Yoshimi: *looking out from under writing desk* Seems safe...

Richard: What's wrong, Yoshimi?

Yoshimi: WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHAT'S WRONG? I haven't updated for a month, if you count it as a thirty-one day month!

Tom: You're completely and utterly doomed.

Yoshimi: I can explain! You see, I've been working on my new Author Page, http:// www. freehomepages. com/ randomstuff/ index .htm, working on one-shots for both the Golden Sun OneShot Service and the Golden Sun One Shot Panoply, working on the Unnamed Skit for my Author Page, and I've been a little uninspired for Weyard Weekly. Well, here I go! One note: I'm going to use the name "Picard," because of an overwhelming majority when I asked about it for A Mudshipper's Romeo and Juliet.


Midnight C -- Actually, I've become very attached to the Stricken group...since I'm too much of a Mudshipper to match them up with Mia, I'm going to have to find them some nice girls that don't travel as much...I enjoyed picking out the guest writers. I might have more of them.

Daito Dei Gratia -- I always feel so much safer from the Angry Rabble when you're handling them. And I'll make sure to get you to try to heal all my mental scars...there are quite a few...

EchoKazul -- I hope you'll still help me, despite my slowness in updating. Pretty please? *grabs a Random Chibi*

Random Chibi: *chibi eyes* Pwease?

Yoshimi: ^_^ That should do it! Yup, Kraden can be scary and powerful if he wants to be...the rest of them just need their practice.

Empress Dotdotdot -- 0_o; Er...so you enjoyed it? Okay, let's see...you'd definitely be Felix-biased, so...hmm, ideas coming in...Well, I guess that the Picard horoscope was neutrally accepted if you average out your response and Picard's. Don't worry if you don't have many weapons. Usually, when I'm writing, the more pathetic the character, the better they do!

Super Sheba -- Oh dear...it looks like you're having muse trouble. That's never good...*hides*

Wolfy129 -- So, basically, Weyard Weekly's secondary to a carrot? Well, at least you had trouble deciding at first!

Bubonic Woodchuck -- ^_^ Thanks!

Kevin C -- Thanks! Craziness, like randomness, is very, very good! I think I can use at least one of those ideas!

guy with bad mental images because of reading fic. (I will sue for emotional distress!!!!!-unless, of course, the next update is quick) -- Well, I wasn't quick, so...


Judge: All rise.


guy with bad mental images because of reading fic. (I will sue for emotional distress!!!!!-unless, of course, the next update is quick): I swear.

Lawyer: So...er, GWBMIBORF (IWSFEDUOCTNUIQ), what happened?

GWBMIBORF (IWSFEDUOCTNUIQ): I was reading a PG fanfiction when I read something that gave me bad mental images.

Lawyer: And that was?

GWBMIBORF (IWSFEDUOCTNUIQ): "Saturos's Thingy That Makes Menardi Go." *shudders*

All except for Random Proxshipper: 0_o;;;; O_O

Random Proxshipper: ^_^

Judge: Ee-oo, ee-oo...ee-oo...You're under arrest! And sued!

Yoshimi: But I have to update my fic! How much to keep out?

Judge: 2 billion pounds.

Yoshimi: 0_o; TWO BILLION!!!

Judge: Yup. Hand it over.

???: One moment.

Judge: ???

Daito: *walks in* Here is the two billion pounds. You may release him now, that you may.


Yoshimi: ...and that's what happened. Boy, am I glad Daito came in!

Akachi -- Take it up with the Laliverans! They offered the reward! I see Auntie Dora's stand-ins were pretty popular. I'll have to do more...

MercuryAdept -- Thanks for the compliments! Also thank you for telling what you liked! It helps this old author in his updates who's starting to speak in the third person.

Vyctori -- Hmm...a death match between Menardi in normal mode and Kraden in super-hyper-angry-YOUNG-SPRIGHTLY mode! That would be something to see. Of course she isn't human. She's Proxian! ^_~

Taiga -- Yes, the reviewers are taking over all of my fanfictions. HELP!

Uniswift87 -- Don't worry, I'm not too mad at the people who bugged me. Thanks for the compliments!

ONE with the power of the US army/UN COMMANDER (I'm guessing that it's the same person) -- Ha, ha, good joke! Er...it is a joke, right? Right? No? Uh, Daito...we have a problem...


Yoshimi: Well, at least I've got some supporters this time besides Daito.

Echo: You've taken so long, I'm considering joining the Angry Rabble when it arrives.

Yoshimi: Please! Please! Don't do that! I don't want to die! *grovels*

Empress Dotdotdot: 0_o; Okay...

Echo: I guess I'll help...

Yoshimi: Thank you! I'll get this update started while you guys wait for the attack of the Angry Rabble.


Theft At The Cad--Kad—Kand--Kandoratious--Kandoria--Thingy Temple

THINGY TEMPLE- At...that place...the...old guy who runs the temple...complained of the theft of...some kind of rock...somehow...I think it was that they disguised themselves as teachers...I mean, students...at the...thingy...temple.

The...old guy...said something that I forget...that was...not very happy...I think.

"It's a," something, "to the entire," Thingy "Temple," said someone who I forget the name of...I think.

Thanks to...Kevin...some letter...for the...stuff...information...yeah...

Madran Sues Champan [some words are scrawled here..."I'm NOT a Champan!"]

MADRA- Shin, a fine, upstanding (well, he was upstanding until he fell off a big ice pillar...) Madran, has tried to sue the Champan [this has been crossed out] for damages. However, he was laughed out of court when he said that the Champan [crossed out] stared at a puddle and made it turn into a pillar of ice.

"It's true, I tell you!" Shin bawled as he was taken from court.

Of course, this is nonsense. I mean, who ever heard of turning water into ice by the power of thought? Hohohohoho...

Agony Aunt: Auntie Dora

Dear Auntie Dora,

I was laughed out of court! It's true that the Champan turned the puddle into a pillar of ice! Please say you believe me...


An Angry Madran from Madra

Stupid Shin,

This message will self-destruct in five...four...three...

Signed, Auntie Dora's Stand-In


Dear Auntie Dora,

Here, I need to vent. That stupid brown-haired hippie (see, long-haired) went and stole the sacred treasure from the righteous temple! He and his idiotic friends (though not as thoroughly evil and unintelligent as him) went right past me and stole it! They're complete morons, I tell you! Do you agree?


More Deserving Student from Kandorean Temple

Dear More Idiotic Student from Kandorean Temple,

A quick note. I'll be over to kill you.

See you soon!

Auntie Dora's Stand-In,

Empress Dotdotdot


WANTED- Job...I think...for a...person who works at a newspaper...who used to work at...Thingy...Temple for...I'm-Not-Sure...Some-Measurement-Of-Time...Memory not included.

WANTED- Bodyguard for a Kandorean Temple student. Must be willing to take on a person completely insane and imbued with Scary Author Powers. Please, I'm desperate! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!


Mystic Megan has looked into her crystal lighthouse beacon and has freaked herself out...

Venus -- You will find allies...okay, an ally...in a bad situation. Why you don't just beat everyone up and spring him from jail, no one knows. Tonight: A day on warm sand as the sun shines brightly. However, this is not a trip to the beach...

Mars -- You will find your true love, you shall accomplish all you set out to do, you will settle down and forever be happy...oops. Wrong stars. Excuse me. Uh, you are so *bleep*ed. Tonight: Continent hopping!

Jupiter: Dum de dum... Tonight: Y'know.

Mercury: Keep an eye on your stuff, or you might lose your preciousss... Tonight: You will whine about losing your preciousss...


Echo: *shading eyes* Angry Rabble at twelve o' clock!

Yoshimi: Great. That means there's at least three more minutes before they arrive! Thanks for the advance...oh, dear.

ONE with the power of the US army/UN COMMANDER: *walks up*

Empress Dotdotdot: It's just a black blob!

Yoshimi: *holds up hands defensively* Well, I don't know who it is! It could be you for all I know!

Daito: Well, it will be hard to fight someone that we cannot see, that it will.

Echo: His name's a little long, too.

Yoshimi: True. Hey, OWTPOTUSA/UNC!

ONE with the power of the US army/UN COMMANDER: Yes?

Yoshimi: Because I'm going to get Daito to take care of you, you will as of this point be known as the Anti-Daito. *zaps him with Scary Author Powers*

Anti-Daito: *looking like Daito, except that all the colours have been reversed* What...?

Yoshimi: Okay, Daito, the Anti-Daito, maybe you should take this somewhere else so that London isn't destroyed.

Daito: Okay. *sends himself, his troops, the Anti-Daito, and its troops to a gap between dimensions*

*the gap between dimensions...*

Phantom Ganon: Another boring day...*straightens* What was that?

Daito's army: *appears on Phantom Ganon's left*

Anti-Daito's army: *appears on Phantom Ganon's right*

Daito + Anti-Daito: ATTACK!


*back in reality...*

Angry Rabble: Here we are!

Echo: We have to thin down their ranks first. Any plans, Dotdotdot?

Empress Dotdotdot: Yup! Hey, Angry Reviewer 1!

Angry Reviewer 1: Yes?

Empress Dotdotdot: Are there any OBHL among you?

Angry Reviewer 1: Yesss...

Empress Dotdotdot: Too bad Picard's not here...oh, well. I'll make do. *makes a Picard plushy appear with Scary Author Powers* Catch! *throws Picard plushy outside*

OBHL Angry Reviewers: PICARD PLUSHY! *run after it* *fall down hole*

Empress Dotdotdot: YES! They fell for the pit-trap!

Angry Reviewer 3: I'm sure that the urge to say, "Prepare for trouble" is incredible...

Echo: *sitting down with laptop* *types something and clicks "enter"*

Angry Reviewer 1: Aaaaand?

*suddenly, over the hill, jingling out "Pop Goes The Weasel," comes...*

Angry Reviewer 1: An ice-cream truck with a rocket booster? [A/N: You'd have to read Echo's "Robin HoodGS Style" to get it.]

Angry Reviewers: ICE CREAM! *run after the truck, joining the Proxians already doing so.* [A/N: Yet again, Echo's fic...]

Angry Reviewer 1: *looks around to see that it (I'm not sure who it is, so I can't tell if it's male or female) is the only one who's left* Uh, oh...

Echo: *holding scrunchy* When ready...

Empress Dotdotdot: *powering it up with a Scary Author Spell* FIRE!

Echo: *launches scrunchy*

Scrunchy-muse: *speeds along, leaving behind a trail of Scary Author sparks* *hits Angry Reviewer 1 on the head, knocking it back several metres and knocking it out*

Daito: *warping in* *rather dirty* There. I had to beat the last of his army on my own, that I did.

Yoshimi: And, luckily, in the gap between dimensions, it's impossible to die.

Phantom Ganon: *warping in* *crackling with purple energy* *evil voice* Lucky indeed.

Yoshimi: Eep.