Disclaimer: I don't own CSI or any of the characters though I would love to own Catherine or Greg!

Summary: Nick and Greg get in a heated argument afterwards one of them gets injured and the other is fired

Spoilers: Play with Fire and Inside the Box

The music was playing softly in the background, but it couldn't get his mind of it. His hands shook as he exam the hair fibers under the microscope. I can't do this he thought I got to get away from this place. Then all of a sudden he heard an explosion. He shot his head up and glances around. Get a grip out of yourself Sanders it's just the door! Greg Sanders was not having a good day, it wasn't the first time and certainly wasn't the last. Ever since the explosion Greg been scared to even go back to work, he tried to hide it and it work. Expect for the one time when Grissom saw his hands shaking but other then that nobody notice or even cared.

"Greg!" a voice yelled.

Greg's head shot up and looked at the figure storming through the door.

"What is it Nick?" ask Greg.

"My first D.B. solo, my first db and I screw it up because of you!" screamed Nick.

Greg shook his head, "What are you talking about?"

Nick's anger hit the wall, "What am I talking about? You gave me the wrong results, it was cotton -damn it- not silk!"

Then Greg remember, he was trying so hard to stop his hands from shaking ever since the DNA lab has been rebuilt and Nick's fibers was what he was looking at his first day back in the DNA lab.

"I'm sorry okay, it's a honest mistake!"

"MISTAKE?! Thanks to you Grissom doesn't trust me to do a db solo anymore!"

"You're welcome!" shouted Greg; he had no clue why Nick even was upset about it.

"I can't stand you! You're the most stupidest lab tech!"

"Well you're the worst CSI, no wonder why Grissom doesn't give you any good cases!"

That was a low blow and he knew it.

"Screw you!" screamed Nick as he stormed out of the DNA lab, leaving the upset Greg,

"Well the same to you!" Greg rubbed his hands on the back of his neck. This was not a good day. Angrily he printed the results for Grissom's case and threw it onto the counter. He grabbed the phone and page Grissom. Then he finally sat back into the chair and sigh.

"GREG!" a voice shouted as it entered the DNA lab.

"What!?" screamed Greg as he turned around to face the person.

"Go to hell!"

            Nick rubbed his face and sigh. He felt guilty for yelling at Greg and hurting his feelings but he felt somewhat relief to get it out of his system. He knew Greg was having trouble adjusting to the new DNA lab ever since explosion. I had no right to yell at him like that, it was his first mistake in a long time realize Nick. "I have to go and apologize," whispered Nick.

He quickly walked back to the lab hoping Greg still wasn't mad at him. But he got close to the lab; he was in for a shock. As soon as he approaches the door he saw Greg flying through the glass window and onto the floor.

 "GREG!!!!" he screamed.

He ran up the chemist and check for a pulse. He heard some footsteps coming out from the lab; he glances up to see a brown hair figure run down the hall.

"SOMEBODY CALL 911!" he screamed as he held the unconscious Greg.