In the gym Lulu glared at Rikku, who was laughing hystaricly, as Wakka walked over to Lulu.

"Hey Lu," he said with his hand on his neck.

Lulu gave one last glare at Rikku befor she pulled Wakka into a kis,s who stood shocked. Lulu turned and walked towards Rikku.

"You enjoyed it admit it!" Rikku laughed.

"No," Lulu said very mad before she turned towards the womens locker room.

Wakka didn't notice Gippal walk up behind him.

"So what happened?" Gippal asked.

"I don't know," Wakka said watching her leave.

In chemistry Yuna sat between Lulu and Rikku and sighed as the teacher came into the room. But he had blue hair. This isn't our teacher! Yuna thought to herself as he sat down.

"Hello class. I'm your new teacher Mr. Seymore Guado. You may call me Seymore," He said looking at Yuna with a peircing look. Yuna shivered as a chill ran down her spine. "Your origonal teacher isn't here because he had a little run in with the police and they found that he wasn't who we thought." Most of the class snickered at the comment. "Lets start with chapter 3," Seymore said from his chair. The class turned their books to chapter 3 and began to read.

"Yuna may I see you after class," Seymore asked when the bell rang for lunch. Yuna walked over to Seymore feeling a little uneasy as she watched Lulu and Rikku walk out. "I am amazed at your work you left the teacher," Seymore said standing up.

"Thank you," Yuna said still uncomfortable.

"Your far ahead of the class," Seymore said putting his hand on Yuna's shoulder. Yuna nodded shying away from his cold touch. "I didn't mean to scare you." he said with a cruel smile and he gripped her arm tightly. Yuna looked at him in surprise.

"Let go of me!" Yuna said trying to get her arm away from his touch. His grip tightened until he heard people in the hall.

"No one well believe you," Seymore said before leaving the room.

Yuna ran out a few minutes later and ran to the bathroom and cried in the bathroom til the lunch bell rang.

During lunch Lulu didn't speak to anyone and Rikku kept trying to get Lulu to talk to her as Paine just watched Rikku's attempts.

"Give it up Rikku," Paine said annoyed. Lulu pulled out a book and began to read it.

"Come on Lulu it was only a dare," Rikku whined. Lulu stood up and walked away still reading her book when she bumped into Wakka.

"Sorry," Lulu said taking a step to the side but Wakka grabbed her arm. Lulu looked up at him, Wakka caught his breath as he looked at her eyes and saw they held a look of hurt. "Lu?"

"Let go," Lulu said her voice angry.

"Whats..." Wakka said before Lulu slapped him accross the face, making him let go of her arm, and she walkedaway. Rikku looked surprised at Lulu's retreting form.

"What have I done?" Rikku asked herself sadly.

After school Rikku ran up to Yuna.

"Where were you?" Rikku asked.

"I was talking with Mr. Seymore," Yuna said not looking at Rikku.

"What about?" Rikku asked in a suggestive tone.

"It's none of your buisiness," Yuna said. Rikku stopped bugging Yuna on the way home.

Sorry it took so long to up date. I've been busy and I had writter's block. But the next chapter should be out soon. Hopefully by January 10th.

Thanks to all who reveiwed!! It was great to hear from you!