My Savior

Majin Bulma

Chapter: 15


The black haired demi sat in the metal chair by his partner. Trunks had a bandage wrapped around his forehead with stains of blood soaking through. Under the blanket he had several wraps from the glass that had sliced him.

"This is all my fault... If I had just left he wouldn't have been so exhausted! I should... Just go." He stood, leaning down and planting a small kiss on the demi's cheek. "Goodbye Trunks, you don't need to watch out for me anymore." He said before he walked out of the infirmary.

" It's for the best anyways..."

Trunks' P.O.V

Oh God... I groaned as I touched my bandaged head.


"Huh?" I called to whomever was calling my name. I opened my eyes, which was really blurry at the moment. Rubbing with the back of my fist I questioned whoever that was again. " Who is it?"

"Your mother. Are you ok? Do you need anything?"

"Oh, mom. No, not at the moment. Where's Goten?"

I opened my eyes when no answer had come; I cringed when I sat in an upright position. "Where's Goten?"

"Hunny. He... He left yesterday."

" Yesterday! How long have I been out!"

"About 3 days. You really hit your head hard, looks like you haven't been getting any sleep either, and you're under a lot of stress. Just go back to sleep and rest."

" No! Where did he go? Is he coming back?"

I watched her closely, to see her reaction; her eyes just strayed away silently. Indicating that most likely not- that he wouldn't return.

I climb out of the bed clenching my teeth as a wave of dizziness rolled over me. I regained my balance and began walking out. "Trunks! You are only going to get worse!"

"I don't care." And I won't be coming back until I find him. Stupid Goten, what the hell is his problem anyways!

Grabbing my black leather jacket, I pull it on, pushing my feet into my black boots. I swing the door open taking flight. I power up thinking of places that he might go.

What if he went back to … No, he's not THAT stupid… is he?

No. I know where I'll try first…

Goten's P.O.V.

The metal blade reflected the suns rays into my eyes, as I held the little knife up above me. I squinted my eyes, then positioned it away, I pulled the rays back into my eyes boredly. I have been lying here, in the same spot for 2 ½ days. This being the front yard to my new home from Trunks.

Sighing rather loudly I turned on my stomach, propping my free hand up. I ran the blade across my palm, opening it in the same place a scar was once before. I watched the crimson liquid slowly gather in the center of my palm. It wasn't much, I only cut barely, the bleeding had already stopped coming out.

I flipped back onto my back, running the blade on my shoulder. Cutting the skin deeper. I sat up right, grabbing a smoke from my pocket. I lit the butt, breathing the smoke in deeply, and blowing it out slowly.

I stayed still for a moment, thinking I had felt a power approaching. I shrugged it off, lowering my sleep-deprived eyes. When all of a sudden I felt the spark behind me. I turned quickly, wishing I hadn't, my eyes blanked out for a moment, and there he was… Standing right behind me…


The purple hair demi landed behind the black haired demi. His eyes were a dark blue and he had a frown, yet a look of relief set upon his features.

The black haired demi had span around taking notice of the other. He starred with his mouth agap, the cigarette falling from his fingers, onto the soft grass below him.

" Trunks?" He questioned. The lavender haired man walked over to his shocked friend. He stood in front of him, anger written all over his face. He stuck his foot out kicking the younger one in the chest forcing him to lay back on the ground.

Trunks sat on top of him, grabbing the front of his shirt, pulling their faces close together. " What the hell were you thinking?" He whispered deeply, angrily.

Goten just starred in to the dark blue eyes in front of him not muttering a word.

" And what the hell do you think your doing now!" He growled grabbing the knife in his hand, positioning it in front of the silent demi's face.

" I.. uh." He began whispering out, but no other words left his lips.

He was suddenly forced back onto the ground, his head smacking onto the patch of green.

His shirt was torn away from his body, his arms were pinned with one hand above his head. His eyes grew wide and a blush set across his face.

" TRUNKS! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" he squirmed trying to get out from under the more powerful demi. The grip on his arms were tightened.

" I think its time to teach you a lesson." He spat out. Trunks' pale face leaned down to the squirming black haired mans shoulder. The blood was still coming out, only a little. His tongue darted out licking at the wound.

A hiss escaped Goten's lips as he felt the hot appendage lick at the cut, opening it a bit more. His eyes closed, he didn't know if he was in heaven or hell. It hurt, but, Trunks was…

The blue eyes rose, starring at the squinting demi above. He grabbed the jaw of the one below him, he starred in to the coal colored eyes. His lips were just inches away from his. The hand holding the Goten's wrists loosened. He brought the wounded hand down, to his face.

The pink appendage darted out again lapping at the blood, pressing into the cut on his palm.

Goten could feel his breathing increase as he took the seductive sight in. He leaned forward, grabbing the pale face in between his hands. Moving his face to his, he pressed their lips together, meeting their tongues in a fight.

The lavender hair fell across the others face as he pushed him back into the ground, nipping down his jaw.

" I thought… you were straight."

" I am." The purple haired saiyan muttered out, as he slid the blue jeans away from the black haired saiyans body. " There's just something about you." A finger stroked its way up and down in between the thighs of the uke. " I cant place my finger on it…" He said as he continued to stroke up his body. " But, I don't want anyone else to have you." He traveled kisses up the scarred body, gently biting the pale neck. " No one but me. I want you all to myself. This instinct has just taken over my body, and I cant get rid of it. I won't let you go…"

"Don't let me go…" Goten grabbed the lilac haired saiyans jaw, kissing him once again.

o.o check the rating D XD ! sorry ChIlDrEn!

1 month later…

"Goten. I think, we might need a bigger house."

"That's just an excuse to move farther away."

"Well. Now that we are together…" The purple haired demi wrapped his arms around the smaller saiyan kissing his neck gently. "I don't want to be bothered."

" Fine! Not today!" He swapped his lover away, continuing to clean the dirty house, picking up the tossed clothes that covered the floor.

Everything had happened suddenly. Goten still couldn't believe that Trunks just came to love him like that. His father once told him, as they began to mature, their instincts would take control and bring forth their true nature in a matter of minutes. He had promised to never take drugs, or inflict any injuries upon himself ever again. And he hasn't. All it took was one person to help him overcome all his troubles, and set him straight again. They now lived in the house Trunks had originally built for Goten, but family members often came over from having nothing better to do but bug the demi's. I.e. Bra, Pan, Gohan and Bulma.

A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves back across the slim waist of the other. " Trunks!" He shouted as he was lifted up and over a broad shoulder. " I told you today is cleaning day!"

" No, not today, Today is Trunks takes Goten day."

" Oh… yeah, just like yesterday, and the day before… and the day before….."

" Of course. Everyday is Trunks takes Goten day."

" Trunks! Noooo! Everyone will be here soon!"

" That's soon. I still have time." He said purring out loud, taking his lover up the

stairs. His strong hand rubbed against the dark haired saiyans ass, and then smacked it hard.

A loud bang, came from the front room. Trunks sopped, turning around to stare at who just slammed his door open. " GODAMNIT BRA YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO COME FOR ANOTHER HOUR AND A HALF!" He screamed dropping the younger man on the ground and rushing after his squealing sibling.

" I CAME TO SAVE GOTEN FROM YOUR EVIL CLUTCHES!" She squealed running around the house with Trunks hot on her tracks.

Goten sat in the middle of the stares with a grin on his face as he watched the

childish act. He was happy. He was glad his life turned out this way. He wouldn't of had it any other way. The only person he needed was Trunks, and that's all he cared for.

Tonight a party in their favor was being thrown. Everyone accepted the relationship, and those who didn't at first, came around eventually. He was truly happy.

Crashes and bangs were heard coming from down stairs, he stood, screaming at the top of his lungs. " GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! YOUR MAKING A BIGGER MESS YOU DUMB BRATS!"


runs away- OO ITS BETTER TO END IT RATHER THAN DISCONTINUE IT RIGHT! RIGHT! –SCREAMS RUNNING AWAY!- well OO as yoy may or may not know, Im not really writing anymore seeing as it hasn't been updated since the 2nd month. Well OO Im retiring –yay!- THANKS EVERYONE WHO READ AND LEFT COMMENTS, CRTISISM AND NOTES! X3! IT WEAS REALLY FUN! AND I LOVED HEARING FROM EVERYONE! Thanks again! BYE BYE! DON'T HURT ME TOO MUCH –SOB-! ( mui last fic)