In a Single Heartbeat

Disclaimer - Paramount and Viacom own the characters from Voyager, although they didn't often treat them right. The story line belongs to me.

A special thanks to: My friend and editor of all my stories, Mill3rs.

Chapter Eighteen – The Sound of His Heartbeat

"La donna è mobile qual piuma al vento, muta d'accento e di pensiero." 

The doctor's voice sounded softly in the background as Tom opened his eyes.  He smiled as he realized that not only was he still alive, but that he was back on Voyager.  He tried to sit up but was stopped by a gentle hand on his shoulder.

            "Easy, Tom," Samantha said.  "You've been through some pretty difficult surgery and you need to lie still for the next few hours."

            "Ah, Mr. Paris," the doctor joined them.  "The sleeping prince has awakened."  He began scanning the helmsman, nodding his head in approval of the readings.  "You are healing quite nicely, due of course to my excellent surgical skills."

            Tom shook his head slightly trying to suppress a grin.  "B'Elanna and Chakotay, they're all right?" he asked.  "What about the Helmar in the mine with us?  Several of them were injured."

            "The Commander and Lieutenant Torres were released to their respective quarters," the doctor replied.  "The Helmar have been treated and are probably at this moment being subjected to the latest concoction in the mess hall."

            The doors to sickbay slid open and B'Elanna quickly approached the surgical bay.  Samantha moved toward the computer console, as the doctor greeted the lieutenant.   "Lieutenant Paris is doing well and was just asking about you."

            "Hey," B'Elanna said as she grasped Tom's hand.

            "Hey, yourself," he replied.

            "I was worried about you," they said in unison.

            "We didn't know what had happened to you.  The guards wouldn't answer my questions," Tom slowly stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.

            Gently touching Tom's face next to his right eye, B'Elanna replied.  "I know, Chakotay told me how this happened.  The Helmar took care of me and helped to locate the mine."  She couldn't take her eyes from her husband's face. "When the Goroth started shooting, it was like my dream coming true."  Her voice faltered when she thought back to the shuttle and how she almost lost him.

            Tom's eyes narrowed with concern.  "What dream?"

            B'Elanna sat on the stool that the doctor had pulled over.  "It was horrible…" she began.

#  #  #

            Captain Janeway rose from her command chair and approached the front viewscreen.  "We are ready to precede with the photon blasts."

            "Aye, Captain," Tuvok replied.  "Bridge to Astrometrics, you may commence firing at the targets."

            "Yes, Sir," Lieutenant Carey's voice came through the comm system.

            Janeway watched as the first target erupted into a geyser of water that could be seen with their long range scanners.  Six times, Voyager sent photon blasts to the planet's surface. 

            "Captain, scanners show that several lakes are forming on the surface," Harry spoke from his station.

            "Thank you, Ensign," Janeway answered.  Turning to Chakotay, she moved toward her ready room.  "You have the bridge, Commander."

            Janeway walked to her desk and opened a link to the Helmar homeworld.  "Lorish, we have fired the photon blasts and the lakes are forming."

            "I do not know how we could ever repay you, Captain," the woman said.  "I would like to invite your crew to visit our planet and enjoy our hospitality for as long as they wish."

            "Thank you, Lorish," Janeway replied.  "I'm sure the crew will appreciate your kind offer."

#  #  #

            B'Elanna entered her quarters, several days later.  Shore leave had indeed been restful and even fun, she admitted to herself.  She and Tom had enjoyed the company of Lorish, Krey and Bromar.  Retrill had played endless games with Naomi Wildman and the sound of the children's laughter had helped to chase away the dark shadows of her dream.  Neelix had even found some new vegetables that the entire crew agreed were a welcome addition to the dinner menus.

            The lights were dim over their sleeping area and B'Elanna moved quietly so to not awaken Tom.  He had recovered from his ordeal on the planet and the surgery, and had even challenged her to a race down on the planet.  With her third lung, she of course had more endurance and had won easily, the two of them collapsing onto the banks of a sparkling stream.  He was on the Alpha shift in the morning and was asleep.  B'Elanna smiled when she noticed that he had placed Toby on her pillow.

            B'Elanna changed out of her uniform, placed Toby on the corner table and crawled into bed.  Reaching out her hand, she felt Tom's warm body next to her.  She could feel his chest rising and falling gently as he slept.  She pulled the blanket around her shoulders and curled against her husband's body.  B'Elanna put her head over his heart and smiled as she felt the steady beating beneath her right ear.  Soothed by the stable rhythm and the soft sounds of his breath moving in and out of his lungs, she soon fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.


NOTE: At the opening of this chapter, the doctor is singing the first few bars of La donna è mobile, from the opera of the same name by Giuseppe Verdi

Author's note:  I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.  Please review, critique – no flames please, or e-mail me.  Thanks,   Cat