Disclaimer:  Cowboy Bebop doesn't belong to me. 

A/N:  The last time I've watched Cowboy Bebop was half a year ago.  It was truly an intriguing story.  Seeing so many fanfic about Spike and Faye, I decided to do a Vicous and Faye fanfic.  Enjoy!  Please r/r! 

"" quotes

'' thoughts

3 years ago after Spike's fight with Vicious…

"And how are you two related to the patient?" asked the doctor. 

"We're his friends," answered Jet. 

"Hmm…well, all I have to say is that your buddy isn't doing so well," said the doctor, "Unfortunately, one of the bullet wounds caused him to be paralyzed from neck down.  We're sorry.  There is nothing left for us to do, but to patch him up the best we could." 

            Faye pulled out her gun and aimed it right between the doctor's eyes, "You're fucking lying!  You could've done something about it, but you didn't you fucker!  Spike can't be imbolized for the rest of his life.  He's a bounty hunter!"

            Jet rushed to lock Faye's arm from the back, causing Faye to drop her gun, "Faye, calm down!"

            "I'm sorry miss, but there is nothing we can do about his disabled body.  The injuries would have caused an ordinary person to die already, but Mr. Spiegel is no ordinary person indeed.  He is very lucky that he has survived through this incident."

            "Lucky?!  How the fuck is he lucky when he can't even move?!" screamed Faye.

            "Miss, I would like to inform you if you haven't already noticed that is a hospital.  Please refrain from screaming again or else you will have to be removed from this building," the doctor stated as calmly as he could.  He sure didn't want to anger Faye anymore for he was scared of the crazy things she might do to him. 

            "Can we see him now?" asked Jet coolly. 

It was bad enough that Faye became an emotion wretch; he must be strong and keep his posture.  He can't fall now.  Spike has always been a great friend to Jet.  Though it seems like they don't really care about each other, the fact is, they really do.  Well, Jet does.  Jet thought of Spike as a son as well as a friend.  It was heat breaking to hear of Spike being handicapped for the rest of his life.  It's just not right for Spike to be like that.  Movements were as normal as breathing is to Spike.  Not being able to move is like not being able to live for Spike.

"Yes, you may.  The patient is sleeping right now, so try to be quiet," said the doctor as he walked down the corridor to check up on other patients.

Jet walked into the room where Spike laid followed by Faye.  Jet pulled two chairs by the bed and motioned Faye to sit down.  Faye sat down slowly, never leaving her eyes off Spike's body. 

            "Not like this Spike…not like this," Faye said quietly.  'This can't be Spike,' she thought.  All Faye could do was, stare at the body in lying in the bed, the one she loves.  

A body all bandaged up laid on the bed.  The body was so messed up that one could only tell it was Spike Spiegel was by his green puff of hair.  Even the hair is not so green and puffy anymore.  The hair was wet from the perspiration and matted all over Spike's face. 

            "Julia…," Spike murmured in his sleep, "Come and save me…my angel…a dream it is indeed…."

            "Spike, it's Faye and Jet," said Jet. 

            Spike murmured something inaudible and slowly opened his eyes.  His eyes became focused to his surroundings.  He noticed two people sitting beside him and tried to turn his body to them, but somehow he just can't.  He tried moving his legs and arms but it refuse to follow his orders.  All he could do was turn his head to the side to face the two. 

            "What happened to me, Jet?" asked Spike in a raspy voice. 

            "Spike, you are so lucky that you have survived the fight with Vicious," explained Jet. 

            "What happened to Vicious?" asked Spike.

            "When they finally found you, there was no trace of Vicious or his men.  You were the only one there.  When you were found, they immediately took you to this hospital.  You have been in here for nearly two weeks," said Jet. 

            "Heh, it looks like I'm pretty messed up right now.  I can't even feel my body at all," chuckled Spike. 

            "Spike…I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are paralyzed from neck down for the rest of your life.  The doctor tried his best to save you.  He got your life back, but your body…," Jet muttered. 

            "Maybe the doctor shouldn't have tried so hard then," said Spike.

            Both Faye and Jet was shocked to hear that from Spike.  'Does he really want to die that bad?!' Faye thought, 'Does he really want to be with Julia that bad to leave Jet and me behind?'

            "Spike, you must be kidding," laughed Faye nervously.

            Spike looked up at Faye with his sad, empty eyes.  He doesn't have any reasons to live anymore. 

            "If I could kill myself right now, I would.  But unfortunately I can't, but fortunately there're you guys to help me out.  End my life for me," Spike said nonchalantly as if life is not valuable at all. 

            "No, Spike, please…please don't make us do this to you.  We all care for you really much…especially I.  Don't you care for us as well?  Spike, how can you tell the ones you love to kill you?  Spike…please don't do this.  I…I love you...please…for me," pleaded Faye, hoping Spike would change his mind.

            "Well, I don't.  I'm sorry Faye," said Spike, "This is the only way, and don't tell me it is not.  This is the ONLY way for me Faye.  Please understand." 'I'm sorry Faye.  Even if I do love you, I can't let you love someone like me.  You must move on and find someone better and worthy of your heart.  I love you, but not as much as I love Julia.  I'm sorry that it has to end this way'

            Streams of tears flowed down Faye's face as she looked at Spike.  Her emerald eyes were filled with mix emotions of hurt and love.  'Oh how I love your eyes Faye.  It is too bad that it will be my last time seeing it ever again. Even though we often fought back then, I really cared for you.  I actually started having feelings for you.  I wished I had the guts to ask you out before all this happened.  Maybe it was meant to be like this.  If it was, I'm glad that I didn't say anything to you or else this would have been much harder for both of us.  It seems like Fate can be so cruel sometimes.  I'm sorry.   Good bye'

            Knowing that Faye would not have the heart to end Spike's miserable life, Jet stood up from his seat and pulled out his gun.  He aimed it at Spike's heart.

            Spike smiled his goofy smile at Jet.  "Bang," Spike said. 

            "Good bye space cowboy," said Jet and pulled the trigger. 

So what do you think?  Tell me!  ^____^;;  It's okay to criticize…but not too much.  It's my first fic after all.