If you are some honcho lawyer reading this fic thinking I'll try to claim ownership to the world of Harry Potter, then your breed is a lot less intelligent than I had imagined. Just for the record: I do not own anything that has to do with the world of Harry Potter. My $6.10-an-hour teenage mind made the plot you are about to read and whatnot. Go find loopholes in someone else's disclaimer.

This is a Harry Potter x Luna Lovegood fic. I know many of you loathe the possibility of such a thing, but keep those feelings to yourselves.

Ah yes, and most important...

SPOILERS!!! OOTP SPOILERS!!! Do NOT read beyond this point if you have not read OotP. What would be the point, anyway? You wouldn't know enough about Miss Luna Lovegood... Even if you have somewhat progressed in the book. A defining point of her character comes after the book's big death. So, if we're quite clear... I'll move on.

What is to Come
Story by Raemes Obsidian
[email protected]

"I'd say our first week back went smoothly, wouldn't you say so Harry?" asked an energetic Ron Weasley.

Harry smiled and nodded. Though he was, in fact, sincere... He was a little too happy and a little too torn at the same time. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were enjoying dinner on the first Saturday of the new Hogwarts school year. Ron got the idea as Hermione was sorting through a new homework planner while enjoying some pumpkin juice. Harry now had quite a bit to reflect on.

Harry was quite pleased the first week of his sixth year. Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody (the REAL one) finally had his chance to display his rigorous yet effective brand of teaching. Needless to say, there was no longer a need to reform as D.A. Moody's teachings went further to enhance the practical use of defensive spells while incorporating vastly useful high-level spells during the very first week of school.

Harry's O.W.L. results were no more or no less than what he had expected. His Defense Against the Dark Arts score surpassed even that of Hermione's. Divination fell even shorter than Harry himself had expected, but that mattered not to him. He was able to earn an O.W.L. in potions, thus earning some sort of generic "There's some hope left" comment under Snape's breath as well.

Upon rendezvous with Ron and Hermione in the few weeks before the return to Hogwarts, a Ministry-grade funeral for Sirius was held. It was only in his death that Sirius's innocence was realized. Wizards from throughout the ministry, including Percey Weasly and Cornelius Fudge himself, came to honor Sirius Black as a fallen comrade in the war to come. The casket dedicated to Sirius was full only of moving photographs and his wand, which he had managed to drop before disappearing. Harry and Remus Lupin stood closest to the casket as Dumbledore gave a long speech in his honor. Ron and Hermione watched the casket lower with their hands gripping each others' tightly. A tear fell from each member of the Weasly family, especially Molly out of sorrow for being to indifferent with him. Even Percey, who had been reunited with his family for months, felt extreme pain in the fact that he had chosen to follow the idea that Voldemort's return was not to be believed and now a man who was loved very much by his family and companions was dead because of it.

Of course, nothing could match what was going through Harry's head. He was through casting blame and now ready to fight on behave of his godfather's memory. The next time he met that Lestrange woman... The next time he met her... He would be able to execute the torture curse he would--

"Harry... Wha? What's an owl swooping in to deliver at this hour?" said Ron in a high level of wonder, thus snapping Harry back to reality.

Sure enough, there it was. A typical barn owl glided down toward the Ravenclaw table and dropped a secure and official piece of parchment in someone's lap. After a few students shifted he could see this message was sent to none other than Luna Lovegood.

"Has to be an urgent message. It's certainly not an injured owl, as you had to deal with last year with Hedwig." said Hermione. "But honestly... What could she--?"

Before Hermione had any more of a chance to think out loud Luna gave the one of the most terrified gasps Harry had ever heard. He could, even from his distance, see her trembling. The yelp had drawn quite a bit of attention. Just about any illregular sound in the Great Hall would. As Luna noticed the people staring at her she turned around to get up. Harry noticed immediately that her normally dreamy innocent face had a look of pure terror. He then watched her look around a few more times before she burst into a run for the door. A few people called after her, and Harry watched her sprint for the door for what seemed like an eternity.

At that very moment, Harry's scare seared with pain. The instincts in the back of his head put the events of Luna's letter and Harry's scar in relation to each other. He had to go to her. He just had to. He looked around to see many people breaking out into giggles and whisper little facts about "Loony Lovegood" amongst themselves. That filled Harry with a sudden fit of rage. Harry knew deep down that something was wrong. He had seen the pain on her face before. It was the pain he saw in his own face when Sirius had not responded to the call Harry gave Sirius's mirror, thus helping in the confirmation that Sirius was really not coming back.


This is sort of just a prologue. I shall write more very soon. ^_^