It's time for the final battle, a losing battle
The wars begun and its time to end it
We'll end it, destroy the enemy!
Then I'll go home and live with my love
We fought in the losing battle

I shot my arrows, slashed my sword
Threw my boomerang, and thrust my staff
I cried out when I was hit by claws
My scream echoing through the battlefield
Only to hear my lover shout

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

My body hit the blood-soiled dirt
I closed my eyes as my tears began to flow
I'm losing my love, to this wretched feeling of hurt
I felt the blood spurting from my chest
As I felt warm arms hold my tight

I felt warm water on my cheeks as I looked up
And I saw him crying, for the first time I'd seen
He tried to smile through his tears, which kept on flowing
I smiled back as the red fluid came from my chest
I said I love you as I closed my eyes for the final time

We fought in a losing battle.

We fought in a losing battle.

We fought in a losing battle.

He shouted out my name as tears flew from his eyes
He picked up his sword, and faced the final enemy
Who snickered and sneered, "Your next."
But I knew my love would not give up so easily
As he charged forward with his sword, slashing blindly
Fortunately he made at hit and sent the enemy flying

My friend, the taijiya saw what happened to me and closed her eyes
She whispered something as she clenched her fists
Then she opened her eyes and charged forward
Throwing her Hiraikotosu toward the enemy
Making a hit, she collapsed to the ground

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

My tiny fox friend ran over to be shocked
Tears were falling as he forced them to stop
He picked up my hand, as it feel limp again
He tried again, but nothing new happened
Then he realized that I was truly gone

He closed his eyes and counted to ten
And found that I was still laying there
Angry tears fell from his eyes, as he ran forward
To attack the enemy, who just snickered, "Just another to kill."
He glared at the enemy, not ceasing the attack

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

Then he was struck down by claws, just as I was killed
If only I were still alive, I'd crawl over to him and hold him in my arms
The poor little child, dieing at such a young age
I really hope that he doesn't die
But my hopes die down when he takes his last breath and closes his eyes

If only I were still alive, tears would be flooding down my cheeks
For the little fox child and my best friend the taijiya
I only hope my love is still alive, hanging on to life
I see my friend, a monk stand up, from after crying about the taijiya
I only hope that he will live to, so his curse will finally be lifted

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

He stood up gripping his staff, and holding his right hand
He was ready to unleash the Kazana, but the buzzing of insects filled the
As the poisonous insects can into the picture making it impossible to use
But he still continued to take the seal off his right hand
If I were alive I'd shout for him to stop, but since I'm not I can't

Shouting Kazana he unsealed his right hand
And in flew the buzzing insects, one by one
He began to falter as more flew in, but managed to stand
The enemy cackled, "kukukuku.bye-bye monk."
As he fell limp to the ground

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

I finally let all the tears flow as nearly all my friends are gone
I turn to my love who's barely standing
I have hope he can win, but my heart knows he'll die
Please don't die, I whisper; I love you too much to let you die
The final nightmare began to play out before my eyes

We fought in a losing battle.

We fought in a losing battle..

We fought in a losing battle..

He charged forward holding his sword high
Slashing like an inhuman being
He managed to hit the enemy,
But at the cost of something else,
His life.

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

I watched my love writhe in pain, which I could not bear
He hit the ground with a loud thud as blood began flow
If I only I hadn't died, I might've been able to save everyone
I hung my head in sorrow, because it was too vain to hope
After all I already gave up after I died

He was bleeding profusely, it would not cease
Until finally he took his final breathe and said his final words
"I love you Kagome,,," I could barely hear him
And when I did, I broke down
I was know a broken girl, destined for Hell

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

At least I hoped I'd go to Hell
So I could be with my love and just live eternity out there
There, in what is called the Burning Paradise
It was all my fault that we all died,
If only I was more alert and had been able to save myself

Oh well, I looked over the group of dead bodies
The tears had stopped flowing along, with my hope
I turned around filled with regret and eternal sorrow
Surprisingly one tear fell, my final tear
It just couldn't end this way, I knew that, but what's it is what's it

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

Torn and tired bodies lay scattered on the battlefield
Tears were shed, with the right amount of blood
All hopes and dreams were shattered with the people
Everyone lay in their own flood of despair
We fought in the losing battle

We fought in a losing battle.

We fought in a losing battle.

We fought in a losing battle.