Disclaimer- its not mine alrite?

Chapter 4


Lily walked into the common room and noticed James, Sirius and Peter trying to convince Remus to do something.

"No damn way!" he said rather loudly

Lily walked over to the buys and asked, "So what's the trouble?" asked Lily patiently and very responsibly to the boys.

"Remus wants you to lift up your shirt" said Sirius loudly

Remus turned red and Lily looked at Sirius oddly, knowing Remus would never say that.

"Yeah, hes a prefect just like you and he knows what you have on your stomach." Said James although the boys had no idea what it was

"Do you even know what is on my stomach?" asked Lily a little amusment in her voice

"We have no idea, so just tell us Lily Evans, what is so bad that your mom is mad at you and your two lovely friends?" asked Peter a little annoyed

"It's a tattoo if you must know, me Amet and Meg wanted to show we aren't the good girls our parents think we are." Said Lily simply as if a magical tattoo was no big deal.

"Can I see it?" asked James as if Christmas was gunna come early.

"Yea sure..when pigs fly and Sirius stays with a girl for more then a week." said Lily and she walked away but she quickly turned her head to the boys and said "Oh, and be sweeties and don't tell, or else Meg might get a teeny weenie mad." Said Lily her voice dripping with sweet acid.

She went back over to Meg and Amet and whispered something in Meg's ear. Meg gave the boys a sick smile showing her fangs as her eyes gleamed like rubies. Lily simple looked back and winked. Amet sat there and muttered "But I like Sirius, can't I show him my tattoo?" Meg smacked her upside her head.

"I wonder what the tattoo is a picture of" said James to himself messing up his hair. "Probably my name in a heart" said Sirius as he winked at Amet when she looked at him.

"Full moon is close" said Peter in a small voice

"How can you tell?" asked James

"Just look at Meg." Answered peter

They all looked at her, and Peter was right. Meg's eyes were red her fangs could show a little bit, and she looked a little uptight, jumpy, and got mad at the littlest things. She was obviously yelling at some little 3rd year for remarking about her teeth.

"I dunno, she sorta looks like my cousin when she PMSes." Said Sirius with humor.

"Don't joke about her when she's in that condition" said Remus

"Why it's not like she can hear us. I am so not afraid of her." Said Sirius laughing

Everyone suddenly got quiet as Sirius went on and on. He slowly turned around and came face to face with Meg. She was very pale and displeased.

"Excuse me would you like to repeat that Mr. Black and Blue?" said Meg surprisingly calm.

"I'm not black and.." But he never finished because just then Megan punched him. He flew backwards and lay unconscious. "Oh My God, my poor baby." Cried Amet. Just then Meg's features softened and she realized what she did. Everyone crowded around Sirius on his or her hands and knees. Meg was in tears as she ran away into her dorm. Amet started patting the spot Meg had punched on Sirius.

He awoke soon and said woozily "Wow I must be dead there's an angel over me" he looked straight and Amet and winked. She giggled and Lily rolled her eyes.

"I'll help you to your dorm" said Amet as she helped him up and put his arm around her shoulders for support.

"I better go calm Meg down, I don't think she really meant to do that." Said Lily quickly.

"No Lily, I will" said Remus. "I know how she is feeling"

He left and Peter left mumbling something about going to the library. Lily and James were left alone as they noticed no one was in the common room.

"So.here we are" said James great line prongs, what else your have up your sleevehe thought as he slapped himself mentally.

"um..yeah" said Lily as she and him sat down on the couch, very far apart.


Back in the girls dorm

Remus knocked on the door after he got up the stairs (it wasn't a easy thought as, the stairs turned into a slide as he was walking up them)

"Go away!" yelled Meg

"It's me, Remus" he said quietly

He heard a rustle in the dorm. She slowly opened the door and let Remus in. He could tell she had been crying her big eyes were bright red, almost pink, and her face was blotched. She sat on her bed. He sat next to her.

"I didn't mean to hurt Sirius." She said

"He's alright, trust me he's perfectly fine. At the most you knocked some sense into him, he won't be walking over you." Said Remus with some humor in his voice

Meg laughed a little, "Thank you, I'm so glad someone is here who understands me, I feel like I've known you forever" she said looking up at him.

He inched closer and put his arm around her. They were so close and...

OO my first cliff I feel bad so ill write soon im just being kicked off now

Review plz ill thank ppl later