It had been a month since Remus had left Hogwarts for summer vacation, and he could still remembered when his friend's had found out about what he was. He often wished everyone could act that way about him, but that was impossible. To people, judging was a way of life. People were brought up thinking werewolves were monsters. And maybe they were right.

            Remus sighed, it was good to have people who thought differently around him though.

            At the orphanage he had friends as well, but they weren't the same. They would talk to him about normal things like, how nice the weather was, or how their day was going, but they would never confide in him like the others had.

            As he looked around he saw a boy and girl playing checkers. He could picture James and Lily doing the same thing, except with wizard's chess of course. James was the leader of the so-called group of friends that had formed after that fateful Christmas and was always the one looking out for the girl of the group. There was a sort of protectiveness about James, and, who ever was near him always felt secure. Remus missed that feeling already.

             A boy slid down the railing, Sirius would often do the same. His cunning smile and his loyalty had always made him stand out in the group. He had the sort of blue eyes that often told you if he was up to no good.  Remus knew the true Sirius inside though, the caring person that was always there waiting for him in the hospital wing with his nails bitten. Remus could even say that Sirius had a sort of protectiveness about him as well.

Another load of parents wanting to adopt a child came through the door. Not one of them would pick him and he knew it. Who would want to adopt a boy who would transform into a wild beast on every full moon? A werewolf could be one person at one part of the month but at other times he could act completely different. Why would someone want to adopt a boy who had mood swings?

            When he would act like this though, Sirius would always have the most fun with him. Calling him names that made no sense at all and getting him angry enough jump on him. At times like this, James would often walk in with a pillow and start whacking the two on their heads. By the time Remus was over his mood swing he would be laughing on the floor, to tired to get up!

            Some more people walked in, Remus sighed as he picked up a book and began reading, no one was going to adopt him.


            So James, you think it's a good idea?" James's dad teased his son.

            It had been about a month since Mary had asked if they could have another son, and James had nearly jumped for joy. Right now, he was in the middle of writing letters to all of his friends about it.

"You bet! Get out there and find a boy my age would ya." James looked up with a grin on his face. James had always wanted someone to talk to and have pillow fight with when he wasn't at Hogwarts. Summer would get so boring.

            He had owled Sirius about the good news. James would have to introduce his new brother to his best friend. He couldn't wait!


As Brian and Mary Potter walked into the Hope Orphanage they were greatly surprised. Many kids roamed the place and some were talking to other people who wanted to adopt. They had to walk to a wall to take it all in. "Wow!" Brian Potter whispered.

"Welcome to our home." A quiet voice said. They looked down to see a boy reading in the corner. His light auburn eyes seemed dull as he continued to read. His dusty brown hair shadowed his face as he smiled. The twinkle in his eyes had disappeared.

"What's your name?"

The boy looked up. His eyes studied them before he spoke. "Remus Lupin."

"That name sounds familiar" Mary muttered, "Do you happen to know a boy by the name of James Potter?"


Remus looked up suddenly at the people looking curiously at him. They know James? Nobody adopts a werewolf he a voice inside of himself said. Why not though. He could go through this again. He nodded.

"Well, we're his parents." They smiled proudly. "How about you tell us about yourself."

The lady, James's mom, had slid down next to him. Her eyes full of understanding. They were so like James's eyes, he didn't know what to do.  James's parents! Maybe he did have a chance, Just maybe.


James and Sirius waited in James's room for his parents. Sirius had come over as soon as he had gotten the letter from James about a new brother. He was just as excited. They both jumped as James's parents walked in to greet them.

 "Well, we know you will like him. He is in the living room waiting for you." Mary smiled and anticipated what would happen.

James walked slowly down the stairs with Sirius. Even though they were troublemakers at Hogwarts. They were also sometimes shy among strangers.

A shadowy figure stood by the fireplace. James and Sirius walked in. James gathered his confidence and spoke to the figure.

"Hi, my name is James, what's yours?"

Remus turned around and smiled as he walked forward and shook James's hand.

"Remus Lupin Potter, at your service." He smiled; his voice shook with happiness and shock.

"REMUS!" James shouted. "What. How.."

Sirius looked curiously at him and asked, "you were an ORPHAN?!"

He looked up Remus's sleeve. "What other secrets are you holding?"

"I'm sorry to say I am clean out." Remus smiled.

James's parents walked into the room. "We could only bring home the best you know." Mary smiled.

"Welcome home Remus… James, let's show him to his room."

            I have read many stories of Remus having a family. Some, of his family loving him, but not knowing what to do with him, and others, where the family hates him. I made Remus an orphan because, and orphan doesn't look back on what has already happened, but on what can be accomplished, and what the future may hold.