Blah, blah.  I got what? 3 or 4 reviews? I think I'm going to cry. You guys are lucky I'm doing this because I enjoy writing it!

Nah, j/k. I love you all! And I really do enjoy writing this. The more and more I see of Fred, the more and more I like him. He's just got such an interesting character, you really can't help but wonder… How the hell is Fred without all that anger?

So anywho, SHOUTOUTS to my loyal reviewers!

Roguehobbit, who has managed to review every chapter (All three! WoOt!) I Love ya babe and I'm so glad you find my story interesting! Btw… I'm curious about the name…

A girl and her muses, whom I've also seen EVERY chapter (once again, all freakin three… I need to update more…) YAY! You make me feel loved. And actually, the reviewer responses are just a habit of mine, and I only started last chapter… But yay! I'm so glad you're enjoying my fic! If anything, I'm continuing for you and roguehobbit, kay? ^^

And then Risty: Duncan DOES totally deserve to get his ass kicked. But don't worry. He will. Oh boy, he will…. *malicious finger drumming*

So anywho, let the story continue!

Chapter Three: And So The Lessons Begin!

Nadine had appeared back in second period looking as if she had never had  the encounter with Duncan Matthews and his cronies on the field only two hours prior. Fred noticed as she walked in, realizing for the first time that he actually had seen her before the run-in they had shared the day before.

He waved light heartedly as she walked in a took her seat in the back of the last rows of desks, completely opposite where the teacher had placed Fred when he had argued with one of the lesser students in the back.

Fred wondered if it had been because of him that she chose that seat everyday, as he knew that it was her semi-permanent seat.

He had put his chin disappointedly in his hand and had glanced out the nearby window when a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"So I, uh… I guess I should thank you for this morning," Nadine stated, leaning over the empty desk next to Fred. He turned and nodded dumbfounded, his face adopting a small grin. "So… is this seat taken already?" He shook his head and she smiled, placing her stuff on the floor. She was going to say something else, but the second bell rang, signaling class was indeed officially starting. She quickly closed her mouth and faced the front of the class, motioning slightly for Fred to do the same when he looked boredly out the window again. He noticed her slight shake-of-head and forcefully turned his head to pay attention to the teacher, who had begun to run his mouth at the front of the class.

"Okay, okay, class. Settle down," Dr. Keene commanded, looking around the room. He spotted Fred in his usual seat, but noticed, with much confusion, that Nadine had placed herself next to Fred. Raymond Keene was suddenly nervous. He new that this new bond (were they actually talking to each other before class had started?) could go either way: either Nadine would prove to have positive effects on Fred, and he would become more tolerant and willing to learn, or Fred would affect Nadine so much that she would become much like Fred—a personality Raymond knew they did not need two of running around Bayville. Especially at Nadine and Fred's sizes. Not that there truly was anything wrong with them; they just proved to be quite intimidating to the rest of the students.

He did note, gratefully, that it did not seem to be the case. He even noticed, with much joyous internal cheering, that Fred was actually not one of the students causing a ruckus this period. He was actually looking attentively at Dr. Keene, his hands folded in serious imitation of Nadine's, which were also folded politely on her desk.

It took all Raymond Keene had not to laugh. Fred Dukes was just too much of a sight, sitting straight up as he could in his under-sized seat, hands folded neatly and face slightly contorted in concentration.

"Okay, class, hush now!" Dr. Keene finally shouted, lightly slamming his book against the desk. All the students whom he could only previously see the back of the heads of had turned and were looking at him with as much attentiveness as Fred, Nadine, and a few other select students in the classroom.

One of those students, notably, was Scott Summers, who had come into the classroom and sat down a few seats from "Blob," waiting for the usual, more-than-daily onslaught of uncreative and unoriginal insults from the larger teen. He had found it strange when Fred had merely come in quietly and sat in his usual seat. No harsh words had been spoken.

He had also watched Fred when the girl had come in and Fred had conspicuously watched her go to her seat across the room. Had he sighed when she dropped her stuff on the floor?

The mutant had stopped watching Fred to glance over at the girl, watching as she glanced at Fred, then at her seat, then back at Fred. He watched as she hesitantly picked up her book bag and dragged it over to an empty seat near Fred. She spoke to him, but Scott couldn't hear what she was saying. He instead read the expressions on Fred's face.

Fred smiles once or twice, and the girl—Nadine, maybe?—sat next to him in the front. Dr. Keene then spoke, and Scott turned to pay attention to the lesson for the day.

Scott was shocked to fins himself and hour into the class with still no problems arising from Fred. There had been some near instances, but it seemed that either Dr. Keene or Nadine had been able to quickly subdue it with a comment or two.

The end of class had even come, and Scott had not seen any more of Fred's aggressive attitude. Apparently, neither had Dr. Keene.

"You did a great job in class, today, Fred," Dr. Keene had stated as Fred and Nadine made their way out of class one or two people in front of Scott.

"Yeah, shocked us all," Scott couldn't help but say, though he knew he shouldn't have.

"Yeah!?" Fred called, stopping the traffic out the door and turning to see Scott. "And just how's it a shock, X-Geek?" he asked, making fists so tightly his knuckles were turning white.

"I think it's a wonderful kind of shock," Dr. Keene cut in, adjusting his glasses and crossing his arms. He turned and glared at Scott, who could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment and regret.

"Me too!" Nadine pitched in, taking one of Fred's arms. "Now c'mon, Freddy. We have third block on the other side of the freakin' school!"

Fred followed slightly behind Nadine, watching where Scott was also leaving Dr. Keene's class. Right then, he was so mad at Scott he could hardly think straight. He hated the boy with so much passion it hurt, and he made a mental note to pound both Scott and Duncan sometime later in the day.

On the other hand, he could barely hold his delight at having successfully—temporary as it may be—contained his anger for the second time that day. It seemed almost worthy of sharing back at the Boarding House!


WoOt! Chapter three! And actually, this one didn't seem too bad, if I do say so myself. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed and I hope there are more than three people out there reading this…

If you are, please let me know!! Comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism are all very much encouraged!!

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