Chapter: Eleven

Rating: R

Pairing: Jack/Will/Elizabeth

Genre: Drama, Romance, Action, Horror

Archive: At my site ( by

tomorrow afternoon. The first parts at ffnet (under Cheshire), next

parts will get there when they get there. Anyone else, tell me and send me a link!

Warnings: Adult content, adult language, violence, SPOILERS for the

whole movie, slash, menage-a-trois

Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean, as well as all of its characters,

events, places, and plot points, are property of Disney. This is a non-profit fanwork for entertainment purposes only, and does not in any way take money away from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, or its owners. In fact, if anything, it encourages viewership and the purchase of merchandise.

Author's Notes: Sorry this part took so long! Here it is, although

I have to warn you right now, it's unBETAd (like usual...). So, one

more chapter in this part, and then I move on to the next parts,

which are shorter...and for info on those, check out my site.


The deck of the Black Pearl was a swarming mass of pirates. Any

place Will could name, he was sure there was a pirate who at least

had family hailing from there. Looking closely, he was also

convinced that Anamaria wasn't the only female onboard. On any

other ship the crew would have seemed disjointed, smiling faces and

respect for each other clear as they relaxed into their jobs.

He glanced to his left, and already Jack was speaking with someone,

their voices just soft enough that Will couldn't hear them over the

natural din. Both kept casting their eyes towards the chest that

Will still held in his hands. His own gaze fell upon the container,

which immediately felt much heavier.

As if sensing his discomfort, Jack dismissed the crewman with a

graceful wave of his hand. "Yer fair Elizabeth has made her way

onboard, she's catching up with Gibbs."

Will gave a small smile, and looked over to where Elizabeth was

standing. Shaking off his embarrassment at losing her, he started

walking towards her, occasionally having to stop to greet a member

of the crew who had sailed against Barbossa with them. Jack

followed closely behind him.

"Elizabeth!" She turned and, eyes lighting up, seized his arm.

"Will, look, Mr. Gibbs!" was her reply, and he, too, turned a smile

on Gibbs and Annamaria, who had come over after seeing the four

others meet.

They talked, quickly, exchanging the usual "how are you"s. They

even managed to get in a few very short, amusing stories about their

lives before Jack interrupted. With a clearing of his throat and a

pointed look at his crew, the mood was slightly broken.

"Will and you have some catching up to do," Elizabeth murmured,

glancing between the two of them. "Why don't you start talking and

I'll join you in a few moments? I never did get to observe all of

what goes on in a pirate ship...I never seemed to be on a friendly

one long enough to look around it." She let go of him and pushed

him towards Jack, letting it be known that she had dismissed the two.

Will nodded, knowing how curious she remained, even after all they

had been through with the undead pirates. "Just don't get too

distracted. There's some information you should probably have, as

well, I would say."

Jack reached out and grabbed Will's arm, the slender fingers almost

unbearably familiar around his bicep. Pulling him away and leading

him as if he had never set foot on the Black Pearl before that

moment. Soon he was being lead into yet another captain's cabin,

this one littered with an odd assortment of trinkets and treasures--

apparently Jack treated his rooms much like his hair.

Will sat the chest down on the nearest elevated flat surface so that

he could have more freedom as he explored the collection of

curiosities. He came upon one shelf of particularly morbid pieces,

and couldn't help but spend entire minutes staring at them.

"Is that?"

"Product of the Jívaro themselves," Jack confirmed, a proud grin on

his face as he, too, turned his attention to the shrunken head

sitting on a seemingly random shelf.

Will wrinkled his nose, pulling back the hand that was unconsciously

reaching for the small item. "That's disgusting. Why do you have

such a thing?"

Raised eyebrows addressed him. "Why not?"

A shake of his head was all the answer Will could give to that, not

wishing to start any sort of argument when they had so recently been

reunited...and when he still had so many gaps in his knowledge of

what was happening. He rushed his attention to the rest of the

room, noting that Jack seemed suddenly more seriously, as if aware

of what was shortly coming his way. Turning, Will watched as Jack

sat in a comfortable looking padded chair, elbows resting casually

on the wooden arms.

"You want to know what's going on?"

Will nodded, not even commenting on how obvious that fact

was. "What's in the chest?"

Jack gave a slight nod, and then seemed to completely ignore Will's

question. "Y' see, after Annamaria gave me back me Pearl, we had a

bit a' work ahead of us." Will frowned, seating himself on Jack's

bed--the only surface not covered with papers and 'treasures'--to

prepare for what was surely going to be a long story. "All the

scalawags and seadogs had gone soft, scared o' yer Commodore an' the

merchant ships with their increasin' canon.

"We took 'em hard and fast, they weren' expectin' such a fight.

Soon the sea became more ours than anyone else's." Will, watching

Jack's face carefully, almost mesmerized by the quick silver

emotions running through his eyes and the way his hands moved in

front of his head. "An' the merchants got smart again, started

traveling in groups with lots of protection. But we still took 'em,

still left their overconfident selves damaged and robbed.

"We did stop, after a few more raids, because they weren' getting

any harder t'fight. What use be attacking the same types a' ships

o'er and o'er again without the pattern ever changing?" He trailed

off, as if thinking back on how boring piracy had gotten.

"But you are still attacking ships?" Will was more than slightly

confused as to where Jack was going, but was not going to let him

get sidetracked.

"Aye, but not so much as before. We...found other things to keep

our interests." Jack rose far too gracefully from his chair and

swayed across the room to stand before the bed, causing Will to look

up at him, something that rarely happened between the two of them.

Jack was so close to him that their knees brushed.

Will gulped, the working of his throat more than noticeable with his

head stretched up and back to watch Jack's face. "What kind of


Jack smirked, and Will felt something inside of him tighten, just a

bit. He had to look away, pull his own gaze away from those

mysterious eyes. He told himself he should be thankful with just

the surprisingly large amount of information he had gotten out of

Jack (who had never been one for sharing).

"Well, we already had a go at fighting cursed pirates, why not go

for the cursed treasre itself?"

Will frowned. " know that curses exist, now. How can you

not be worried?" His gaze flicked to his own hand, palm held upward

so that he could follow the scar across it.

He could still see the battle in the Isla de Muerte in his mind,

still even dreamed about it. He and Elizabeth desperately fighting

against skeletal pirates...and an equally skeletal Jack fencing with

Barbossa. Will had been disturbed by the scene, but left to wonder

later whether it was because of the curse, or because it meant Jack

was technically dead.

"Aye, mate, but not all curses are what they seem. Some are just

for show, savvy?" Jacked turned and lounged on the bed right next

to Will, leaning back on his elbows and angled so that their legs

were pressed lightly together.

He reached out, brushed a finger over the smooth scar on Will's

otherwise rough hand. "Most of the loot we've gone after has just

been told to have a curse, and the curses we've encountered..." he

trailed off, dark eyes still locked, together with Will's, on the

scar. Jack turned his own hand over, revealing a matching

line. "And all of them have been broken with ease."

Will nodded, for some reason unable to speak. There was a sudden

large lump in his throat, and a strange itch in the pit of his

stomach. Jack continued to speak, his voice humming in Will's ears.