Flickering Souls

Chapter Twenty: Additional Stuff You Shouldn't See

The Author sat down and exhaled. Rogue had just vanished. The story was over.

"You can come out now." The Author called.

The shadows stirred in the corner of The Authors office and Professor Xavier wheeled himself out.

"What's with the funny little smile Charles?" The Author asked.

"I was thinking of Kurt again." Xavier smiled. "He looked so guilty when Ms. Pryor was … reflecting … on their relationship." He chuckled slightly.

"Yeah. When his tail seemed to get a mind of it's own. I remember." The Author smiled back at him. "I wouldn't have missed it for anything!" The Author said, imitating Maddie.

Xavier covered his mouth while he chuckled.

"Well, they're yours again. All safe, sound and accounted for." The Author sighed.

Xavier nodded. "And no one found out about our arrangement. As we agreed."

"Yeah, what is that all about Charles?" The Author asked.

Xavier shot The Author a serious look. "I cant very well enforce discipline at the mansion if my students know I'm willing to play dice with the universe." He shook his head. "Signing that contract was a great personal leap of faith." He assured The Author.

"They might figure it out you know." The Author smiled.

Xavier made a dismissive gesture. "They'll think it was Scott. And until he remembers otherwise …" Xavier shrugged.

"And even then, he'll have his hands full with the memory. Any thought of contracts is going to be secondary."

"Exactly." Xavier agreed. "And I can go back to sleeping at night." He smiled.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I let Scott know how Rogue felt about him. Not so much for Scott, but for you. I had no idea he was going to radiate disappointment while he sulked …"

"It was awfully distracting some nights." Xavier agreed. "And between that and Kurt's hurt feelings over Mystique … He needed to believe again. He needed the hope that things between them could change." Xavier paused in the memory. "It was like living on a roller coasted of disappointment and rejection. This way …"

"Your house is in order." The Author finished.

"And who knows? Maybe he could reach her." Xavier shrugged. "So tell me … Do you think Scott lived up to his promise?"

The Author smiled. "You mean from Everything Important? When he promised to give Rogue his best if they ever found themselves together?" The Author nodded as he thought about it. "Yeah, I guess so. In my eyes anyway."

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked "In your eyes?"

The Author shrugged. "I think Scott was having a romantic moment when he said that. And the promises made during romantic moments are best applied to romantic logic. Maybe I think that's what he was promising – To be at his romantic best."

Xavier steepled his fingers. "I see. And you don't feel that he did that in this story?"

"Now, I didn't say that." The Author told him. "I personally feel that he did things for Rogue in this story that he's never do for Jean. First off, he signed a contract that allows me one third access to a universe." The Author looked like a thought just struck him. "He was playing dice, just like you." He pointed at Xavier.

"He was indeed." Xavier looked surprised. "I almost didn't notice."

"And with Rogue … He couldn't loose her. He just couldn't allow it to happen. No matter what. He fought her and he won. And you and I both know that Rogue always has the advantage in that kind of conflict. He didn't have it in him to blast Jean to keep her down when Mezmero grabbed her. And he wouldn't have it in him to do so if he grabbed her tomorrow."

Xavier considered this.

"And to me?" The Author continued. "That's above his normal level of excellence. Probably, it was his best. Romantic or not."

Xavier nodded. "I see. So you feel that he lived up to his promise, although he may not – Because he may have had a romantic notion of what he meant when he made the promise."

"Yeah. But I'll be out of here by the time this becomes an issue." He shrugged. "If ever. He and Jean get married in more than half the worlds I've seen. He may never get his memory back. Not of this event of or Abair's disclosure of Rogue's feelings."

"It's probably all for the best." Xavier said with an air of finality.

"Probably." The Author agreed.

"So what will you do now? Move on to another Story? I see you owe Wanda one now."

"Oh, sure. I'll write on." He smirked. "When I'm not selling bootleg copies of Scott singing Stand By Your Man to other fans."

Xavier paused. "You… you didn't actually … tape it, did you?"

The Author held up a videocassette and rattled it at Xavier.

"Here." He said. "Take this one home."

Xavier looked at the tape and considered. "I had … I had better not." He grinned. "I wouldn't want anyone else to see it. But …"

"You want to watch it now?" The Author smiled as he spoke. "I've got a machine right here."

Xavier seemed to be debating something internally.

"I am … curious." He smiled. "To say the least."

The Author leveled a gaze in to Xavier's eyes.

"He was so drunk," The Author began. "That he fell off the stage like Jim Morrison used to. And couldn't get back on. It ended his song."

Xavier's eyes twinkled with incredulity and disbelief.

Xavier cast a knowing glance at the readers and then back to The Author.

"End the story … and dim the lights." Xavier grinned. "I have a feeling this isn't for … everyone's eyes."

The Author shrugged at the readers. "What'cha gonna do?" he asked them. "When the man is right, the man is right."

The Author clapped his hands once in front of him … And the next thing you knew … you were somewhere else … just sitting in front of a computer.