Disclaimer: I don't own any Anime characters I use. I also don't own Hiku, Peyton, Kai-Lei, Ti, Torence, Nami, Mandy, Melody, Sakura, Rachel, Lynn, Maria, Kia, or Tsunami.

Notes: Maria is Shizuragirl. Kia is Hiana's character. Tsunami belongs to Sasami9876. A big 'thank you' to Remona Coffee for the bad guy's evil plan. Enjoy this chapter!

Other Notes: Kurama, Hiei, Inuyasha, Soujiro, Joey, and several other guys I can't remember are taken.

How Do They Know Me? 5: Enter Maria, Kia, Tsunami, and Kana.

I walked into the main room. Four more girls were there. One had light blue hair with pink highlights and light blue eyes. She wore a blue kimono and blue high-heeled boots(like in Totally Spies). "Hi," she said, "I'm Tsunami." Another girl had brown hair and brown eyes. "That's Kia," said Jasmine. "Hn," said Kia. The third girl had dark chocolate hair in a low ponytail just below her shoulders. Here eyes were black. She wore baggy blue jeans, a white tank top, and a white jacket to the middle of her thigh with the kanji for 'dragon' on the back. "Hello," she said, "I'm Maria." The fourth girl had black hair with silver streaks and crimson eyes. She wore a silver tank top, a black mini-skirt, and knee-high black boots. "I'm Kana," she said.

Life at Portal Central was boring at first, but it eventually got better. Joey hugged me. "Are you ever going to leave me alone?" I asked. "Nope," said Joey. "I give up," I said, "I'll be right back."

"Jasmine," I said, "I need to be sixteen." "Are you sure about that?" asked Jasmine. I nodded. "Okay," said Jasmine, "Step into that capsule over there." I did as I was told. The door closed and the capsule filled with gold mist. I closed my eyes. The door opened. I stepped out of the capsule. "What happened to you?" asked Maria. I opened my eyes. "Did it work?" I asked. Tsunami nodded. Joey hugged me. Jasmine handed me a mirror. I smiled and handed back the mirror. "Well," I said, "I don't have to worry about dating Joey anymore." Kana walked in. "You look great," she said, "What happened?" "I became sixteen," I said. "Does anyone wanna go shopping?" asked Kana. All the girls went with her to the mall. Joey followed us.

Everyone found their fav outfits. "How are we gonna pay for all of this?" asked Lynn. "Like this," said Jasmine as she pulled out a credit card with the Portal symbol on it, "It has an endless amount of money. And you don't have to pay a thing." We paid for the outfits and went back to Portal Central.

I sat down in my room. "There's nothing to do around here," I said. Suddenly, an alarm went off. Everyone raced to the meeting room. "What's wrong?" asked Rachel. "Someone stole something important," said Jasmine. "What was stolen?" asked Melody. "Part of the information database," said Jasmine. "Who's missing?" asked Sakura. "All Anime characters accounted for," said Hiku. "Which OC is gone?" asked Peyton. "Kana," I said.

AN: That's it for now. Sorry it took so long to update. I couldn't figure out what could disappear from Portal Central other than the Portal Key. I opened up this chapter, and I realized that the database was nearly impossible to break in to. So, Kana has stolen important data. We have to go after her and get it back. Who knows what Kana can do with that information? I'll try and update sooner next time. Review please. Even if it's a flame. Ja ne!