~a/n: this story was developed while listening to "The Forest", a very shibby System of a Down song that's been stuck in my head for ages. I knew it had to be used for a story.and then Madam Luna (everyone applaud for her, as her stories are some beautiful pieces of art) went and wrote that Olaf/Violet story and my brain went into overdrive. I think I busted a circuit in there somewhere. So thank you, Luna, and enjoy!!

W a l k W i t h M e M y L i t t l e C h i l d

Violet squirmed beneath Olaf's tight grasp on her shoulder. "Stop staring at me."

"What are you thinking?" he asked, pulling her face before his. His eyes, wide and jet black, reflected her frightened face like glass marbles. She looked away, afraid to meet his eyes again.

"Please leave me alone."

"What are you thinking?" he asked again. His voice was soft, gentle, and yet his eyes were still mocking her. His long, slender fingers slid to her chin again, pulling her face gently but firmly forward once again. "I can almost see the cogs turning in your mind. So tell me."

"I will not," she protested.

He pushed her into the chair behind her. The room was dimly lit, and empty but for the two of them, the chair, and a small table. "Oh come now, I'm the one standing before you with a gun in my hand, and you're the helpless orphan. Do you think you're in any position to protest?"

Violet didn't respond, but looked at the floor. She knew that he was right- he was in a position to kill her. And she knew there were worse things that he could do then kill her.

"I knew you'd see things my way. So, do you want to tell me what's going on up there?" he tapped the side of her head.

A tear slid down Violet's face. Her hands were sweating and she didn't know what to do. "I-I wanted to know what you did with Klaus and Sunny."

"Ah, those irritating two siblings of yours. Well, they're alive for now, although I can't promise they'll stay that way. Sunny, at least, may actually live through this endeavor, as those teeth of hers are quite useful. Besides, a few members of the theater troupe have developed a strange liking for her."

"Please.please don't kill my siblings."

"My dear girl, please don't look down that way," he huffed, pulling her head delicately but firmly upward, "your face is far too pretty to be shown to the floor all the time."

She looked at his face, fearful and yet defiant. "What are you planning?"

"You're smart, you figure it out," he said, crossing his arms and raising his monobrow, an amused expression on his face.

"I know that you're still after our family fortune. But I have a hard time believing that money is your only ambition. You're planning something else."

His eyes narrowed and she thought suddenly, I've gone too far. "Very good, very good," he commented absently, glancing around the room like he was trying to control his temper, "but can you tell me what exactly it is I'm after?"


He smiled, that horrible mocking smile, that smile like someone who was telling a horrible joke. And then, he dropped the vicious punch line of that hideous joke. "For quite a while now, my target has been you."

Violet felt like the bottom had dropped out of her stomach. Her brain numbly flitted over the words he said and it failed to find connection. "Me?" she whispered hoarsely.

"Indeed. You have barely left my mind since that night at the Marvelous Marriage. It may or may not be love.oh hell; I can't call it anything less than an obsession. You haunt me, like the answer to a question I don't remember asking. And so, my dear, I simply MUST figure out what it is about you that drives me."

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is this: I need to know what it is about you that drives me, why I see your face when I close my eyes. I'm not comfortable with calling it love-I love Esme dearly, and yet I think of you even when I'm with her. You are going to help me figure this out."

"Help you how?"

"Well, I haven't quite figured that part out yet."

Fear and revulsion flowed through Violet's veins like ice water. Obsession? But she knew what she had to do. "Alright, I'll help. But only if you keep Sunny and Klaus alive and well."

Olaf scratched his chin. "Deal."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

He smiled again. "Scout's honor. You do trust me, don't you?" He read her glare and knew all he needed to know. "Alright, alright, I'll bring them down here every so often to prove it."

"Then I'll do the best I can."

His smile softened a bit, and Violet shuddered. That smile made her very uncomfortable. "I have a feeling I can trust you. Thank you."

Without another word he turned on his heel and left. Violet, suddenly overwhelmed at what she had just done, broke down weeping fearfully.