Harry was laying in his bed, in his room on the second floor of the 4, Privet Drive. He had just gone back from the train station after his fifth year. All he could do was stare at the ceiling in disbelief.

His hands behind his head, he remembered the events of the year that had gone by in just a blur. He thought about how much he did not want to be here, though he had too, for his own protection. Also, he thought of Sirius. The only person that he had ever seen as a father figure.

All he wanted was to go see his best friends -Ron and Hermione. Though, for his own protection, he had to stay here, in this living hell.

~All day staring at the ceiling

Making friends with shadows on my wall

All night hearing voices telling me

That I should get some sleep

Because tomorrow might be good for something~

Harry felt as though he was going to cry, or scream... He had to do something to let all of this anger out, this pain. Why him? He had never asked for anything... Suddenly, he started crying. Silent tears of pain.

~Hold on

Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown

And I don't know why~

He quickly got up and with the back of his hand, made the tears disappear. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he stared at his feet.

Uncle Vernon burst in, his face purple and a triumphant expression in his eyes: his wife was out until 9PM. Harry's head shot up and he glared at his uncle with all the hatred that had accumulated inside of him throughout this eventful school year.

"Now, boy, I don't know what this, this -whatever he was- man, at the station said, he can't dictate me on how to treat you, so now, let's get this clear, I-" he started before being rudely interrupted by the yellings of his nephew.


~But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell

I know right now you can't tell

But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see

A different side of me

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired

I know right now you don't care

But soon enough you're gonna think of me

And how I used to be... me~

Uncle Vernon stared in disbelief at his nephew and how he could feel anger and hatred radiating from around him.

"You ungrateful brat!!"

Harry clenched his fist, digging his fingernails into the palm of his hand so hard it hurt.

"You have no idea what my life is like, so STOP JUDGING ME!! I -I- I am the one who defeated Voldemort when I was only 1 years-old, and, and... Do you know how hard it is to live with that?? And now, people whispering about me because I'm the one who saw him come back... And also, also..." he lost his words and his knees fell under his weight and sat at the edge of his bed again.

Staring at his shoes once more, he heard the door shut and the lock on the door behind put on.

~I'm talking to myself in public

Dodging glances on the train

And I know, I know they've all been talking about me

I can hear them whisper

And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me

Out of all the hours thinking

Somehow I've lost my mind~

Harry got up after a while, his eyes read from crying. He tried to open the door, but it was still locked.

Taking a hold of the doorknob with both hands, he pulled on it has hard as he could. Seeing that did not do any good, he started hammering the door with his clenched fit.


~But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell

I know right now you can't tell

But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see

A different side of me I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired

I know right now you don't care

But soon enough you're gonna think of me

And how I used to be~

After what seemed a century to Harry, he stopped. He rested his back against the door and slid to the ground, his knees up to his chest. He was staring at the blood running down his hands.

"Yes... That's what made him come back, my blood, that was it..."

Harry Potter fell asleep in this position, his head resting against his knees.

When Aunt Petunia came to give him his breakfast the following morning, she stared at the door and couldn't help but notice it was bent.

With difficulty, she undid the lock and opened the door, pushing something rather heavy as she did so. She took a glance at her nephew now sleeping on the floor, murmuring something...

"Sirius... No...! Voldemort... I'll kill you..." was all she could catch.

~I've been talking in my sleep

Pretty soon they'll come to get me

Yeah, they're taking me away~

Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Aunt Petunia put the tray of food on the bed, and as she passed Harry, she kicked him in the shoulder and said: "Breakfast".

Harry immediately was up and looked up to his aunt.

"Don't lock me in, please! I promise I won't do anything, I just... need... to... not be locked up, please!" he started, and soon began to yell: "NO, YOU CAN'T LOCK ME UP LIKE THIS!!"

Aunt Petunia quickly reached the doorknob and shut the door, hesitating a second before locking it.

~But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell

I know right now you can't tell

But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see

A different side of me I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired

I know right now you don't care

But soon enough you're gonna think of me

And how I used to be~

She could hear the door behind pounded over by clenched fists, and she heard his never-ending yells: "LET ME GO, OPEN THE DOOR!"

When Aunt Petunia reached the kitchen, she let herself sink down in one of the chairs and clasped her hands over her ears, hoping it would make time stop.

Harry kept hammering the door for a while still, but finally realized it was useless. He rested his head on the door, damping his forehead in the blood from his bruised hands. The red liquid kept sliding down his hands onto his arms, reaching the floor in a soft dripping noise.

~Yeah, how I used to be

How I used to be

Well, I'm just a little unwell

How I used to be

How I used to be

I'm just a little unwell~

A/N: Well, there you have it!!! What I'm going to do is take each Harry Potter character and start making a story up from after the end of the fifth book. And it will be attached to a theme song for each character. I have a bunch of them already, though if you can think of a theme song for Hagrid, tell me! My friend thought 'Bandages' would be a good one, while I was thinking about 'Too Bad'... You tell me!!!

Hope you liked it!

The song it from Matchbox 20, called "Unwell", and I thought it reminded me of how Harry has been acting during the fifth book...
