UPDATE: So, I don't know if Author's Notes are allowed anymore, or still, or again, but here is mine with an update on the sto

UPDATE: So, I don't know if Author's Notes are allowed anymore, or still, or again, but here is mine with an update on the story as well.

First of all please stop yelling at me. I know the Bedknobs and Broomsticks thing was lame, I'm sorry I didn't know it was a book and I'm sorry it was my favorite movie when I was bloody five years old. I didn't know that would offend anyone, ( I don't know how that could offend anyone), but I'm sorry nonetheless.

Second, yes, I KNOW Galahad and Lancelot aren't the same person. I know that one was the father and the other the son. I know. But I was basing my story on the myth in Marion Zimmer Bradley's 'The Mists of Avalon', when Galahad was Lancelot's pagan name before he was christened into the church and then given the name of Lancelot. The point of me referencing that particular version is because there is a coupling of passion and duty in Christian that comes with the two different characters, Galahad and Lancelot, and I thought it was creative how Bradley connected the father and son through their name in such a religious sense.

Now, with that said…

This is precisely why I've slowly been drifting away from this story. I've gotten more complaints about this story in personal emails than anything else, every last one of them yelling at me about my facts and my choice in storyline. I'm not complaining about criticism, those comments I like reading. The ones with the exclamation points and angry faces, however, make me feel, (sorry to sound juvenile), but bad. They make me feel bad, and I really had a special part in my heart for this story.

But all the same…

I will be continuing this because, frankly, it's mine and I ultimately get to choose what happens and what references I use.

For those who actually like this story or who like to read it and give me some productive feedback: Things will start to fall into place and mysteries will be solved.

Pansy will NOT be bonding with the famous Trio, but she will have some discussions with Harry that will be crucial to her decisions in the future. But they won't become friends, because I don't think rivalries heal so simply just because someone cried on the other's shoulder.

Draco…well, in truth Draco is a coward, so he won't be staying in the castle much longer. Him and Christian are going to try and find a way to escape with Blaise, although to where they're going to run they haven't really a good clue. The relationship between Christian and Draco will develop, and Christian will be talking with Draco about a lot of things, and vice versa. Hardly mushy, though. They'll be yelling at each other most of the time.

As for Voldy…well…you know him.