Epilogue - 

You never saw one without the other

Together they were a team

They lived together

They laughed

She cried, he was a shoulder

There were rumours, they weren't true

Though she thought he was Handsome

He thought she was Gorgeous

He was her best friend

She was his

She found Love at first sight

He found Hate at first sight

She was falling in love

He tried to show his feelings but love wasn't on his side

She had Ryan

He had Liz

Now he was engaged

Lorelai tried but didn't succeed

He caught her in his arms, there was a spark

They both knew what it could be like

He knew what perfect really was

They were so blind even Luke could see it

But a glimpse of true love

And an ill-fated night

Brought them together

They lived

They loved

Together forever

A man and his Mary