Disclaimer: Eh. See part one!

I am really going to enjoy this! ^-^ It's not like I firmly believe that Hotohori and Nuriko should be a couple - I just think that they're well- suited to each other, that's all! I do, however, firmly believe that Hotohori and I are meant for each other. *grin* *gets scary looks from the other Hotohori lovers and back off* heh heh...Right. Okay! Anyways, I really, really, like this idea! I mean, I maintain that whenever Hotohori is not in emperor garb or worrying about politics, he's a normal guy, just like Nuriko and Tamahome and Tasuki! (For non-believers of this, I direct you to when the bandit glomped and he totally freaked and shouted for Nuriko's help, and then when Miaka - or any other friend - was in danger. I let the emperor role drop and Dude! ^.^ He kicks ass!!) So, enjoy part two! I wonder what's going to happen? I seem to now know, either. Maybe the basics, but...eh. ( (And if anyone understands that, u tell me, too, okies?)


Part 2: Mt. Black

Tamahome adjusted the bridle on his horse, watching Miaka and Nuriko have another snowball fight. He smiled, and waved Nuriko over to him when the older man looked up.

Nuriko grinned and hurried over. "Heya, Tama-baby! Want to play in the snow with us?"

Tamahome just shook his head. "No...we need to find the others and get to the Shinzaho, so I'll head for Mt. Black, and you two can try and find the others."

"Nuh-uh," Nuriko chided. "I'm the one who used the flare, so I'll go to Mt. Black, while you and Miaka go looking for the others. Besides, as old as that mountain is, there may be rubble in front of the cave entrance you mentioned, and I should be the one to open it, since I'm the strongest."

Tamahome smiled at him. "Alright then, but be careful. That wolf-man may still be around."

"Oh, Tama-kins, don't worry about me!" Nuriko laughed at him and swung up onto his horse.

"Nuriko! Where are you going?" Miaka cried, wiggling out from under the giant snowball and running over to him.

"I'm going to meet you two at that cave Tama-baby mentioned, Miaka. You two need to go get the others."

Miaka bit her lip. "O-Okay, Nuriko...but please, be careful!"

Nuriko ruffled her hair, said his goodbyes, and galloped off.


A/N: I am *so* cutting out the whole "I ran into Yui" conversation...*gags*


Nakago's whip cracked Ashitare's back again, making the wolf-man roar in pain.

"You failed me once," the tall blonde baritone said, finally allowing the sentries to unchain Ashitare. "Fail me again and your punishment will be even greater. Now do what I sent you to do!"

With a pain-laden roar, Ashitare took off into the early morning.


A/N: Ooh. Scary... (anyone who has seen Weiss Kreuz AND watched the outtakes will get this...)


Nuriko left his horse at the inn closest to Mt. Black and began grueling, tedious climb up the mountain. The wind whistled fiercely today, sweeping up behind him. While he was grateful for the extra push, he could do without the stinging cold.

Clasping his hands tightly together, he worked his way up the mountain.

//Gods, I wonder how Hotohori-sama is doing in Kounan? It's nice and warm there...// He blew on his fingers to keep them from going numb. He smiled. //Maybe if I keep thinking about him, I'll feel warmer...//


Hotohori awoke to the crackle of the dying fire, feeling well-rested and free. Even though he had been feeling free every morning since leaving Eiyo, he was glad that the feeling didn't fade. The freedom was wonderful - no rules to dictate his dress or mannerisms.

He stretched, looking around the area being the outcropping of rocks, smiling. With an ease that would have surprised anyone, he put together a breakfast and extinguished the remains of the fire, the thin wisp of smoke dissipating almost immediately.


After half an hour of climbing, Nuriko found himself on the top of the mountain, which was, strangely, mostly flat. He shielded his eyes from the glaring sun reflecting off of the yards of virgin snow, scanning the horizon for some sort of shrine.

//Ah-hah!// He thought to himself. //That must be it! Over by that outcropping of rocks...//

Grinning at his good fortune, Nuriko headed across the snow to the large shrine - this had to be it. There was an ornate door set into the huge rock face, the only remainder of a mountain up here, and was blocked by a boulder that would take all his strength to move, even with the help of the bracelets from Taiitsukun.

He was studying the boulder, trying to determine the easiest way to move it, when he heard a low growl from behind him. He turned, only to find himself face to face with Ashitare.


Hotohori was in the midst of reading quietly to himself when he heard the growl. Instantly, his hand was on the hilt of his sword, and he was alert. The growl had sounded like that of a wild animal - a wolf, most likely. Luckily, his chosen shelter was keeping his scent away from it. Nonetheless, he rose silently to his feet. He heard the growl again, followed by a voice, telling someone that they were going to eat the Suzaku Shichi Seishi, and Suzaku no Miko.

"I'm not letting you anywhere near Miaka...or ANY of my friends!" The someone replied. "I'm taking you down! Come on!"

Hotohori froze in shock. //Nuriko?!?!//


//What is Nuriko doing out here alone?!// Hotohori thought wildly. This wasn't right... //What about the others?! They should be here, too! Nuriko was going to get himself killed!// His blood ran cold at the idea, bringing him back to last night's train of thought.

The sound of someone hitting a rock made his thoughts scatter and his heart pound in terror. Nuriko...Nuriko would die if this kept up!!

There was another feral roar, and he heard another body hit a rock, followed by a groan, and pain shot through his back.

He started towards the fighting, his heart thundering with fear more real, more tangible, than even the fear of losing his new-found brother.





Nuriko's back slammed into the rock, and he groaned as pain filled his senses. He opened his eyes as soon as he could, only to see Ashitare coming towards him, so he jumped...

And as he did so, he turned to look back, only to Ashitare reaching back for him...

He expected to feel sharp claws ripping through his gut, but was surprised to instead hear a roar of pain.

When he landed, he turned back to see...


Drawing his sword even as he ran, Hotohori saw Nuriko jump, saw him look back, and he ran faster, plunging his sword into the center of Ashitare's back.


//What...Hotohori...I'm dead, there's no other explanation...// Nuriko thought wildly, staring at the man at the other end of the sword.

Hotohori's golden eyes were narrowed, his jaw tight, as he pushed the sword deeper.

Then Nuriko saw Ashitare start to swing his arm back, and watched as Hotohori was backhanded, falling away from Ashitare, landing against a rock on the ground. His sword slowly slid to a stop in the snow next to Nuriko.

Hotohori didn't move, and the snow beneath him was turning red.

//No, I'm not dead...I'm alive, the fight is now...And...Hotohori... Hotohori-sama is...// Red clouded his vision. Red like the blood beneath the man he loved.

"How dare you?!" Nuriko shouted, running forward and taking a strangle-hold on Ashitare, the armlets flooding his arms with strength. "Don't - EVER - touch - him - AGAIN!!"


Hotohori opened his eyes to blackness, so he closed them again.

"Am I...dead?" he whispered, afraid of the answer. If he was, then what about Nuriko? Was he alive? Dead? Dying?

"No, but if you do something that stupid again, I'll kill you," Nuriko answered, laughing softly. "Don't move, Hotohori-sama, I'm almost done fixing your head..."

"Hotohori." It was an effort to speak. "Just Hotohori."

"Eh? Nani?" Nuriko's hands stilled. "I can't call you that - you're the emperor."

"No, I'm not. I quit." He sighed softly. "I'll explain later - my head hurts."

More soft laughter followed. "Alright...and it should hurt, considering the dent that rock made..."


"Hai...the one you landed on." His hands resumed their work, Hotohori's head on his lap. "Now, quit talking. Head wounds bleed a lot, and if you keep moving your mouth it'll start to bleed again."

"Hai," Hotohori whispered back, sinking into sleep. Nuriko was alive and safe... He'd worry about why that was so important later.


Finally having gotten together with Chichiri and the others - and finding them near the far end of town - Tamahome and Miaka set off towards the summit of Mt. Black.


"Well, I'm glad that your brother took over for you," Nuriko told Hotohori, smiling as he stirred some soup. "And I'm glad that you brought soup mix with you!"

Hotohori smiled back slowly. The soup did smell good. And warm. "I am, too..."

They were silent for a while.

"You cut your hair."

It wasn't an accusation. It wasn't a question. Just a statement of fact.

Nuriko looked up at him. "Hai - two girls together were attracting too much attention..."

Hotohori smiled at him. "It looks nice."

The purple-haired seishi blushed, dropping his gaze. Hotohori had given him a compliment...

"It looked better long, though," Hotohori continued musingly. "It made you look so much prettier..." He smiled to himself, thinking of Nuriko with all of that long hair...He almost admitted it then, but once again, he ignored the truth.

Blushing and determined to change the conversation, Nuriko set down the ladle. "Let me check on your temple, okay?"

Hotohori shook his head. "It'll be alright, Nuriko. You don't need to -"

Nuriko narrowed his eyes at Hotohori. "Need to, no. Want to, yes. I want to make sure it's healing right so that you don't have a scar."

"A-a scar?! Me?!" He looked aghast. "I don't scar!"

"Well, this one might," Nuriko said. "And don't even try to fend me off, because I'll win in a battle of strength!"

Hotohori sighed, meekly letting the other seishi check the wound. Nuriko's touch was gentle as it brushed aside his hair and untied the knot holding the binding closed.

Then he inhaled. A mistake. After all of his thoughts about Nuriko and close to admitting to himself that he did find the other man attractive, he had no choice but to admit it now. Nuriko smelled so soft, so clean...a hint of flowers, too. Violets, maybe...

"Nuriko," he murmured softly, reaching up to still Nuriko's hands with one of his own.

Startled, Nuriko leaned over him. "Nani? Am I hurting you?"

"No," Hotohori replied softly, then moved his hand to the back of Nuriko's neck, pulling him down and kissing him softly.

~*~ Well, that looks like a good place to leave this for now... *wicked grin* ^__^.

Ah, lemon yaoi between my boys... *sniffle* They are so sweet together...And, for some reason, I like the idea of Hotohori being a gay man in denial!! ^__^.

Anyways, please R&R!!! ^_~.