- Stirring Earth -


A/N: This is the sequel to The Matchmaker... And, yes, it IS a *shonen-ai*, if you think it's a joke, "Oh, Azusasan wouldn't write a shonen-ai! It's not her type!" Too bad, it ain't. I'm experimenting with this pairing, so I'll probably go back to revise all this later. I'm honestly not very comfortable writing this, as I AM a Christian, and homosexuality is frowned upon... But I've always got this idea flitting around, so I decide to catch it and work on it. So, yeah. ^^; Once again, if you don't like boys liking (or loving, for that matter) other boys, you should leave. Now. Oh, and, I don't own Golden Sun or Golden Sun 2. Too bad, huh?

Categories: Romance/Angst/Drama/Slight humor now and then

Pairings: PicardxFelix, on-the-side IsaacxMia, GaretxJenna, and IvanxSheba

Setting: Three years after the end of The Matchmaker (Not counting the epilogue)

Warnings for this chap: None -- unless the fact that Garet and Jenna are married scares ya. ^_~ Oh, and the thoughts Felix expresses at the beginning are his, but I agree with the baby thing. -_- I can't believe I was one of those! Urk! Pardon me. ^^;


Chapter one: Under the Shade of the Trees

- Contemplating, blessing, and, remarkably, cows -


He'd never understand them as long as he lived. Never. He wasn't very much interested in having to deal with children -- especially babies. He didn't understand why Jenna was so fascinated by them. They were noisemakers, smellmakers, and a complete nuisance to have around, since you had to adjust your time according to when they napped. Women and their crazy antics. He sighed.

Jenna was worried about him -- since when did his kid sister worry about him, and not the other way around? Hm. Since she got married to Garet. Garet, of all people... Why couldn't she have chosen some other nice man that could actually hold a conversation with her without fishmouthing and drooling at the prettiness of his wife? He wasn't saying Jenna wasn't pretty, but, please! Jenna would have to carry a bucket around for the man soon.

Jenna was worried about the fact he wasn't married yet. So? He was twenty- three now, why did it matter if he remained a bachelor for life or not? Most of the women who were infatuated with him had given up on him and married other decent-enough men. And whenever she asked, he would just say that "The 'One' hasn't shown up on my porch yet." Whenever she would ask if he was just NOT attracted to women altogether, he would dodge the question and retreat. Jenna had to be so prying...

Women were too fussy, too romantic, and too... women-like for his taste. So he'd remain a bachelor his entire life, and? Isaac would always joke that he'd end up with another guy somehow (And Mia would always hit him for suggesting some so disgusting). And they would all laugh, but he would always feel some sort of empty, bottomless pit-sort of feeling in his stomach after the laughter subsided. Would he ever find someone to love, to care for? He hoped so, in some little portion of his mind.

Was it only a short time ago that Jenna and Garet married? He shook his head. No, that was... was... A few years ago, really. Three years. Amazing how Jenna could stand the oaf... Well, what was use bad-mouthing Garet? Jenna was happy, she had someone to love and care for, and he only cared that his kid sister was happy. Ah, how the time flew... He felt old, even though Kyle still called him the 'unmarried handsome youth.' Right...

He sighed and got up, standing beside the tree. The cool, playful breeze whipped his hair around his face -- his face that was always so serious, and needed to 'lighten up a little,' as Jenna said. He had a guest at home, who was doubtlessly waiting for him to return. The little house was so empty for some reason... Well, obviously. His parents were at Vault visiting cousins they hadn't seen in a few months. Jenna was staying with Garet's family at the moment. Garet's mother had another child (Goodness gracious, he had thought) and Jenna was learning from her. He had always wanted the house to himself as a youth, but now it felt so desolate...

His guest was Picard, who had recently came back after a year from Lemuria. He carried good and bad news. The good news was that Weyard would remain stable for the next few centuries, but the bad news was, the continents could start breaking up before that. It was sort of depressing, but at least he had an excuse for his solemn face all the time. The fact they could partially be the cause of Weyard splitting into little bits and chunks made him feel guilty.

He began walking down the hill, entering back into Vale. Someone greeted him, and he gave a customary nod. He stopped in front of the large chunk of Psynergy stone. A white gleam shone from one of its sharp angles. The purple-to-black color of the stone seemed to glow, even in the late afternoon's haze. It was the symbol of Vale...

"Oh, Felix!"

He turned to see an all-too-familiar face running towards him.

"What is it, runt?" He asked gruffly. Ivan chose to ignore his comment.

"Jenna's looking for you. Honestly, where *were* you? You've been gone the whole day, almost!"

"I was thinking, and I can't think when my sister and her friends are bouncing all around me like there's no tomorrow. What does Jenna want?"

"Something about her and Garet..." Ivan said. He lifted an eyebrow. 'Her and Garet.' Definitely not a good sign. He pat Ivan on the head fondly, then began walking up the numerous stairs to Garet's home.

"I'm not a runt." Ivan said sourly, watching the Venus adept disappear behind a small clump of trees.

"Tell me, then, why are you so short?"

He whirled, a menacing look gracing his normally cheery features. He paused, as it wasn't his wife of barely a month, Sheba. In fact, it was Mia, a basket of fruit balanced on one hip. She was smiling, her hair tied back into a loose ponytail.

"Let me take that, Mia," Ivan said, reaching for the basket. Had her stomach grown so much overnight? "Why doesn't Isaac do the grocery- shopping?"

"I'm fine, Ivan." Mia said, slapping his hands away, chuckling. "If Isaac does the shopping, we normally end up with peaches instead of tomatoes."

Ivan grimaced as he walked with her towards their home. Mia was three and a half months into her pregnancy. Isaac was fretting, thinking that all the steps would somehow make her have a miscarriage. Mia thought he was nuts. (He probably was.) Mia had wise eyes that seemed to know what he and everyone else was thinking, without being a Jupiter adept and using Mind Read. All the Valeans had learned to respect her vast knowledge and superb healing abilities.

He sort of envied Isaac sometimes, but don't tell Sheba that.


Felix knocked on the door, impatient. 'Her and Garet.' That bothered him to no end. Frayed his nerves. Ticked him off. Whatever. Garet's mother opened the door. She smiled at him, as per usual, and invited him in. Jenna was walking out of the kitchen, clutching a small bundle of cloth. Garet followed after her, a hand on her shoulder.

"Hi Felix." Jenna came over to him, presenting the small child proudly, as though it were her own.

"What did you need to tell me?" Felix asked, a knot of worry forming in his stomach. Jenna beamed at him.

"I'm pregnant!"

He paled and staggered backwards, not believing his ears. Jenna was pregnant with this idiot's son! And -- and -- hadn't she agreed she wasn't ready for this kind of stuff yet? Garet wasn't ready to be a father! And he wasn't ready to be an uncle!

"I'm kidding, Felix, jeez!" Jenna held his shoulder with her one free arm. Garet sniggered. "It was a joke, Garet made me!"

"Mars, that look on your face, Felix, oh, that was priceless!" Had this story been set in modern day Vale, he would've said he wanted a camera. Jenna looked sternly at Garet but couldn't smother her giggles either. Felix collapsed into a chair, rubbing his forehead.

"Seriously, Jen. What's going on?"

"I, um... I was thinking about becoming pregnant. But, that's not the case."

Felix involuntarily shuddered.

"We were thinking about building a house of our own, Felix. It's a bother being a married couple and still have to sleep in separate houses."

Felix eyed her as she trailed off. It was *better* if they slept in separate houses, separate beds, but he gestured her to go on.

"So.... Do we have your blessing? Can we build a house for ourselves, and raise our children in?"

It was Valean custom to have a close relative, be it parent, sibling, or grandparent, grant their blessing before building a house. The more blessings the better -- it would keep ghosts away, as well as vermin, and drafts. (0.o;;;....) As well as thieves.

Felix blinked.

"Have you talked to Mother and Father about this?"

"Err... Well, about that..."

"You haven't?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Um....... No. But I'm guessing they'll be okay about it!" She said quickly, as he began to sit up.

He stroked his chin thoughtfully while Jenna cooed at the baby and Garet fidgeted nervously beside her. Finally, he yawned, drawing her attention back to him.

"You have my blessing. Jenna, Garet, may both of your lives be filled with your love for each other and the beauties of life." He recited, rubbing at an eye tiredly. Jenna whooped, frightening the baby and causing it to cry. Immediately, she began cajoling it, and Garet nodded to him thankfully. But the Venus adept was asleep.


All was silent when Felix awoke later that day, except for the rhythmic ticking and tocking of the antique clock in the hallway. As he glanced out the window, he found that Sol was getting into bed -- otherwise, the sunset blinded his poor eyes momentarily. Looking around warily, he saw the door opened a crack, and his coat folded neatly on a chair.

"Felix, I thought I told you to put your book down and sleep for at least a few hours."

He blinked and looked back towards the door, the blue-haired Lemurian leaning on the doorframe.

"It was a good book, I wasn't about to put it down until I at least finished the next chapter." He argued, drawing his legs around him.

"And the next chapter happened to the be the last chapter." Picard said dryly. Felix snorted. "You're not going to be able to sleep tonight, what with taking a nap for a few hours this afternoon."

"I've never really gotten a lot of sleep the past few years. Garet IS my brother-in-law, you know. And I always seemed to have had the longest watches during the night while we were traveling."

Picard chuckled as Felix glared at him.

"It wasn't my fault. You weren't just about ready to argue with your sister, much less when Sheba and Jenna ganged up on you."

"You didn't defend my rights as and elder brother." Felix said, standing. "And Jenna... Don't let me get started on her. Or Sheba."

"You liked Sheba, didn't you?" Picard asked, gently, knowing Felix could be rather sensitive about these sort of subjects. Felix sighed, walking past him and into the hallway. Picard followed him.

"I liked Sheba... Almost as another sister. Similar to Jenna," he said slowly, walking down the staircase. "Only Sheba seems more... I don't know. They're nearly the same, yet they're different. Sheba is rather knowledgeable, however..."

"Oh, and Jenna isn't?"

"Jenna's my sister, Picard." Felix said tersely, re-tying his hair. "Jenna is just Jenna. She has a category of her own."

"I see." Picard was, however, rather lost on the subject, rather regretting ever asking his friend in the first place.

"How'd I get back here anyway?" Picard blinked, Felix's voice interrupting his thoughts as of whether his late-night reading had damaged his head or not.

"I carried you back. Why do you ask?"

"I certainly didn't walk back here, now did I? I'd be mortified (though somewhat grateful) if Garet had to carry me back here, although I suppose falling asleep in his house would be worse..."

"If you and Garet are brother-in-laws, how can you two still dislike each other so much?"

"It's certainly progressed from 'hating' each other to 'disliking' each other, though, don't you think?" Felix said, a small upward tilt to his lips. Picard raised an eyebrow.



"Is this another case of sibling rivalry?"

"Similar." He replied, walking over to the pantry to find a snack. Picard sighed.

"You are strange..."

"So says the man that reads romantic Lemurian poetry day in and day out and who is in his mid-to-late hundreds and still a bachelor?" Felix said mockingly, taking a bite out of the cookie.

"You're the late-night reader, Felix. You also happen to be unmarried and a constant cookie-indulger." Picard said in reply, noting the fact Felix frowned when he mentioned the cookie thing. "I'm surprised you can eat all of those things and still look like a twig."

"I am not a twig!" Felix cried, but it came out muffled, as his mouth was still full of cookie bits. Swallowing hastily, he pointed out, "IVAN is the twig."

"True," Picard admitted. "But I still think you come pretty close to fitting the description of a twig. A rather pale twig, however."

"So what are you in comparison? A cow?" Felix snorted, seeing a little mental picture of a Picard-cow.

"But what would you rather eat? A twig or a cow?"

"I wouldn't eat a cow just standing there, you know! Maybe chopped up and cooked, but not.... err... raw!"

"So you'd rather eat a twig." Picard chuckled. Felix scowled darkly at him.


"What if it came off of a poisonous tree?"

"What if I stick my Levatine down your throat?"

"Currently, your Levatine isn't around."

"Shut up. Kitchen knives?"

"Now there's something! See you!"

"Come back here, you idiot of a Lemurian!"

"Not as long as there's something sharp and pointy in your hand that's made out of metal!"


Too late. The door slammed in his face, and from inside the room, he could hear Picard laughing.

"You idiot!"

"You're strange!"

"I'M strange? You're peculiar!"

"I'm not the cookie-indulger! Or the twig!"

"Well... I... I'm not the cow here!"


"Are Felix and Picard arguing again?" Isaac asked his wife, but by the 'same old, same old' look in his eyes, he already knew the answer.

"Seems so. They act like an old married couple sometimes."

"The old married couple we want to be someday?" Isaac smiled. Mia laughed. Then she paused.

"...Is Felix calling Picard a cow?" She stuck her head out the open window, looking back and forth as the wind whipped her long hair in her eyes, but the wind blew the noise away from her ears.

"It's certainly better than some of those other names he's called him before." Isaac remarked dryly, hearing a, "You act like a cow! As in, you're such a cow! And stop cowing around!" And then hearing an even less pleasant response in return. "If our children grow up in this kind of environment..."

Mia sighed, withdrawing her head and settling next to him, his hand on her slightly raised stomach.

"Remember, love, we're all weirdos here." Isaac whispered to her ear, and she chuckled softly at the reminder.


End I


Har, I loved the cow bit. ^_^ Review, as always...


-what about chickens?-