"If only I could read your mind"

Disclaimer: Well, after the long vacation it still hasn't changed...

"..." = talking

... = thinking

Chapter 16: The End...???

"Well, I'll give you the short version..." I said not wanting to tell the whole story all over again, "I found out that I loved Trunks the whole time and not Mirai Trunks..." I said and looked at Bra, wondering how she would react.

"Oh my god..." she whispered to herself, but I could still hear it.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Pan... I have to tell you something..." she said, "...It's about Trunks..."

I looked at her, wondering what could have happened these past days. "What is it?" I asked, "What happened? Is he alright?" I asked, getting a little concerned.

"Well... he isn't hurt or anything like that... it's just that..." she said and sighed.

"Argg...just tell me already!" I said, getting impatient.

"I don't know how to say this, but... Trunks..." she said, "he's... well... he's going to..."

Suddenly the door opened and Trunks stormed in. "I'm not going to do anything!" he said and walked towards me...

"...but I thought you were..." Bra said very confused.

"Well, that isn't going to happen anymore..." Trunks said.

"What??" I asked, "What the hell are you two talking about?!"

"That doesn't matter anymore" he said to me, "Eh...Bra, could you leave us alone for a while?" He said turning to her.

Bra looked really confused, "O-ok" she said and walked away slowly, still with a confused look on her face.

When Bra left the room, Trunks closed the door and walked towards me. "Finally, we're alone." he said and slowly moved closer and closer... He whispered something in my ear.

I smiled and then he kissed me...

The End of Pan's Diary

Mirai Trunks was standing outside. Through the window, he saw Pan and Trunks.

His heart ached at that sight..., but he couldn't do anything...Pan choose Trunks...

He smiled a little I hope she's happy now... he thought.

He picked up his suitcase, turned around and walked away...


A/N: Sorry you all had to wait this long... I was planning to make this story much longer, but I just don't have the time anymore...

So I made this to an end... hope it didn't suck too much... but anyway I wanted to thank you all for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it!!!

Maybe I'm going to write another fanfic again someday, when I have the time to..., 'cause I really enjoyed writing this one...

So bye for now!!!

Chinese Girl