Disclaimer: I only own Terry, Kayla, and Rosa. Notes: I read a couple of fics which inspired me to write this. They're putting YYH back on the air! Yay!

Different but the Same

Kayla had no friends. Her parents had died in a car crash. She never had any siblings. No one loved her. No one cared. She lived alone in an apartment in California. She worked in a small Japanese restaurant. She was the smartest girl in school. She was only 15. 15-year-old girls should not be alone.


Terry was only 14. Her mother had died when she was 3. She lived in a small house in England with her father. She didn't have any friends. Her father was the only one who cared about her. She was the smartest student in her school. That was why everyone teased her. But she ignored those that mocked her. Her life was filled with pain. Life should not be painful.


Rosa was a 16-year-old girl. She had everything she could ever want. She lived in a large mansion in China with her parents. Everyone wanted to be her friend. She went to the finest school. She was the smartest student in her school district. But she wasn't happy. She was never happy. Someone with everything should be happy sometimes.


Kayla was at work. She walked over to a table. Four young boys were there. One had lovely red hair and beautiful green eyes. Another was quite small. He had jet-black hair and crimson eyes. A third boy had red hair, but Kayla couldn't see his eyes. The fourth boy had black hair and brown eyes. She had been told that a party of four young boys from Japan would be at the restaurant that day. "What would you like today?" Kayla asked the boys in perfect Japanese. "I would like some sushi," said the boy with green eyes. "I'll have the same," said the small boy with crimson eyes. "I'll have the special," said the boy with red hair. "I'll have some soup," said the boy with brown eyes. "Your food will be ready in a minute," said Kayla. She left to get the food.


Terry was walking home from school when she saw two girls staring at her. One girl had chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. The other girl had ice-blue hair and crimson eyes. 'They must be visiting,' thought Terry.


Rosa was sitting in her back yard watching the clouds go by. Suddenly, she saw a girl with blue hair ride by on an oar. Rosa shook her head. 'I must be seeing things,' she thought.


Kayla couldn't stop thinking about those four boys. Her train of thought was broken by the sound of her computer. She had an e-mail from school. She had been accepted in the student exchange program. She smiled.


Terry checked her e-mail. She had a letter from school. She was going to be part of the student exchange program. She could finally get away from home for a while.


Rosa was surfing the net when an e-mail appeared on her screen. She was now part of the student exchange program. 'Finally!' she thought, 'I can get away from here for a while,'


Kayla had just arrived in Tokyo. She was excited. She looked around. She had been told that a guy named Suichi would pick her up at the airport. She saw a sign that said Kayla Parker. Kayla walked towards the sign. Her jaw dropped. The boy holding the sign was one of the boys she had seen in the restaurant three weeks ago! "Are you Kayla Parker?" he asked her. "Yeah," Kayla answered.


Terry had just gotten off the plane. She saw a sign that said Terry Smith. She had been told that a girl by the name of Kayko would take her to her apartment. When she got to the girl holding the sign. She realized that it was the chocolate-haired girl she had seen three weeks ago. "Are you Terry?" Kayko asked. Terry nodded her head.


Rosa was looking around the airport. She was told that a girl named Botan would pick her up. She saw a sign that said Rosa Berran. She stopped in her tracks. It was the girl she had seen riding the oar 3 weeks ago. "Are you Botan?" Rosa asked the girl. "You must be Rosa. Nice to meet you," said Botan.


Suichi took Kayla to a large house. "You'll be staying here for a while," he told her. "Thanks," Kayla said. Suichi smiled. Kayla watched as Suichi left. 'I can learn to like it here,' Kayla thought.


"You'll be staying here for a while," said Kayko. "Okay," said Terry, "Thanks," "No problem," said Kayko. 'I think I'm going to like it here in Japan,' Terry thought.


"This is where you'll be staying for a while," Botan said. "Thanks Botan," Rosa said. 'I guess this won't be so bad after all,' she thought.


Kayla looked at the two other girls in the room. "Who are you guys?" she asked them. "I'm Terry Smith," said one girl. "Rosa Berran," said the other. "I'm Kayla Parker," Kayla told them. "I guess we'll be roommates," said Terry. The three girls smiled.

I hope you enjoyed the story so far. I might just make it a one-shot. R/R and tell me what you think of the story. Sayonara!