Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the songs I use.

Notes: I like listening to music. I also like reading and writing fics. So I decided to combine the two. I know it's been done before. But not like this. I dedicate this fic to Anne O. Nimbus for inspiring me to write a musical. You should read her fic YYH the Musical. It's good. I'd also like to thank angelkaiko300 for helping me out. Kel belongs to her. (Kel is her) This fic will be written in script form. Enjoy!

Extra note: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I wrote this using YYH characters! I had been updating my YYH fics that day. I'm so sorry! I fixed it though.

Yu-Gi-Oh the Musical

(Curtains open on an airport scene. A young girl walks off the plane.)

Kel: Now where's Sarah?

Sarah: Kel! Over here!

Kel: (runs to her friend) Hi Sarah.

Sarah: Welcome to Domino Town!

(The two girls walk off stage)

(Sarah and Kel are walking down the street. Kel bumps into someone and falls.)

Kel: Ouch!

Sarah: Watch where you're going Tristan!

Tristan: ^^' Sorry.

Kel: Hello. (looks up and sees Seto)

Sarah: See you guys later.

Tristan: See ya!

Seto: Bye!

Kel: He looks so familiar.

Sarah: (sweatdrops) I thought you might notice that. I'll explain it later. We have to hurry.

(The two girls run in the direction of a large mansion.)

Kel: You never said you lived in a mansion.

Sarah: Sorry about that.

Kel: It's okay.

(Sarah leaves.)

Kel: (begins singing)


Not a sound from the pavement

Has the moon lost her memory?

She is smiling alone

In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at me feet

And the wind

Begins to moan


All alone in the moonlight

I can smile at the old days

I was beautiful then

I remember the time I knew what happiness was

Let the memory

Live again

Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning

Someone mutters

And a street lamp gutters

And soon it will be morning


I must wait for the sunrise

I must think of a new life

And I mustn't give in

When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too

And a new day

Will begin

Burnt out ends of smoky days

The stale cold smell of morning

The street lamp dies

Another night is over

Another day is dawning

Touch me

It's so easy to leave me

All alone with the memory

Of my days in the sun

If you touch me

You'll understand what happiness is

Look a new day

Has begun

Kel: (sighs) That guy looks exactly like my brother. I wonder where he is.

(Sarah walks in.)

Sarah: (hands Kel a plate of sushi.) Here ya go!

Kel: Thanks.

(Scene: Seto, Tristan, Joey, and Yugi are talking)

Seto: Who was that girl? She seemed so familiar.

Joey: Who?

Seto: A girl I bumped into. She reminded me of my sister.

Tristan: I never knew you had a sister.

Yugi: Who did you run into?

Seto: I don't know. She was a friend of Sarah's.

Tristan: Yesterday, Sarah told me her friend Kel was moving in with her. Htat girl could have been Kel.

Joey: Tell me about this girl you met.

Seto: She had brown hair and blue eyes, just like me. She definitely had my people skills.

Joey: Interesting.

AN: I know it was short. Please forgive me. I'm in the middle of a major writers block. I'm surprised I actually started this fic. Ja mata!