Disclaimer: I don't own YYH. Yoshihiro Togashi does. I don't own Sk8er Boi. Avril Lavigne does. I don't own Shonen Jump either.

Notes: If you don't like self-insertion, then don't read this. Also, some of the characters will be a little OOC. In this fic, everyone is 17. I'm basically a Hiei and Kurama fangirl. Me and some of my friends have pen pals in Tokyo. Pairings are: Kurama/OC Kuwabara/OC Hiei/me

Pen Pals

I lay in the grass, watching the night sky. The stars weren't out yet, but I didn't care. I was filled with anger. I slowly became absorbed in my thoughts. My former boyfriend Jason had said that I was obsessed with Hiei. Just because I can act like Hiei, doesn't mean that I'm obsessed. I was a fangirl, but I wasn't obsessed. I had dumped him then and there.
I was brought back to reality by the YYH theme song. I answered my cell phone. "Hello," I said. "Konnichiwa!" It was my friend Kelly. "Hey Kelly," I said, "What's up?" "The ceiling," my friend answered, "And my pen pal is coming to visit," "Cool," I said, "I can't wait to meet him," "I just had to tell you!" Kelly said enthusiastically. "Well," I said, "I gotta go. Ja ne!" "Sayonara!" I put away my phone and went to the mailbox. There was a letter from my pen pal.

I ran into my room and tore open the envelope. My anger was completely forgotten. I couldn't wait to see what my pen pal had written.

Dear Jessica, I'm sorry I haven't written in so long. I was busy. Good news. I'm coming to visit! I can't wait to finally meet you face to face. I'll be going to school with you for a while. I'll see you tomorrow.

I immediately called Kelly and told her my penpal was coming to visit too. I decided to get dressed. I put on a black tank top that said 'Bite Me!' in silver cursive, a black miniskirt with flame designs on the bottom, knee-high black boots, and my ruby necklace. The necklace looked exactly like a red tear gem. I looked myself over in the mirror for several minutes. Then I decided to read Shonen Jump till my pen pal arrived.

The doorbell rang. I raced down the stairs and answered the door. A guy with black hair and crimson eyes was standing there. He was no taller than me. He looked exactly like the character Hiei. "Are you Jessica?" he asked me. "Who wants to know?" I retorted. "Hiei Jaganshi," the guy told me. "I'm Jessica," I said as I showed him in. Hiei followed me up the stairs to my room. "Do you have a place to stay?" I asked. Hiei shook his head. "You can stay in the spare bedroom," I told him, "I'll show it to you later. Right now, we've gotta go meet Kelly and Sam at the park,"

"Konnichiwa!" said Kelly as she saw me and Hiei approaching. Kelly had light brown hair exactly like mine, and her eyes were hazel. "Konnichiwa!" called Sam. Sam had platinum blond hair and deep brown eyes. "Hey guys," I said, "This is my pen pal Hiei," "Hey," said Kelly, "This is my pen pal Kurama," I couldn't sense any nervousness within Kurama. My jaw dropped. They weren't wanna-be's. They were the real deal. "And this is my pen pal," said Sam, "Kuwabara," "What's Shorty doing here?" Kuwabara yelled. "I'm visiting my pen pal," Hiei replied. "Let's go get some sweet snow!" I said before they decided to kill each other.

Hiei and I were practically inhaling the ice cream. "Is you're friend always like that?" Kurama asked Kelly. Kelly nodded. I gave her the death glare and continued with my ice cream.

I stared longingly at the outfit in the window. Kelly shook her head. "You're a lost cause," she said. "I wish I could buy it," I said. It was a black t-shirt that said '99% demon 1% angel' in red and gold letters, and black jeans with flame patterns on the sides. Then someone took the outfit out of the window. I sighed and turned away. "Now I'll never be able to get that outfit," I said. "Don't be so sure about that," I turned to face Hiei. He handed me a medium-sized package. In the box, were the outfit I had seen in the window, and a flame pendant. "I hugged Hiei tightly. "Thank you so much," I said. Kuwabara and Sam were laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. Sam pointed to Hiei, who was bright red. I smiled as we left for the park.

Hiei and I were sitting on the park bench. Sam and Kuwabara were in the sandbox. Kelly and Kurama were sitting on the swings. "Hey Hiei," I said, "Why are you being so nice to me?" "You're my pen pal," was his reply. "Tell me the truth," I said. I could see right through a lie. "Fine," Hiei said, " I like you," I smiled.

"He's totally wrong for you!" cried Sam. "Sk8er Boi," I said. Sam, Kelly, and I began to sing.

'He was a boy

She was a girl

Can I make it any more obvious

He was a punk

She did ballet

What more can I say

He wanted her

She'd never tell

Secretly she wanted him as well

But all of her friends

Stuck up their nose

They had a problem with his baggy clothes

He was a skater boy

She said see ya later boy

He wasn't good enough for her

She had a pretty face

But her head was up in space

She needed to come back down to earth

Five years from now

She sits at home

Feeding the baby, she's all alone

She turns on T.V.

Guess who she sees

Skater boy rockin' up MTV

She calls up her friends

They already know

And they've all got tickets to see his show

She tags along

Stands in the crowd

Looks up at the man that she turned down

He was a skater boy

She said see ya later boy

He wasn't good enough for her

Now he's a super star

Slamming on his guitar

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

He was a skater boy

She said see ya later boy

He wasn't good enough for her

Now he's a super star

Slamming on his guitar

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

Sorry girl, but you missed out

Well tough luck, that boys mine now

We are more than just good friends

This is how the story ends

Too bad that you couldn't see

See the man that he could be

There is more than meets the eye

I see the soul that is inside

He's just a boy

And I'm just a girl

Can I make it any more obvious

We are in love

Haven't you heard

How we rock each other's world

I'm with the skater boy

I said see ya later boy

I'll be backstage after the show

I'll be at the studio

Singing the song we wrote

About the girl you used to know

I'm with the skater boy

I said see ya later boy

I'll be backstage after the show

I'll be at the studio

Singing the song we wrote

About the girl you used to know'

"Do you know the message in that song?" I asked after we were done singing. "No," said Sam. "Well I do," I told her, "This might be my only chance. If I don't take that chance, I'll end up regretting it," "I see," said Sam. "I don't care what he's like," said Kelly, "If Jessica wants to be with him, I don't mind," "Thanks Kelly," I said, "You always make me feel better," I hugged my friend. "You guys had better get going," I told them, "We have school tomorrow," "Sayonara," said Sam. "Ja ne!" said Kelly. "Ja ne guys!" I said as my two best friends left. Then Hiei walked in. "What was that song you were singing?" he asked. "It's called Sk8er Boi," I told him. "You and your friends should start a band," Hiei said. "We don't have any instruments," I said, "Me and Kelly can play guitar, and Sam is good with drums," "You don't need instruments," Hiei said. He held up two tickets to Karaoke Pop. "How did you get those?" I asked. "Kurama bought six of them," Hiei replied, "Would you like to go to the concert with me?" "Are you asking me out?" I asked. Hiei nodded. "Sure," I said.

A/N: I hope you guys like it so far. I worked hard on this story. R/R and tell me what you think. Ja ne!