Disclaimer: -sitting in therapy circle- ... -stands up- Hello... my name... is Kristen... and I... don't... own Beyblade. -cries- Waaaaah!! -Becky pops up in background- Neither do I!

Well, slap me down and fry me a biscuit! It's the last chapter of Beytanic! Okay, the authors' notes are at the end of the chapter, so please read them there. I would like to say that this chapter is fairly short, if you don't count all of the notes at the end. And I managed to get this posted so early because it's exam week and I don't have homework!



A man threw himself on Kai in order to stay above the water, pushing him under the surface.

"Kai! Where are you?" Rei shouted over the screams of the crowd. He spotted his "beloved" being harassed by a strange, insane man. "No! Never fear, Kai! I'll save you!"

Kai on the other hand, punched the man in the face and stuck his head out of the water, taking a deep breath. He was pushed back down when Rei did a flying leap and landed on him.

He was knocked off by Kai, and they both floated there for a while.

"Look!" Rei suddenly shouted, causing Kai to wince. He pointed off to the right. "A piece of debris! Let's get on it!"

Kai sighed and agreed. Besides, he was getting tired just wading there.

They swam -- or floundered, in Rei's case -- over to the debris. Kai climbed on first, but when Rei tried to climb on after him, he spread his arms and legs to cover as much of it as possible.

"Ah, too bad... I really don't think you can fit on here, too," Kai said flatly, eaglespread on the debris.

"Oh," Rei sighed pitifully. "I'll just hang on the side, then." He held onto the side quietly.


Tala stood up angrily. "We need to go back!" he shouted at the people on the plank. "How would you feel if you were floating out there in that freezing water?"

"The water's not cold," someone from the back of the plank spoke up.


"Shut up!" someone else yelled.

Tala Brown sighed in defeat and sat back down.


While Rei and Kai floated there, another piece of the ship drifted by. Tyson was sitting on it, singing in a high, horrible voice.

"Once more, you've opened the doooor!" he wailed. "You're here in my heart and my heart will go on and oooo--"

He was knocked off when Kai threw his shoe at him.

"It's okay, Kai," Rei said suddenly after a while. "The planks will come back."

Kai glared at him. "I hate you."

"Promise me that you'll never let go, Kai," he went on, grabbing Kai's hand. "Promise me."

Kai looked at Rei and sighed. The boy was sweating from the humidity and just looked pitiful. "Whatever," Kai muttered, then laid his head down.


Nearby, a plank was floating back toward them. The people on the plank stared out at the water, where almost everyone who had been on the ship was bobbing on the surface, obviously passed out from the heat.

"Is anyone NOT unconscious?" one of the men on the plank yelled out. There was no reply. "Okay, then!"

They began to load the passed out people onto the plank.


"I'm floating in the sea, on a piece of debris," Kai sang flatly, staring up at the night sky, "with a moron beside me... and I need to pee."

Once he fell silent again, he heard the distant sounds of a plank moving through the water and people talking. He sat up and pried his hand from Rei's.

The humidity and heat had been too much for Rei, and he had passed out, but when Kai took his hand from Rei's, he had come to. He looked around and spotted the nearby plank.

"Look! The planks have come back! Now we can live happily ever after forever and ever!" he squealed in delight.

The thought of having Rei around forever was too much for Kai. He wrenched Rei from the side of the debris and forced him under it, below the water's surface. He then hopped onto the life plank as it drifted past and was on his way.

Rei surfaced and watched as the plank floated away, shouting into the night. "Kaiiii!"


In the early morning, Kai arrived on another ship, where all of the passengers from the Beytanic were being held. They put him on the level of the ship they had reserved for the steerage passengers, and he sat with a blanket wrapped around him.

He looked up when he heard one of the ship officials say, "Sir, I don't think that you'll find anyone you know down here," only to see Bryan stalking down the stairs.

As he passed, Kai pulled the blanket around him tighter and turned away. He stayed like that until Bryan had wandered away, looking for him or anyone he knew.


Later, at night, Kai stood out in the rain, staring up at the Statue of Liberty.

"Excuse me, sir," a man with a clipboard asked, catching Kai's attention. "Please tell me your name."

Kai took a moment to think, then replied with, "Kon -- I mean, Hiwatari. Kai Hiwatari."

The man jotted his name down, then went on to ask others.

Reaching his hand into his pocket, Kai frowned. He pulled out the Beyblade that Bryan had given him. He stared at it, then let out an insane laugh. He wandered off, muttering something about selling it on the black market.


Three months later...


Kai was living comfortably, having sold the Beyblade on the black market and made bundles. He changes his name from time to time to keep Rei from finding him.

Rei is still looking for Kai, since he believes that Kai pushing him under the piece of debris was an accident, and they were still "meant to be."

After losing in a Beyblading tournament, Bryan put a launcher in his mouth then took it out. It tasted nasty.

Ian, after having fallen into the water, floated out to sea and was picked up by a man on a fishing skiff, who mistook him for a large-nosed bass. He put him on a plaque on his wall, where he currently resides. (Alive, mind you.)

Tyson was found on the shore, singing, by a musical guru, who took him in. Tyson is now a big hit on Broadway.

Max was adopted by Swedes and was made into an Olympic swimmer. He won the silver medal when the Parisians beat him.

Oliver went on to fly the Hindenburg.

Robert, Enrique, and Johnny went on being rich bastards. Money is no object, kids.

In the distress of losing Kai, Voltaire adopted another grandson and shaped him into Kai's likeness. The new grandson's name is "Carbon Copy Kai."

Tala became the ultimate gay. 'Nuff said.

Judy and Michael never caught their boat... they never made it back to America.

Lee now performs poetry at the local cafe. He recites it with the bongo player in the background, wearing the sunglasses, and all of that poetic stuff. His most well-known poem is entitled "America."

Kenny floundered around the ship's remains then was also picked up by the skiff. He was placed on the wall by Ian, and they converse every now and then, usually talking about the weather and sports.

Dizzi was found on Bill Gates's computer. She's now the Microsoft mascot.

All of the other Beytanic passengers went on with their lives. No one died. What a miracle.


Well... it's over. WAIT! Don't stop reading yet! We still have some stuff to say, along with a snippet from a Beyblade one-shot we're working on right now!!

We're going to miss working on this fic... T__T Oh well... if you have any final questions about the fic, feel free to state them in a review or e-mail us. We'll be sure to answer somehow.

We'd like to go ahead and elaborate on a few things in the fic: one, Lee's constant use of "America." That was an accident, actually. We realized that was the only thing he had said for the first good chunk of the fic, and we thought, "Hey, why not make that the only thing he can say?" And it worked perfectly. Now, whenever we see Lee on TV, we laugh like morons and yell "America!"

Two, the fact that no one in this fic uses guns. We changed every use of a gun to something else (Beyblade, stick, etc.), seeing as we don't approve of guns. Don't play with guns, kiddies.

Three, the lack of death. As you can see, no one died. One reason is that we had gotten some nasty reviews before from people telling us that the amount of death in the movie/actual happening wasn't funny and shouldn't be made fun of. Also, we really didn't want to kill off some of our favorite characters (Rei, Lee, etc.), so we just let everyone live. A happy ending.

Okay, just a fun fact we'd like to share with the readers: This fic took up almost a whole 70-sheet notebook, except for the 3 or 4 pages that "Beyblading Gone Horribly Wrong" takes up. Also, that notebook looks like it was "put through the ringa," as Bryan would put it, considering that some of the pages are yellowing and the cover's falling off.

Also, don't think that you're not going to see as much of us in the Beyblade section... we're working on a Beyblade one-shot! In it, Tala gets sent to Kai and Rei as a Russian mail-order bride, and strange things ensue. Here's a little piece of it, and it'll hopefully make you want to read it when we post it!


Inside the box, balancing on the two points of his hair, was Tala. He toppled over, landing on his back. He stared up at Rei and Kai. They stared back. Tala blinked. They blinked.

Both boys watched as Tala flipped onto his stomach and rose up onto his hands and knees. While he was scuttling around, sniffing the doorstep, Rei noticed something.

"Oh, lookie... he has a note pinned to his shirt." He bent down and took it off then handed it to Kai to read aloud.

"Dear consumer," Kai began, reading from the note. "Thank you for ordering one of our wonderful Russian brides."


Interested yet? It should be posted sometime soon.

Ja ne, minna-san!!