Disclaimer: I do not own Starcraft or any of the characters of this story that can also be seen in the Starcraft videogame. Those are the property of Blizzard Entertainment Inc.


The dust had settled on the Kopruru sector, and the Zerg had emerged victorious, defeating the UED, the Protoss and the Dominion during the Brood War's bloody climax. It seemed that the Zerg and their leader, the infested terran Kerrigan, were unstoppable. The Zerg's enemies lived in fear, desperately trying to rebuild their defences. A few Protoss had even deserted the Conclave and the Dark Templar, choosing to go with the terran Raynor instead. It had already been two years, and Kerrigan had rebuilt an unstoppable strike force, ready to destroy her enemies once and for all. And just when she thought it was over for her enemies, a problem now arose, and it arose from the terran she had once loved...

The Last of all Problems

Chapter 1

Kerrigan was inside one of her Overlords, seeming worried about something. It was understandable, since the situation, though not desperate, was potentially dangerous itself: The renegade terrans, led by a dashing knight in shining armor named Jim Raynor, had recently developed a way to restore her infested minions to their former terran selves. They only needed the presence of a person who actually remembered the one infested as a terran well enough.

That infested person would simply wear a special helmet on the head and memories of the patient's older self would simply be channeled through it. Preceding it would be a wave of psionic energy to weaken his or her mind defenses. That way, the rejection of seeing old memories would be reduced enough to a measly 0.5%, in most cases eventually restoring the patient's old self psychologically. Then, physically, the person would only need a special treatment for a couple of months to be cured.

She knows; because those were the last images of an infested terran that she had spent a year probing, which all ended by a single switch being turned on, after which the helmet did its job well. In fact, it could've almost comatosed her; if it were not for her cerebrate Daggoth's timely interjection to cut her link with her minion.

Even though it would take a lot of psionic energy, even her, the powerful and deadly Queen of the Blades, was still in precarious position to be--- cured.

She visited Mengsk, pretending to wish to negotiate a peace treaty, while instead erasing every memory he had of her as she had been, all thanks to her deadly psionic powers. Her cerebrates criticized that move, claiming she should have killed him. But Kerrigan wanted Mengsk to live, for now. He had saved her from the former Confederacy, and now, finally, they would be even. Afterwards, with Mengsk out of the way, she began hunting down the very last terran that remembered her as her older self: Commander Jim Raynor, the terran she had once loved.

It was not easy, though. Raynor was smart, strategic and cunning. She'd tracked him for years, but never had she been able to catch a glimpse of him or his little group of terran renegades and protoss units; he was as slippery as Mengsk if not better, somehow sensing her presence a day away, even with the constant servitude of her spies amongst his men that were now all purged by his new toy.

She was interrupted in her thoughts by one of her cerebrates. It said,

"My queen, we have arrived at the designated location."

"Let me guess, no terran or protoss ship anywhere around. Am I right?" the queen answered in a bored voice.

"On the contrary, my queen. Our scouting units have spotted a battlecruiser right in front of us. They say it looks like the Hyperion!"

Kerrigan was starting to be excited. She was sure that Raynor would be there. She immediately said,

"Get this overlord near the Hyperion's main hatch, now!"

She then hurried off to get her old gun from a box the old overmind had it put in. She glanced at it and smiled. All of this was just an assassination. Only this time, she was the hunter, not just the weapon.

Her slow, bulking overlord took fifteen full minutes to reach the Hyperion's main hatch. With adrenaline pumping through her infested veins, Kerrigan yelled out, "Raynor, get ready to die, you b&?%&!!!"

She mentally ordered one of her mutalisks to breach the hatch's door, but as it sent its glave wurm on it, the door blew up, killing the mutalisk and shaking the overlord that Kerrigan was in.

She said to herself, "Just as I suspected. They were expecting me." Then, the overlord she was in grabbed her with its tentacles and threw her inside the ship. Kerrigan started dashing through the battlecruiser, eyeing with anxiety the spot where the hatch's door had been seconds ago, with an emergency door quickly closing up. What other tricks had Raynor prepared for her?