Disclaimer: Again, I don't own anything! Go check the first chapter for a better disclaimer!


Confusing Relationships

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had survived past Fluffy, got past the Devil's Snare, caught

the key, and is currently playing a game of life chess. They looked on in fright, as the pieces

smashed each other into smithereens. Ron was in charge, since he was the best player.


~Kurama's POV~

We listened is shock, and disbelief at what Quirrel was saying. "Lady Kagome, you

should not go against us. Voldemort is your father!" (Wait for the explanation!) stated Quirrel, as

he gave a slight nod.

"H-how?" asked Kagome, at the brim of tears. Quirrel didn't answer, but simply

unraveled his turban, and turned around. How disgusting! There was another face in the back of

his head, that must belong to Voldemort.

"My precious little child." stated Voldemort. "Come with me, and we will take over the

world together!"

"W-what's going on!" yelled Kagome.

"It all happened when I was attending Hogwarts." began Voldemort. "I fell in love with

your mother. Your grandma didn't like me, and wouldn't accept my proposal. But that didn't

stop me, I gained power, and destroyed the obstacle. Of course your mother never knew, until she

had you, somehow she had overheard."

"She took you, and returned back to her hometown, Tokyo, Japan, and lived a life of a

muggle. I was going to come for you, but that fateful night, I was brought down. By a child. But

now I am back, and I will destroy that child, and we will rule the world together!" (This is why

she IS his daughter. Read on to find why she is NOT his daughter!)

"No!" screamed Kagome, as she turned away, and buried her face into my chest.

"Kurama, tell me all this is a dream, a nightmare!" Kagome, I don't know what to do, but no

matter what, I won't leave you.

"I'll give you time to think about it." stated Voldemort. "I'll be back for you later. Think

clearly." Kagome went down crying, all I could do was hold her, and give whatever comfort I

could give.


~Harry's POV~

What was Sesshoumaru doing here? I met him right after we won the game, and Ron was

knocked out. Hermione had went back with Sesshoumaru, and Ron after she helped me solve the

riddle. They had went to call Dumbledore back. I quickly raced in, and was shocked beyond

words to find Professor Quirrel.

I looked to one side, and was even more shocked to find a sobbing Kagome, with a

worried Kurama holding her. What's going on? I listened, as Quirrel explained he was the one

who wanted him dead, and that Snape was the one who saved him.

I walked up to the mirror of erised, and looked in. Then I felt a lump in my pocket, that I

identified as the sorcerous stone. "What do you see?" hissed Professor Quirrel.

"I see myself shaking Dumbledore's hand, and I won the house cup." I lied.

"He lies!" yelled Voldemort, as Quirrel attacked me. But he couldn't touch me, so I

moved my hands up, and burned his face. Voldemort had fled, when I fell into oblivion.


~Kagome's POV~

I had been called into Dumbledore's office, and Kurama had volunteered to come with

me. He gently squeezed my hand as I gave him a sad smile. "Don't worry." stated Kurama, as we

walked up to Dumbledore's office.

"Seems Minamino will be listening as well." sighed Dumbledore, as he smiled brightly at

me. "Don't look so glum."

"How can I not?" I asked. "I just found out that I am the daughter of the worst murder!"

"Now, now." stated Dumbledore, "take a seat, and listen to what I have to say." I obeyed,

and took a seat next to Kurama.

"You are defiantly not the daughter of Voldemort." stated Dumbledore with a small


"How do you know?" I asked angrily.

"You heard what Voldemort said. He said he married Higurashi, didn't he?" asked

Dumbledore. I nodded my head. "Well, then how can you be his daughter?" Now I'm officially


"If your real mother isn't Mrs. Higurashi, then you can't possibly be his real daughter."

stated Dumbledore. "Now, you must be wondering who your family is." I nodded, still confused

with all this information. "Well, you're from a long line of decedents of a powerful priestess,

named Midoriko. Actually, your the only one alive, and given the inheritance of all her powers. It

just takes time for it to come into full power."

"I heard of Midoriko before." stated Kurama. "She lived thousands of years ago, battled

demons, but was finally killed. She created the powerful jewel called the shikon no tama. But I

didn't know she had decedents."

"Neither does most people." stated Dumbledore. "None of her descendants even inherited

one fourth of her power. That is, until now, Kagome had received her full power." So I'm a

descendant of a powerful priestess, but this doesn't change the fact that my father is a bloody


"You know about the four creators of Hogwarts?" asked Dumbledore. We nodded.

"Kagome, what did the hat tell you?"

"The sorting hat?" I asked. Dumbledore nodded. "He told me I would be great in

Gryffindor, and that Slytherin didn't suit me."

"But you didn't listen." continued Dumbledore. "You know why you would be great in

Gryffindor? Because you are also a descendent of Godric Gryffindor. Your father came from

Midoriko's lineage, while your mother, my daughter, came from the lineage of Godric


What? "Okay, so let me get this straight." I stated, as I wiped away my tears. "I am the

descendant of Midoriko, and Godric Gryffindor. My mother is your daughter."

"Which would make Kagome your granddaughter?" asked Kurama. Dumbledore nodded

his head.

"Now, unless Voldemort is my son, you are not his daughter. And I can assure you,

Voldemort is not my son." stated Dumbledore, as he chuckled.

"Then what happened?" asked Kurama, looking confused.

"What Voldemort said was partly true. He did kill Mrs. Higurashi's mother, and had a

daughter with her, but it's not you. While Mrs. Higurashi was running away with her daughter, I

came and made a switch. If Voldemort and his daughter were reunited, and his daughter is evil,

the world is doomed."

"So, I was to take her place, and let Voldemort mistake me as his daughter?" I asked.

Dumbledore, uh, grandpa nodded his head.


~Kurama's POV~

What a confusing history. It's even worse than mine. I smiled, as Kagome brightened up,

knowing she wasn't related to Voldemort. "The trick worked." stated Dumbledore.

"Then who is the real daughter of Voldemort?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of


"I deposited Voldemort's daughter, in the Miko family, who had no children." stated


"Wouldn't that be Kikyou?" asked Kagome, with a shocked expression.

"Yes, and it was a good thing I did the switch, or Kikyou would probably be helping

Voldemort come back to power at this moment."

"So what should I do now?" asked Kagome, smiling for the first time today.

"Act as if nothing happened, and play along with the game. Keep all this a secret for as

long as you can. Just remember, right now, you are the daughter of Mrs. Higurashi and

Voldemort. But in reality, you are the descendant of two of the most powerful beings, and my

granddaughter. I trust Minamino will keep this secret?"

"Of course." I stated, smiling at Kagome.

"And it seems, in a few years, I will be attending a wedding." chuckled Dumbledore,

much to the embarrassment of me and Kagome.


~Kagome's POV~

Guess this year can be considered a success. Even though I found out that the mother and

grandpa I knew for eleven years, aren't really my family. I discovered my heritage, found a cool

grandpa, made many friends, charmed almost all the animals in the forbidden forest, in a plan to

trick the most evil wizard, and most of all, met Kurama.

Yes, this year is definitely a success. I had decided to stay in Slytherin, it didn't really

matter, Sesshoumaru needs company anyway. I could see Kurama during class and break. So my

current responsibility's are, to act normal, keep Kikyou away from Voldemort, and study for next


"Kurama!" I called, as I saw him coming towards me. "Come on! Let's get on the train!"

We sat in an empty compartment, not really sure what to say. I leaned toward Kurama, and

placed a quick kiss on his lips, but wasn't fast enough, as the compartment door opened to reveal

Sango, holding a camera. Then there was also Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and even

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Soon everyone crowded around Sango to see the picture.

I probably look like a big, red tomato right now. I glanced at Kurama, who was just as

red, but smiled at me nonetheless.


~Kurama's POV~

As we got off the train, Kagome and I exchanged phone numbers and addresses. "Hey,

you can all come over to my house over the summer." suggested Ron, telling me, Kagome,

Harry, and Hermione. We all nodded our heads, and went towards our parents. Or in Harry's

case, his evil aunt and uncle.

Just before we went separate ways, I gave Kagome a last glance. This is going to be a

long summer. Well, I'll just have to deal with it.


THE END! Please read and review! If you are confused, or have any ?'s, don't hesitate to ask!

I'll answer them on the next series. It called Second Year! (Well, isn't that 'obvious'! I'm so

stupid, I can't even come up with a good title!)

Review Responses:

XxAnimeGurlxX: Sorry, not her brother. Hope you liked this chapter.

Emerald dragon hanyou: I did? Actually, I forgot all about Naraku! I'll put him in the series.

Thanks for reminding me! But good try! ^_^

Anime Kitsune: Nope, but good guess. The uncle thing is quite popular. ^_^

chibi kitsunebi: Sorry it took awhile, but it wasn't so bad, was it? Hope you liked this chapter.

Aikousha no gingitsune: It'll take me awhile to get use to your change of name, but I will. Um,

no, Voldemort is not her godfather. I don't want them related, but I want Voldemort to think she

is his daughter. Poor Voldemort, NOT! ^_^ I'm being mean tonight.

Freespirit26: I hope your okay. Sorry for the cliffhanger, I didn't realize it. Now I'm officially


Kagome+Kurama4ever: I'm glad you liked that chapter. Please get over your writers block soon!

Amanda: I tried to update faster, but I ran into a bit of problem. ^_^

Harmony: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please tell me what you think. ^_^

Skye: um, good guess. But I sort of twisted the whole thing. ^_^

twisteddreadingfreak: Sorry, hope I didn't confuse you with the explanation. ^_^

punk rocker girl / fluffy lover #1: Nope, Quirrel is not her father. But good try.

Chihiro: No, he actually wanted the daughter, so she can help him take over the world!

Anime Kitsune: Okay, I let them have a kiss on the lips, happy? ^_^

Arrow-card: You were the closest. I think. But she was Dumbledore's granddaughter.

Anime Fan: No, she was kidnaped. But I don't feel bad for Kikyou. ^_^

!: No, Voldemort isn't her father.

MoonDemon: Yeah, they are the same person, and I didn't want to confuse you guy.

Iminyourmind: good guesses, but there not right. Hope you like this chapter!

Jessiethekid: no, but good guess. Now we have a good reason to kill Kikyou!

XxX Hikari XxX: No, don't throw any more watermelons!

Choco-Ramen: No, or else Kagome won't get to beat up Malfoy. ^_^

Kirara_mew: No, they aren't even related, but good guess.

Michelle: I hope you liked this chapter!

Amaya: Yeah, I'm planning to do all seven years. I just hope she writes the other to books soon.

Sunstar-1217: Good guess on the grandfather part, but she is Dumbledore's granddaughter. ^_^

helen: Good try, and I hope you weren't to disappointed with the explanation.

T-May: Good guess, and hope you liked the explanation.

ShiAne & NekoYami: Good guesses, very different from the others. Hope you liked this chapter!

Fanficgirl: Good guess. Hope you weren't disappointed with the results.

Hoshi-Tatsu: Good try! Hope you liked this chapter. Wait for the series!

Darklady4kenshin: Another great guess, but not what I was thinking of. ^_^

Fawn the panther: Hope you liked this chapter too. ^_^

Hidden One: Sorry you didn't get to vote! Hope you liked the results! ^_^

Nemetfire: hope you enjoyed this chapter!