A/N: Well here's another chapter it'll prolly be crap like the rest of them, but I'm going to try anyway so here ya go.

The Date: Part 2

They ate quietly through dinner basking in the comfortable silence. Before long the plates were cleared of all signs of food leaving them both full.

'So what did you have in mind for after dinner Shinji?' Misato asked nonchalantly.

'Well I..I thought if it was okay with you, We could go to a movie.' Shinji said quietly while looking at his hands.

'That sounds just perfect.' Misato said as she grabbed Shinji's hand.

Shinji paid for the food and walked with Misato hand in hand out to their car. The drive to the movie theater was much slower then Shinji was used to. He noticed how carefully Misato was driving and was wondering what was bothering her.

'She's probably annoyed by me. I don't blame her after all I am me.' Shinji thought to himself.

But if Shinji could peek into her mind he would find an entirely different mind storm going on.

'This is to perfect I have never been on a date this nice.' Misato thought to herself.

'What are you thinking he's fifteen years younger then you. You can't be thinking like that.'

'But he is the nicest I've ever meet before.' This line of thought ran through her mind the whole way to the movie theater.

Shinji and Misato went to see a quiet romace movie at Misato's choice much to the embarrassment of Shinji. During the movie Shinji kept glancing over at Misato soaking in her features as she watched the movie.

'She's so beautiful why is she even going out on a date with me.' He sighed to himself.

'Maybe I should just enjoy the moment while it lasts.'

He didn't have much time to think about it before Misato rested her head on Shinji's shoulder. He could her let out a content sigh as she continued to watch the movie.

A/N: Well here's another chapter hope you like it and please review.