
Chapter Thirty Six


Everyone was seated at the dinner table ready to have dinner. Phoebe sat cross from Piper, she looked at her sister to see Leo whisper something into Piper's ear that made her blush and Leo laughed. She smiled looking at her sister and her husband they loved each other so much. She prayed in hope to find a love like that. Next to Leo was Prue and Andy who were caught up in their own little world too that was about to get bigger and next the Andy was Cole who Phoebe caught looking at her.

"Can I have everyone's attention please," Uncle Sam said standing up, "I have some news to share with the family." Everyone stop their chatter and turned their attention to Uncle Sam. "Well Andy and Prue are having another baby along with that news her sister Phoebe is getting married," he said. A look of shock came across Phoebe's face she knew nothing about it. Prue, Piper and Paige turned to Phoebe with worried looks on their face. "We have no other than the King to thank..." Uncle Sam went on.

Piper looked at her husband wondering what was going on. Leo looked down at her and whispered "Don't worry," into her ear.

"... Cole Turner as asked for Phoebe hand in marriage and Patricia Halliwell as agreed." Uncle Sam finished.

Piper looked over at Phoebe and smiled and Phoebe smiled at her sister.


It was some months later and Christian was ten months old and had just learnt to walk. He was in Leo's arms as the whole Wyatt family walked into Church on a Sunday morning. Melinda was holding Leo's hand and Matthew was holding Piper's as they walked to their seats. People looked at the happy family as they sat down.

"Mommy, when are we going home?" Matthew asked Piper, like every kid he found going to church very boring along with his little sister.

"Honey you be quite and we will be going soon," Piper said.

"Mommy this is boring," Matthew told her then Leo looked over at his wife and son. "Daddy I want to go home."

"Me too Daddy," Melinda said as she hugged her father's arm.

"We'll go home soon sweetheart," Leo said as he kissed his daughter's forehead.

Next to Piper was Uncle Devon, over the months Devon all of the sudden wanted to spend a lot of time with Leo and Piper's children. Leo didn't think much of it but Piper couldn't help but think he was up to something. Milla some one Piper hated was seated next to Uncle Devon. On other side of the Church was Piper's sister Prue and Andy. Prue was near the end of her pregnancy and was due in a couple of weeks which was something Piper was looking forward too.

Church was over and people were getting out of their seats ready to leave. Leaving church was never easy for Leo as people always came up and talked to him, so Piper stayed seated with Matthew and Melinda as other men where talking to her husband. "Hi Piper," a voice said next to Piper.

"Hey when did you come back?" It was Phoebe and she was back from her honeymoon with Cole.

"We came back last night. We still have to attend church," Phoebe said as she rolled her eyes.

"Piper, I'm just going to see Mom," Leo said taking Christian with him. Leo saw his mother leaving outside so he went after her to say hello. As soon has he got outside he saw Uncle Devon talking to his mother in the garden as he got closer he could here their conversation.

"That wouldn't be wise if I were you Liz," Uncle Devon said to her, Leo could tell his mother and Devon where fighting over something.

"I'm not going to let this go on forever Devon!"

"Elizabeth I'll never forgot what we shared," Uncle Devon said as Elizabeth looked at him with disgust. Uncle Devon then placed his finger gently over Elizabeth's lips, "You know Leo has a very pretty wife too," he told Elizabeth with a evil looking smile and then he left.


"I've been looking for you ever where," Piper said as she enter the study to find her husband staring in space. Piper walked over to Leo and sat on his laps, "You know our babies aren't home," Piper told Leo as she started kissing his neck.

"Where are they?" Leo asked.

Piper stop kissing her husband and looked up at him, "They're out with Cole and Phoebe. I told you this morning they were taking them out with Anita."

"Christian too?"

"Yes. Did you not listen to a thing I told you after Church Leo?"

"I'm sorry it's just I had other things on my mind," Leo said then he pulled Piper in and kissed her.

Things started to heat up a little and then the couple took off upstairs.


Leo and Piper where in bed cuddling after their mid day activities. Leo was stroking Piper's arm when she looked up at her husband who was lost in thought. "What are you thinking about?" She asked as she moved on top of him.

Leo looked at his wife on top of him as he ran is finger up her bare back, "Promise if anyone ever tries to harm you or our children you will tell me," Leo asked. Piper looked to her side of the bed moving off her husband on to her side. She grabbed the sheet cover the front of her body facing her back to her husband. Leo knew she was hiding something. He moved close to her placing his arm around her waist leaning over her. Piper could feel Leo's warm chest again her bare back, "Are you hiding something from me?" Leo asked.

Piper turned around and faced Leo with her hair fanned out on the pillow, "It was Milla who pushed me out of the window."

"What? What are you talking about Piper?"

"When Glen and Cole found me."

"How long have you known for? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I still believe it was her lover than shoot you and they tried to frame your brother for it. When we found out who he was I was going to tell you. If I told you now she would get arrested and we would have never found who tried to kill you and they might try and kill you again," Piper said has they tear poured out of her eyes with the thought of her husband being killed.

"Who cares about who tried to kill me Piper. She almost killed you! I had to live two years without you! Matthew didn't have a mother for two years and when he finally met you he didn't know who you were!" Leo shouted at Piper. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you," Leo said taking Piper into his arms

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." Piper cried from his chest as she tried to explain.

"It's all right," Leo said kissing her forehead. Piper wasn't scared of anyone, but she was scared when Leo got angry. It's not that he would hurt her or anything, it was just a side of him she didn't like. "I've got to go," Leo said getting out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Piper asked getting out with him.

"I have some work to do."

"But I need you."

Leo turned around and looked at his wife, "Piper, honey you can't just tell me what you told me and expect me not to do a thing about it."

Piper sat down on the bed covered in the sheet as Leo took a seat next to her in his pants. "It's just now that this is all out people are going to talk ask questions and then it will be just more problems in our life all over again. I'm not just thinking about us there are also our children too."

"Looking after my family is important to me Piper."

Piper got up and walked toward the window, "Sometimes I wish you weren't the King," Piper said.

"Are you saying you regret marrying me?" Leo asked.

"Leo we didn't know each other when we got married. I married the King and that's all it was to me. I don't regret marrying you Leo because I love you. Just being married to a king isn't anything like I thought it would be." Leo walked up behind Piper wrapping his arms around her kissing her shoulder. Piper turned around and faced Leo, "Why couldn't you be one of those men who were raised on a farm?"

"Would you have still loved me?"

"Yes," Piper said as she reached over and kissed him.

"I'll remember that for our next life together." Leo told Piper kissing her back.

"You should go now," Piper said letting Leo go.

"I love you," Leo said kissing Piper one more time and then he grabbed his shirt putting it on and left.

Piper gather her clothes off the floor and got dressed, her children where returning anytime soon so Piper went into the kitchen to make apple pie they seemed to love so much.


Phoebe was over with Matthew, Melinda and Christian a while later. Cole has dropped her and the kids off promising her he would be back later to pick her up. He told her he had some business to attend with Leo.

"What did you do with Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Cole?" Piper asked her children giving them apple pie.

"We went to a farm Momma," Matthew told Piper.

"And tell her what you saw Matthew?" Phoebe said.

"I saw a pig rolling in mud!"

Piper laughed, "And what about you Melinda?" Piper asked her daughter brushing the hair out of her face as she ate her apple pie.

"I saw man with rwak and chickeeens Momma."

Piper laughed and then Christian started to fuss, "I think it time for a nap Christian," Piper said picking him up and taking him up stairs.

Piper placed Christian in his cot and looked at him sleeping until she heard someone walk in behind her it was Leo with a blank look on his face. "Leo what's wrong?" Piper asked.

"I went to see Milla."


"She's dead Piper. Someone killed her."

"O my god." Piper was shocked. "Why would someone want to kill her?"

"I don't know," Leo said taking Piper into his arms for comfort.

Then they heard a thump outside in the hallway. They both went out to see it it was. "I'm all right!" Dan yelled. "I just fell." Dan had fell down the stairs.


Sorry about the delay :)

Next Chapter - O MY GODDESS WHO KILLED MILLA. Even I don't know... Well I do... Or maybe I don't.