Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, or any of its characters, so don't sue me!


Pairing: 1x2 3x4 5xS

Plot: Duo keeps throwing up, what is wrong with him?! The Doc gets brought in, what's her diagnosis? (last one for this fic, but I will do a sequel if you want)

Thanks to:

Vic; This is my last chapter, but in the sequel I will explain how Duo got pregnant, and how he copes. Sorry it is taking so long to come out!

Annie Maxwell; Actually I guess I meant both! It is amazing how little I know about pregnancy, when it comes down to it.

WolfWing; He just knows it's not the sandwich. I mean, pregnancy in general is a pretty hard concept to grasp, and it only really hits people afterwards.

Duo/Folken/TK; I'll decide about complications and such as I write the sequel, but I've already figured out how he got able to have kids. You'll just have to read the sequel to find out!

Hikaru; Is this within the week? Probably not, and I'm afraid Sally doesn't make a humorous mis-diagnosis. I just think she's too clever to do that!

Misty Yuy; See it's so easy to write more! I haven't been able to find that fic yet, but I will keep looking!

MoO-mOo3; That's kind of the point of this fic. He is pregnant, but none of them know that yet, they just think he's been acting odd, and is ill or something.

Chapter Seven - Sally's POV (last one in the story! But don't worry, there will be a sequel)

As I ring the doorbell I wonder what was so important Wufei would turn to me for help. All he'd told me, and I quote, was that 'one of the pilots required medical help'.

The wars are over, and even during them they were all very reluctant about excepting medical help, so whatever is wrong must be serious.

The door gets pulled open, revealing a smouldering Wufei.

He looks good, as usual. His clothes are always very comfortable looking, and obviously designed for maximum mobility, yet he always manages to make them look like they are of the highest quality. Must be his deportment…

I cough slightly as I realise I've been staring at him. Luckily he doesn't seem to notice, too busy trying to avoid looking in my direction, glaring at the floor instead.

Disappointment tries to make an appearance, but I brush it aside.

"So where is my mystery patient?"

Wufei looked momentarily startled, and I wondered what he had been thinking that had distracted him so much. Tugging at the short skirt of my business suit, I followed him as he turned and walked back into the house.

I saw Trowa, Quatre and Heero poking their heads out of the kitchen doorway and gave them a cheery wave as I walked past. Heero came out and started walking upstairs with me, whilst the Quatre said hello and Trowa merely nodded.

Once upstairs we moved along the corridor passing four doors as we went. At the very end of the corridor was another door, and Wufei entered that one, holding it open for me. I quickly stepped in, Heero right behind me.

As I looked around me, taking note of the neutral colours the bedroom had been decorated in, Heero walked past me and headed straight for the large bed that served as the room's main fixture.

Looking at the bed, I realised the sole occupant of it was a very drained and grey-looking Duo Maxwell. Hurrying over I put my medical bag down on the bed, and tried very hard to overlook the fact that Heero was curled up next to Duo like a very big cat.

Seeing the protective stance for what it was I smiled slightly, turning abruptly and opening my bag to keep Heero from seeing my expression.

I immediately realised this wouldn't work with Heero in the room, as he tensed up when I just felt Duo's forehead with my hand.

"Heero, Wufei why don't you two go downstairs for a while? This shouldn't take too long, and I prefer to examine my patients in private. I find it puts them more at ease."

I saw Heero opening his mouth to argue, but a glare from Duo made him snap it shut. I watched in amazement as he edged off the bed and out of the door, throwing one last, slightly fearful, look at Duo as he did so.

Wufei followed immediately after, shutting the door quietly behind him. I turned back to face Duo and quirked my eyebrow at him.

"He keeps hovering over me," He sighed, lowering his eyes and fiddling with the duvet for a moment, "I know he just wants to help, but to be honest it's just getting on my nerves. He keeps acting like I'm some kind of fragile flower, and I'm not!"

"He loves you." At my statement Duo nibbled on his lip nervously, and I decided not to pursue it any further. He got the point.

"So, what exactly is wrong with you, Duo? Nobody has gotten round to telling me yet."

Duo looked back up at me, grinning mischievously. I mentally groaned, here it came. "I think that's because you're supposed to already know. You are the Doctor afterall." When I just continued to look at him he gave a little sigh, before spilling the proverbial beans.

"All right, all right. Well, we don't exactly know. I just keep throwing up, and nothing seems to help."

"Hmm," I felt his head again, then fished a thermometer out of my bag just to be extra sure.

"Have you eaten anything dodgy lately? Taken any medication you shouldn't have? Mixed your grain with your grapes? Anything out of the ordinary?"

"Weell, the only thing I can think of that I did differently was this thing I ate yesterday. Some sandwiches Quatre made for me."

"Right, well what was in them?"

"Umm, marmite, horse radish, chutney, piccalilli, pickle and gherkin… I think that's it."

For a moment I just stared at Duo in shock. I mean, how the hell could any sane person eat something like that. Now don't get me wrong, those things can be perfectly all right to eat, on their own. But all together, in a sandwich? Uhh, no, I don't think so.

"You actually ate that? Duo that is disgusting!"

He looked slightly sheepish, before getting defensive. "Well it tasted nice at the time!"

"All right, okay," I quickly backtracked, trying to salvage my professionalism. "Well, I'm afraid to say that despite the unusualness of what you ate, it shouldn't have had this effect on you. Unless you were allergic to some of the ingredients, but if you were there would be other symptoms as well. Soo, it is something else."

Taking some equipment out of my bag, I checked his temperature - normal. Getting him to open his mouth, I looked down it with a flashlight - no sign of abnormalities. Holding his eyelids open I test his eyes with the same flashlight I'd used before - perfectly normal. Using my stethoscope I listen to his heart - again, perfectly normal. After running through the other normal tests, and finding nothing wrong, I decide to go to the origin of the problem.

"Hold up your top please."

I briskly whip off the duvet, waiting for Duo to hold up his top before I start palpitating his stomach. Hmm, no sign of distension, no hardness, no discolouring. Again, perfectly normal. This didn't make any sense.

So far as I could determine there was no reason for his illness, none of the ordinary symptoms, nothing to indicate he was ill. Except for the vomiting.

Telling Duo to rest, I repacked my bag, and headed downstairs. Maybe the other pilots would be able to shed some light on the situation.

Stepping into the kitchen I find Quatre and Trowa where I'd left them, only they'd been joined by Heero and Wufei now. All of the pilots were sat around the kitchen table, staring worriedly into their drinks, or, if they were Heero, looking fixedly at the kitchen doorway.

I paused slightly when he caught and held my eyes. After a moment of examining my expression his shoulders slumped in disappointment, and a tinge of weariness.

Wufei looked up at me, before clearing his throat and abruptly looking in the opposite direction. I frowned slightly and was about to call him on his behaviour, but Quatre grabbed my attention before I could.

"So, what's wrong with him, was it the sandwich? It was the sandwich wasn't it? I knew I shouldn't have given it to him…"

I quickly butted in before he could continue to berate himself for something that wasn't his fault.

"It wasn't the sandwich Quatre. And right now I don't know what is wrong with him. I need more to go on than the fact that he keeps throwing up, is there anything you guys can think of that he did, or that happened to him?"


"Yes. He has been acting odd the past couple of days."

I looked over at Trowa when he butted in on Heero, noting the thoughtful look in his eyes, and eagerly latching onto this small clue.

"Odd? In what way, can you give me an example?"

"Well, it began when we first arrived really. When he asked Quatre to make that disgusting sandwich for him. He ate about four of the damn things…" Trowa paused, and Wufei added thoughtfully, "Yeah, he seemed to really enjoy them."

"Then he got really tired all of a sudden. He fell asleep on the couch, and it was only about seven o'clock."

Heero slowly raised his head, and looked at Trowa a moment before nodding in agreement. "He didn't even wake up when I carried him to bed, and he normally wakes up if I even shift slightly."

"Then, when he first got sick he was acting really strange. He went into a cleaning frenzy, and I didn't even know he was aware of the fact that we actually had cleaning equipment."

Heero's voice was slightly awed, and I mentally acknowledged the oddness of Duo cleaning, a suspicion beginning to tickle in the back of my head.

"And he was acting really moody, he threw his cake at the window when it burned his mouth."

At Trowa's final comment something clicked inside my head, and the idea popped out, slightly vague and only semi-formed, but there non-the-less.

"Can I use your library for a moment?"

Once I'd gained Heero's assent I stood up, and hurried out of the kitchen. When I reached the library I quickly move over to the enormous shelves, running my hands over the spines of the books as I searched for the one I wanted.

Finding it, I smiled slightly. Trust Heero to have the most complete library I had ever seen.

Moving over to one of the chairs, I sat down with the book; Benidinicell Archodalonia 'The hermaphrodite's truth', by Doctor Physel Drakemore. Opening the book to the appropriate page I set about doing some quick revision, before I set about proving my theory correct.

When I'd read all I needed I replaced the book, and stuck my head in the kitchen again. They were in the same place they'd been when I'd left, and I was faintly charmed by their obvious concern for their fellow pilot. Even Wufei had concern written across his features, a frown pulling between his brows for the first time since I'd met him.

"I'm just going to nip out for a minute, there's some equipment I need to get. I shouldn't be too long."

Receiving a grunt in reply, I hurried out, determined to make it as quick as possible.

Ten minutes later I returned, and went upstairs immediately. I knocked once on the door to Heero and Duo's room, before opening the door and going in.

Duo blinked up at me, the colour returning to his cheeks, and a healthy sparkle again evident in his purple eyes. Even his hair looked shinier then before.

"Hey Doc, so, do you know what's wrong with me yet?"

"Almost certainly. I just need to collect a urine sample from you, and then I'll be able to run a test which should let us know for definite."

"All right." Duo sighed, accepting the conical flask I handed him from my medical bag, and shoving the duvets back as he got out of bed.

Watching him walk to the en suite, I clutched the brown paper bag behind my back, and impatiently waited for him to pee in the damn flask. How long could it take for crying out loud? I take less time, and I don't even have a willy to aim with!?

Duo eventually came out(it seemed like forever to me), and handed me the conical flask with a small amount of yellowish liquid gathered at the bottom.

I looked from him to the flask. "Is this it? It took you that long, and this is the end result?"

Duo drew himself up, looking indignant. "I didn't need to pee. Consider yourself lucky you got that much, now go run your test on it."

Hmm, I see what the others meant by mood swings.

Obviously expecting me to go off to a lab somewhere to poke and prod his urine sample, Duo looked surprised when I suddenly ran into his en suite bathroom and locked the door behind me.

Carefully balancing the conical flask on the edge of the sink, I drew my hand out from behind my back and opened it. Fishing round with one hand, I carefully withdrew what I'd gone into town to buy a couple of minutes ago.

Ripping the packaging open, I pulled out a weird looking stick from the pregnancy testing kit. As I did so something else fell out. Looking down I saw the instructions on the floor, and quickly scooped them up.

Examining the instruction manual I decided it looked simple enough. Pee on the little indent on one end, leave for ten minutes, then check what colour it is. Blue for positive. Red for negative.

Looking from the tiny stick to the big conical flask, I gingerly picked the flask up with one hand, and held the stick over the sink with the other. Positioning the lip of the flask directly over the stick I carefully tipped it, and poured Duo's sample on top of the stick.

When there was nothing left in the flask I peered down at the stick, and was relieved to see a small amount of it had gathered in the indent.

I carefully balanced the stick on top of a flannel, to ensure it didn't tip over or anything, then sat down on the toilet seat to wait.

I could hear Duo pacing outside the bathroom, muttering to himself, and grimly counted each minute that ticked by on my watch.

Eventually the time was up and I could find out if I'd solved the mystery of Duo's 'illness' or not.

I picked up the small piece of plastic, and carefully looked it over for a colour. I eventually found it, a small, blue, blob.

Unable to help myself, a grin of pure delight crossed my face. Duo was pregnant! My excitement lasted until I realised it might not be shared. Immediately downhearted at the thought of Duo having it terminated, I decided to get the announcement out of the way before I started grinning again.

As I opened the door Duo turned to look at me, a half-fearful expression crossing his face, at my grim countenance no doubt, before he straightened his shoulders and came to meet me.


"Duo, you're pregnant."

For a minute it didn't seem to sink in, he just stared at me with his mouth open. Then a grin started at the corner of his mouth, growing until he laughed outright.

"Right! Look, I may be slightly nervous, but there is no need to crack jokes to put me at ease! Just tell me what's wrong, okay?"

I took a deep breath through my nose, feeling my patience wear thin at his obvious denial. I guess I could understand it, but now I had to find a way to convince Duo I was serious when I told him that he, a male, was pregnant. As in, going to have a baby, pregnant. The thing that was biologically impossible. Simple, be repetitive.

"Duo, you are pregnant. I am not playing a joke on you, it is a fact."

He stopped mid chuckle and blinked at me. Taking in my serious expression, he finally noticed the pregnancy testing stick I still held in my hand, and the blue colouring it had taken on.

He looked up at me again, no sign of a smile on his face now. He looked from me to the stick again, then down at his still-flat stomach. Then his eyes rolled up into the back of his head, and he collapsed at my feet.

"Duo? Duo?! Okay, he took it better than most I suppose."

Okay, this is my last chapter for this fic, but I will do a sequel if you want me to! (Can you tell I'm trying to milk reviews?)

Anyway, I figure the next fic will continue straight from where this leaves off, and also include a budding Sally and Wufei romance. Aww.

R+R please, I'm begging you!

Do you think I handled the telling part okay, or could it have been a lot better? Well tough luck, it's done now!!