
Chapter 1: The end of a new beginning.

Snake: There he is. Hurry Otacon.

Otacon: I'm trying, but this is only a Kasatka. I'm already pushing it to its limits.

Snake: Damn. There are civilians down there. They haven't even noticed Metal Gear yet. What the hell are they doing?

Otacon: It looks like they're excavating or something. They're so preoccupied with their work that they haven't even noticed us either. Damn! Metal Gear has gone under water. What do we do?

Snake: Keep circling the lake. We didn't follow Liquid all the way to Lake Turkana just to lose him now.

Otacon: We still have the transmitter.

Snake: Yeah. But I want to stay close.

Otacon: Do you think he knows we're following him?

Snake: His radar should have detected us a long time ago. Since Ocelot used up all the weaponry back at Arsenal Gear, he's got nothing against us.

Otacon: Doesn't he still have ammo in the machine guns?

Snake: Maybe, but he hasn't tried anything, so I wonder…

All of a sudden, everything begins to rumble.

Snake: Otacon! What's going on? Is it Liquid?

Otacon: I don't think so. This rumbling is too powerful. Metal Gear can't do this. Snake! Look at that!

Snake: Where?

Otacon: Right below us!

Snake: The hell…! What is that!

Otacon: It looks like some kind of golden plate or something…

Snake: Otacon, watch out!

Otacon: No time! Argghhhh-

Everything became white as the beam of light that shot up from the strange object engulfed the Kasatka. The beam hit the sky, clearing the clouds away. After the beam cleared, the Kasatka was gone, and no one had noticed it was there in the first place…