Harry Potter, Heir of the Underground

By Twilight Witch

Summary: AU: At the age of five years old Harry and Dudley watch The Labyrinth and Dudley wished Harry away, the Goblin King has a problem because a wish is a wish but Harry is Harry Potter.

Disclaimer: Was never mine, is not mine, will never be mine –except for the plot ^-^

Lol, see, I didn't take as much time as I did before to update ^-^

I've now got a Yahoo! Group, called the Dragonwings lair. The link should hopefully appear at the bottom of the page or just check my bio page if you wanna join to be notified of any updates of my stories.

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…:: Part Five ::…

Harry blinked in surprise as he focused on the small owl in front of him. 'Should I be expecting a letter?'

"Dear Mr Potter,

Congratulations, here are your Ordinary Wizarding Level results.

      Potions:                                       Outstanding

Transfiguration:                                        Outstanding

      Charms:                                       Outstanding

      Defence Against The Dark Arts: Outstanding

       Care Of Magical Creatures:                       Outstanding

Athrimancy:                                       Outstanding

Herbology:                                       Outstanding

       Muggle Studies:                                 Exceeds Expectations

Astronomy:                                              Exceeds Expectations

   History of Magic:                                   Exceeds Expectations

As part of your Nastily Exhausting Wizards Tests you are eligible to take any or all of your choices. Please acknowledge which courses you wish to select for your NEWTs and send an owl back to Hogwarts by no later than August 3rd. A letter will then be sent with details as to which books you are required to have and what homework has been set.

Yours sincerely,

Professor M. McGonagol,

Deputy Headmistress, Hogwarts

"Seven Outstanding's and three E's! Yes!" Harry shouted, jumping up.

Practically flying, Harry made his way to Jareth's throne room and showed him the letter.

"So does that count as acceptable for a prince?" He asked cheekily.

"Of course it does my son," Jareth replied, "But I'm not sure if it's acceptable for the saviour of the wizarding world." Harry stuck his tongue out at the teasing.

"Well, the wizarding public can go screw themselves for all I care. Some of them couldn't even get an Outstanding," Harry said, slightly sullen.

Jareth laughed, "I know, my son, but really, they are really good grades. You just have to improve for your NEWTs." They both laughed again. "Any ideas as to which courses you will take?"

"I'm not too sure. I've already arranged to see Draco and Blaise, and then Fred and George. I am thinking, though about owling Professor Snape to see if I can speak to him about it all." Harry paused, "I definitely want to take Potions and Defence, Charms and Arthimancy. I'm not sure about the other ones though."

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

Harry felt the magic rush around him as he shifted from the Goblin Castle to the Malfoy Manor. As he started to regain his sense of balance and his surroundings, Harry was tackled to the ground and subjected to two tickling charms.

"Stop it!" He gasped, "Please!"

His two friends laughed as they ended the charm. Neither Blaise nor Draco were surprised at the two glass balls that flew into the air towards. They were surprised when the spheres stopped in mid-air.

Harry smirked and waved his hands. The spheres took on two different images, but as horrifying as the other.

Draco found himself looking at an image of himself passionately embracing Ginny Weasley while Blaise mock-vomited as was subjected to watching himself and Professor Snape … go beyond the normal teacher-student relationship.

"Really," Harry said, smirking, "You should know by now that I retaliate."

"But- but-" Blaise spluttered, "That's just sowrong! Snape's nice and everything, but Harry!I'm gonna kill you!"

As Draco felt Blaise move from his side he was awoken from his trance of indignant disgust and join in chasing the prince around his house.

By the time they had finished dodging and casting hexes at one another, Draco called for lunch from the kitchens.

"So, did you get your OWL results?" Draco asked.

"Um," Blaise nodded, "mm-mmmm-mmmmmm-mmm" he said while eating.

Harry and Draco laughed. "I'm not quite sure what he said, but yeah, I got mine this morning." Harry replied.

"Seven O's, two E's and one A," Draco said proudly.

"Seven O's and three E's." Harry said smugly.

"Eight O's and two A's." Blaise said grinning. "I purpose that we all go get drunk for crimes against Hufflepuff. After all, we did just show them up again." They laughed lightly.

"I'm sure some of them did well," Harry said, "But I second that we need to get drunk, I almost feel like a goody-goody Gryffindor who hasn't been breaking anyrules!"

"Oh Salazar!" Draco exclaimed, "How are you surviving? We need to get you to St. Mungo's, now!"

"Seriously?" Blaise asked. Harry nodded. "Haven't you got anyone to lead into the Bog of Eternal Stench or to help them meet up with those weird creatures that take each others heads off?"

"No," Harry sighed and leant back, "it seems as if people don't believe in goblins anymore. Or that they aren't wishing away annoyances. It is quite boring, Arit, the head goblin of Gringotts, keeps trying to get me interested in the running of the bank, but it's so boring!"

"Well, as your friends, there is only one thing we can do," Draco said. "Get some firewhiskey and invite Fred and George over to test their latest products out."

"Sounds like a plan," Harry said, grinning.

"Sounds like a very good plan," Blaise said, also grinning.

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

Harry sat up and brought his hand to his head. 'Bad idea. Very bad idea.'He thought. 'How much did I drink last night?'

"Urgh" A groan sounded from across the room. "Someone get the broom model of the broom that hit me. I feel like shit." Blaise, Harry thought, said.

"I take it you feel about as good as I feel" Harry said, gently rubbing his temples.

"Mmmm," Was his only response.

Harry sighed and tried to focus on anything but the hangover from hell. He noticed that the twins were still here and were lying on one of the sofas; Draco was on another one and Blaise was on the rug in front of the fire. At the sound of quiet footsteps Harry turned to the door and heard an amused chuckle.

"Good morning Harry."

"Good" he yawned, "morning Lucius." Harry replied, slurring his words a little.

"I take it that you enjoyed last night?"

"I'm sure I'd enjoy it more if I had an anti-hangover potion." Harry replied pointedly.

"Father?" Draco said sleepily. They looked over to him as he raised his head and then let it fall back on the pillow. "Be nice, get us all a potion?"

Lucius gave another amused chuckle, "I believe the house elves have breakfast ready for us and your guests. Why not have the potion as your morning drink?" The head of the prominent wizarding family turned and walked away.

"Guess that means come to breakfast then, huh?" Harry said.

Draco grunted non-committedly.

With one hand still massaging his temples, Harry stretch the other one out, and drenched his friends in ice-cold water, they awoke quiet rapidly and Harry dried them off.

"Breakfast." Draco said, as he led the way to the breakfast room.

Harry noticed the twins hesitate slightly as they saw Lucius sitting at the table already but they carried on, sitting either side of Harry. Gratefully the five boys downed the anti-hangover potions in one.

"Thank Salazar." Blaise muttered, along with the other phrases of thanks.

"I would suggest that if you can't handle firewhiskey, don't drink it," Lucius commented as he gracefully ate his breakfast.

"It's not the firewhiskey father, it's the hangover," Draco said.

"I'm sure it is." Lucius replied.

A house-elf entered to announce the presence of one Severus Snape. As the tall professor entered, Harry felt something in his heart clenched and tightened.

'What in the world?' Harry thought.

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Thanks for the reviews! Keep 'em coming! Thanks! I've a new story up, called Mortalitas.

Summary: Post OotP. With Voldemort openly acknowledged and an imminent attack on the Hogwarts Express, Dumbledore dplits his students into groups and sets the task for them to get to Hogwarts - no magic allowed... Trouble follows Harry and his group...