seifer, but response didn't come. Seifer observed the five guards with sharp, almost predatory eyes.

"....This one.."
He pointed at the smallest figure of them all.
"That's our guy."
Seifer whispered. Zell widened his eyes.
"What?!! How can you tell??!!"
Zell brought his face close to the monitor and squinted his eyes. Seifer walked away.
"Didn't see him go in."
"Huh? How did you... Seifer?! Wait!! Hey, I need you to make a close up of this guy and print it out."
Zell tapped the man's shoulder and followed Seifer.
"Wait up, Seifer!"

Seifer just kept on walking. Eventually, he entered O'Riley's room again. He walked around the room again and looked at the corner of the room.
"That camera......"
He pointed at the small camera set up in the corner wall.
"Oh yeah..... That one wasn't operating on the night of the crime..... You see those buttons on O'Riley's desk?"
Zell pointed at the large wooden desk. Seifer nodded.
"There's a control panel that can turn that camera on and off. The guards said he usually had it turned off on his private time."
Seifer observed the buttons on the desk. He looked up at the camera and then out the window.

"He was watching him....."
Zell made a confused face again. Seifer walked up to the large window and pointed at the old apartment building across the street.
"He was there..... watching............... He knew O'Riley would turn the camera off......"
Seifer said, more to himself than Zell.

"Zell, did you find a camera?.... Or a camcorder in this room?"
Seifer abruptly turned to Zell.
"Ah... no.... We didn't find things like that..."
"How about a safe?"
"Uh... yeah.... Over there behind that painting..."
"Open it and search everything in it..... 9 out of 10, you'll find a video tape or a film in there..."
"What? What film?? Seifer, where you going?!"
Zell saw Seifer walking out of the room and ran to follow.
"I'm going to take a look at that building across the street. You get that safe open."
Just as Seifer stepped out of the room, the man from the security room ran into him. He held out a print out of a blurred face of a young man.
"I printed out just like you said, sir."
He showed it to Zell, but Seifer snatched it away. The young man had brown hazel-nut colored hair and a pale skin. His eyes were covered with the uniform hat, but this was the best picture Seifer had ever seen.
"Zell, gather all security tapes from all the victims and search for someone similar to this. I bet he's in every one of them."
Zell opened his mouth to question, but sighed and just nodded his head.
"Okay, okay..... I'll do it...."
Zell scratched his head and turned to the other members of SeeD. Suddenly, this wasn't his case anymore........
Seifer was obviously the right man for this job.

Seifer watched Zell ordering for new tasks. He looked down at the print-out again.

"We finally meet, 'Blue Eyes'..."
Seifer smiled, ..........with those predatory eyes...

Blue Eyes part 3