My anguished cry halted everything abruptly. My eyes filled with disbelieving tears, the words of the messengers still ringing in my ears. Soft, uncertain, though they were, I heard them as malicious hisses. Taunting me. Again, someone had been torn away from me.

I fell to the ground, landing on my knees. My legs just could not bear my weight any longer. My body shook as I cried softly, hands covering my eyes. I could not control myself. I did not want to.

"What has happened?" I heard many ask in frightened tones.

The messengers relayed their shocking, horrifying news, but I only partly heard them.


I was young. I didn't understand.

A horrible pang of pain...of abandonment hit my heart as I watched her toss herself into the sea.

I was young. I didn't understand. What was this immeasurable hurt caused by?

She was gone. No farewell. No I love you, my son. She was just gone.

I was young. I didn't understand...all things. But I did understand that she hadn't cared. The love I had for her...was unreturned. I was hers, but she was not mine. She didn't love me *or* my brother, so blinded was she by the Silmiril.

So why did I care that she was gone? Why did it hurt so?

I was young...I didn't understand...and she was gone forever. But the pain remained.


I stood beside him. I always had...he was my brother. I would stand with him to the last.

He was dying. Dying of old age. But...Elves didn't age in that way...he should not...why had he chosen mortal life? Why had he gone and done such a thing? He was leaving me...leaving me behind. Just like they had.

"Do not cry for me, muindor-nín," he chuckled from his bed, and I averted my eyes so he could not see the tears that shined in them.

He said my name softly after a moment.

I looked back at him and was surprised to see tears in his own eyes. He was not the kind to weep. He never had been.

Once, an elfling-boy had teased me because I had wept freely in front of him. Elros had henceforth decided that crying was childish and that neither if us would ever do it when in the presence of any one but each other. Including Ada, he had said, but that hadn't really happened.

"Yes?" I answered.

"I am going to die..." he answered, as if just realizing it. "I wonder what will happen to me after I depart."

"Do not talk like that yet," I whispered pleadingly. "Not yet. You are not dead yet."

"But I will be," he sighed wearily. "And you will have no one." Tears were streaming down his cheeks now, as were they on my own.

"Not entirely," I replied, though I agreed with him in my heart. I *would* be alone, save one. Yet he was not my brother. He was not my twin. No, my twin was lying on his deathbed, aged and...mortal. "I will have Gil-galad."

"I know that," he whispered. A sob escaped his lips, though he tried to stifle it. "You will be great, Elrond. You will be great. Please take care of yourself." He grabbed for my hand and held it tightly. "I love you, brother..." He stared up into my eyes. His, old and faded. Mine... Forever youthful. His grip lessened on my hand. "I love you...gwanunig-nín." His eyes closed and he fell back against the pillows, his heart giving its last beat.

I placed his limp hand on top of his chest and bowed my head, weeping at my loss.


He lay there on his back. Dead. Covered in dirt, sweat, and blood... Their blood. His blood.

I ran to his side. Though I sensibly knew he wasn't, I hoped with all my heart that he still drew breath. I hoped his heart still beat, I hoped that I wasn't too late. I wasn't too late for farewells.

I kneeled, my knees getting soaked in the mud that had been turned by his blood. His eyes were open, shock still in them. Horror. Realization. And strength, pride, and courage. A fallen hero...the last High King.

He breathed still, though. By some small miracle, he breathed. It was shallow, his chest barely moving, and his eyes were half-closed.

I felt his face, brushing the twilight-coloured hair out of his eyes. They moved slightly, trying to see me, though I was right in front of him. One of his pupils was larger than the other. Oh, Eru... I touched a spot near the back of his head, my hand coming away bloodied. A concussion.

"Elrond?" he rasped, then coughed, squeezing his eyes shut. "Elrond is that you?" He opened his eyes again to look at me. "Oh, forgive me, iôn-nín," he whispered. "I didn't mean for this to happen... Yet I knew it would."

"Shh," I hushed him, tears brimming in my eyes. I placed a hand on his chest, and he moved his own over it. "Do not apologize...I..."

"No," he interrupted. "No." He raised his other hand, clasped tightly around something, and placed it in my hand. Holding my hand in both his own, he curled my fingers around the object. "Take care of her..." he whispered, and a cough caused by dust in his throat racked his body. " so sorry, Elrond. I love you... Namárië...iôn-nín."

And he was gone from me forever.



Her name echoed in my mind as I watched her step onto the boat. So beautiful. So radiant. So broken. Her whole soul wept.

I blame myself. I was not there for her. Many tell me that even if I had been there, I could not have done anything. But I could have fought for her. I could have taken all the beatings and torture for myself and spared her this pain. If I had been there.

She turned back to me, suffering in her eyes. Begging me to understand. Begging for me to forgive her. For what, though? What has she done?

She called farewell to me. She told me she loves me.

And then she was gone, the boat disappearing into the fog.

She had gone from me. She had left me. Another lost. Even the knowledge that I would see her again did not soothe my aching heart. parents. Who will it be next? Who else will Mandos take from me?


Dead...killed...orcs...ambush...arrows...found.... Dead. Gone.

Those words raced through my mind, over and over again. I couldn't believe it. All of it was too much. The memories...their faces. The things I had not gotten to say when they were all alive. How I *really* felt.

"Oh, Eru, no...." whispered a voice. Glorfindel. "Elrond...." A felt a hand on my shoulder, which I angrily shook off.

I was still kneeling on the marble floor. I had stopped weeping and was now staring numbly at nothing. No, not nothing. Their faces were in front of me. Little elfling faces, grinning at me. They aged...became adults. Their childish features grew into handsome ones. More solemn, careful ones. Ones that were planned. And then, ones that forever held the hatred of orcs. And for me, though they did not know it. No one knew that I blamed myself for all their deaths and Celebrían's passing.

"Elrond..." Glorfindel tried again, kneeling beside me. I barely noticed the other Elves staring at me, frightened and concerned. I didn't acknowledge the golden-haired Noldo. I was still watching them. My sons.

"Elrond...are you going to be all right?"

They had been ambushed by orcs. Apparently stumbling too close to a nest. They had both been taken, beaten, and killed. For sheer *pleasure*.

Elladan was gone. Elrohir was gone.

My parents, Elros, Gil-galad, Celebrían. And sons. They were gone. Never again would I see their faces, hear their voices, hold them in my arms or touch them...

I bent over, my eyes—blurred with tears—widening. Oh, the pain...! It hurt so much in my heart. It was too much grief... How had I lived through so much pain in the past? When all others had died?

I gave a choked sob, hands thrown against the marble floor, palms slapping against its cool surface. The pain... Oh, it hurt so badly...

It barely registered that I moaned. My eyes squeezed shut and I attempted to pull air into my lungs, to no avail. Waves of pain kept hitting me, overwhelming me. I couldn't breathe. I was going to die. If not from lack of oxygen, then grief. But what bothered me more was that in some dark part of my mind, I *wanted* to die. To get away from this pain and reunite with my fallen family.

Yet still I tried to breathe. Still I tried to live.

"Elrond?" Glorfindel's voice seemed urgent. "Elrond!" He cried for a healer, I think. I...heard him...but I didn't understand.

Elves crowded around my shaking form, but I paid them no heed. They were frightened. Frightened for their lord. I saw it in their eyes. Horror shined especially bright in a young elfling's eyes, staring wide at me. He whimpered to his mother and was reassuringly pulled into her arms.

Hands...Glorfindel's hands, I believe, lifted me up and I was...carried? Was he...carrying me? Could I not just walk...?

No. I couldn't move. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. My senses seemed to have just shut off. There was nothing but pain. Pain and hopelessness. They were gone. All of them...

They were gone.

I felt a jogging sort of sensation as Glorfindel ran to the infirmary...screaming? No, yelling for help...I believe. But I saw nothing still.

More hands. And I was placed on a hospital bed. More yelling. Quiet, reassuring voices. Glorfindel...demanding to know what had happened. Foolish Elf...he knew perfectly well what was happing. Even more foolish was myself. Wondering how I was deaf and still heard these things.

And here I thought that this was slower...that you died slowly over time because of too much grief. But normally that it because of *one* lost loved one...not seven. How had I done it? How had I survived so long with so much pain? Ah, was my sons and my daughter. My wife. My family. They were my joy. My reason for living. But now they were gone...all except little Evenstar...

I felt a sharp pain run through my body, and I screamed. I was blind, paralyzed, deaf, and hurting. Too much for the body of *any* being.

And then the darkness, the wonderful darkness of the unconscious, took me. And I felt no pain. I felt no suffering. All the faces of my lost loved ones had disappeared. Stopped haunting me. And I was alone. I was still alone. Oh, so alone...


muindor-nín—my brother

gwanunig-nín—my twin

iôn-nín—my son


I DO NOT know all that has happened in the Silmiril because I haven't taken the time to read it all. This is just what I have gathered. If anything is wrong, I am sorry about that. Please tell me so I can fix it. And also, if you have the moment, please leave a comment in the review box :)