Disclaimer: I don't own the characters

Chapter One - Restless Dreams

Elizabeth beckoned to Will from the corner of the candlelit bridal suite. "Will. . . Will, dear. . ."

Across the room, Will was busy arranging his new hat on its rack. He couldn't seem to get the feather quite right. Perhaps it should point upwards â€" ah. Yes. The hat makes the man, indeed, it's just as Jack always â€"

"Mr. Turner!"

Will gave a startled twitch, nearly knocking the feather clean out of the hatband. "Yes, Miss, er, Elizabeth?"

"Won't you come and help me out of my gown?" She planted her hands on the dressing table and bent over, throwing a wicked glance over one graceful shoulder. Her hair, already unpinned, tumbled bewilderingly down her narrow back.

Will turned and took two tentative steps toward his bride. As he lifted his foot to take a third, the floor seemed to tilt away from him. Throwing his arms out for balance, he heard what sounded like waves slapping against the outer walls of the room. Then, impossibly, the windows warped and shrank before his queasy eyes. When he looked again, they were round portholes, through which he could glimpse the roiling waves outside.

Steadying himself, Will looked up to find that the figure now standing before him, though still fairly lithe and feminine, was not, however, particularly clean. The hair trailing down its back was coarse and matted, bound up in a filthy scarf, tucked beneath the ubiquitous tricorner hat. As he stared, the figure turned, and he found himself gazing into a pair of kohl-smudged eyes. "'Ello, fair William," smirked Captain Jack Sparrow.

At that moment, the ship lurched violently. Will pitched forward -

- only to crash headlong back into consciousness as a cart rumbled over the cobblestones outside the shop. He sat up, dazed, to find the fire gone out and the mule snorting scornfully down at him.

Pushing himself up from the dusty floor, Will rubbed his eyes and prepared to face the day. Little more than a week remained before the wedding, and the dreams grew more compelling every night.