I decided to take a break from typing my other fic for a little while and try something new! I am gonna try to do a funny fic for the first time! (run for your lives!!) it will probably suck but whatever!

Summary: Botan, Keiko, and Yukina get turned into little kids again! (About 4 years old!) and the boys have to watch over them. But ya know the saying, GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN! : ) But who turned them into kids? No one would think it's a couple of blondes! (now there are like a million pissed of blondes ready to kill me! Sorry!) what will the boys have to do to return them to normal?

Please review if ya liked it! If it totally sucked, TELL ME! Thanks! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

It was a day just like any other day for the group. Bickering, slapping, eating, that's where we join them now. At a restaurant. All seven of them sitting at a table in a semi-nice restaurant. In front of each was a half eaten plate of food. They had all stopped eating to break up another fight in which Kuwabara pisses Hiei off and Hiei, in turn, begins to take out his katana. (I think that's what its called! ^__^;) to prevent this Kurama quickly grabbed Hiei from behind to pull him away from the human.

"Damn it, Kitsune! Let me go! I'm gonna kill him this time!" Hiei shouted, drawing the attention of about everybody in the restaurant.

"HA! Yeh right! That little shit kill me? Doubt it!" Kuwabara shouted back. He was being held back by Yusuke, who was having trouble seeing since Kuwabara was bigger than him. The girls stayed seated at the table, blushing with embarrassment.

"Feel my wrath!" yelled Hiei. Botan's head slammed down on the table with a frustrated sigh. Keiko and Yukina followed suit.

With the fighting still going on the waiter came up and tapped Botan on shoulder. She picked her head up and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Miss, but I am going to have to ask you and your friends to leave the restaurant. Here's the bill." He said in a disgusted tone. Botan eyes glared daggers at his back. She looked at the bill. @__@. Her head hit the table again. Keiko grabbed the bill, looked at it and stood up. She crumple the bill in her fist and stomped over to Yusuke. She went behind him and reached into his back pocket.

"AH! Keiko what the. ya know, honey, this might have to wait till later!" he said still struggling with Kuwabara. She narrowed her eyes and slapped him. She pulled his wallet up and kept glaring. "Oh" was all Yusuke said.

Keiko went back over to the table and pulled out the money needed for the bill from Yusuke's wallet. Now the problem was getting the boys out of the restaurant.

"YUKINA!" Keiko yelled. "You can make them stop! Go, break it up!" Keiko said pushing a confused Yukina to the boys. "Now tell them to stop or you'll never talk to either of them again." Keiko whispered to her.

"Ok. Kuwabara, Hiei, stop this right now or I will never talk to either of you again!" she said. This caught their attention. They both calmed and hung their heads.

"Sorry, sweetie-pie!" Kuwabara said.

"Sorry." Mumbled Hiei. Kurama and Yusuke collapsed with exhaustion.

The waiter came over again and grabbed the money for the bill.

"I thought I told you to leave?" the waiter sneered.

The boys looked over at him and saw a mass of blue hair on the table behind him.

"Botan!" Kurama said jumping up and scrambling towards her. He lifter her shoulders and saw her dazed expression.

"LEAVE!" yelled the waiter. The boys all got up and glared at him.

"Bite me." Yusuke said as he walked passed the waiter with Keiko.

"Jackass." Kuwabara said to the waiter, Yukina next to him.

"Flamer." Kurama said walking passed the waiter with Botan, still dazed, in his arms. Hiei followed after Kurama. He stopped and looked up at the waiter.

"You gonna say something too?" the waiter asked. Hiei just stared at him.

"Cough*fag*cough." Hiei walked away. The waiter rolled his eyes.


They all went back to Kurama and Botan's house. (they live together!Yay! ^__^) Sitting down in the living room, Botan finally came to.

"The bill!" she yelled.

"Don't worry. It was taken care of." Keiko said looking a Yusuke. His eyebrows went together in confusion. He reached to get his wallet and looked inside. It was empty.

"You used ALL my money?!" he yelled. Keiko shrugged.

"Had to." She said smoothly.

"HAHA! Yusuke's broke!" Kuwabara said.

"Shut up man! If it wasn't for you we could still be eating there!"

"Nuh aw! Its fire shrimps fault!" Kuwabara said pointing over to a corner. No one was there. He pointed to another corner. No one there. "What the hell! He always sits in corners! Where is he?" They heard a flushing noise come from the bathroom. Hiei came out.

"There he is!" Yukina said happily.

"There! Its his fault!" Kuwabara said pointing to Hiei.

"I think that's the first time I have ever seen you come from the bathroom." Kurama said confused.

"Hn. Stupid kitsune." Hiei grunted.

"Oh. I don't feel good." Botan grumbled. She started to get up but Kurama pulled her back down.

"You should rest." He said.

"Noooo. I think I should." but she didn't finish her sentence. She got a weird look on her face and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Now that she mentions it, I don't feel too great either." Keiko said, holding her stomach.

"Upstairs bathroom." Kurama said pointing up. Keiko immediately ran up stairs.

"Ohhh. what about me?" Yukina said looking a little green in the face.

"Um, kitchen?" Kurama said unsure. She got up and hurried away.

"What's wrong with them?" Yusuke asked concerned.

"Poor Yukina!" Kuwabara blubbered.

"Food poisoning?" Hiei suggested.

Just then there was a scream from the bathroom Botan was in. Then there was a loud bang against the door.

"Kurama shouldn't you go see what's wrong?" Yusuke said looking at him.

"I'm scared."

There was another loud bang and then what sounded like a little girl crying.

"Botan?" Kurama said worried. He got up and went over to the bathroom. "Honey you ok?"

"I can't weach da door knob!" a little voice wailed. Then there was another scream from upstairs and one more from the kitchen. Yusuke jumped up and ran to Keiko. Kuwabara did the same for Yukina.

"Botan? Is that you? Can I open the door?" Kurama asked standing in front of the door.

"Wet me out!!" came the little voice again. Then it sounded like tiny fists were pounding on the door from inside. Kurama swung the door open and looked around. He didn't see Botan anywhere. He heard a small groan from behind the door. He looked behind it and saw a little girl with blue hair and big pink eyes starting to get up. She was dressed in smaller versions of what Botan was wearing.

"Ow! You big jerk!" she said running up and kicking him in the shin.

"Cripe!" he said grabbing his shin.

"Serves you wight." Little Botan said putting her hands on her hips.

"Botan what happened?" Kurama asked. She looked at him and her eyes turned into little hearts. She smiled and ran up and gave him a hug. "You're cute!" she giggled.

"Botan, come on. What happened?" he asked again.

"I downt know." She said with a frown. Just then Hiei popped his head into the bathroom. Seeing the little Botan he stepped inside, eyes wide.

"Holy shit!" he said. Botan looked up at him and hearts formed in her eyes.

"Cute!" she yelled and jumped up from Kurama. She ran over to Hiei and latched onto his legs.

"Is this Botan? And what is she doing?" Hiei asked while Botan cuddled his legs.

"I'm pretty sure that's Botan." Kurama said ignoring his second question.

"Hey guys! We have a problem!" they heard Yusuke shout. Kurama walked out of the bathroom. Hiei tried to but Botan was still hooked on his leg. He continued dragging her out of the bathroom by his leg.

"Kitsune, get your damn girlfriend off of my leg!" Hiei said.

"Come here Botan!" Kurama said. She opened her eyes and saw Kurama. More hearts. She let go of Hiei and ran to Kurama. She jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"It happened to Botan too, huh?" Yusuke said, a small Keiko perched on his shoulder pulling his hair.

"Yeh." Kurama said, trying to pry Botan's little fingers off his neck so he could breathe.

Kuwabara was trying to catch little Yukina who was dancing around in a little circle singing.

"Same with Yukina." Yusuke said.

Hiei walked up to Yukina and stared. She noticed him and looked up. She smiled and went back to dancing. Hiei saw how happy she looked and smile a little.

"I wanna dance too!" Keiko yelled. Yusuke set her down and she ran over to Yukina. "Whas your name?" Keiko asked.

"Yukina whas your?"

"Keiko. Wanna pway?"

"Sure!" so they started playing a cute little game.

"They don't remember each other?" Kuwabara asked.

"Then they probably don't remember us." Yusuke said.

"You're cute!" Botan said again, huggling Kurama. Kurama let her down and she looked around at all of the people. Her eyes landed on Hiei. Hearts again. Hiei realized this and started backing away.

"Come here!" Botan yelled. Hiei ran.

"No way!" he yelled. Botan stopped running after him. Her eyes got really big and her lip started to tremble. She sniffed once and started balling. The boys covered their ears. If you think it was loud for normal humans, imagine what it must be like for Kurama. Having super sensitive hearing made it ten times louder. He closed his eyes and fell over. Hiei stared at the little crying Botan. What was he supposed to do?


Well theres the first chapter. Will Hiei do anything to stop the crying? Will they find out who did this? Keep reading to find out! Please review! Thanks.
