-W N H-

Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade.

Rating: PG 13 aka T

Warnings: Contains yaoi and OOC-ness.

Author's Note: Almost anything that might seem remotely stupid in this story has reasons, believe it or not. Though you'll have to read to the very end of the story to know about those! Also I want you to know that reviews usually trigger my imagination and therefore it could help this story immensely if you give me ideas! Don't hesitate!

Tyson's pov.:

I slowly woke up. Where was I? Definitely not in my own room, for there were red curtains on the windows, my bed felt much harder than the one at home and it smelled a bit like snow. I blinked, realizing that those were really weird first impressions. Then I remembered….


"Kai! Why are you calling me at 8 o'clock! We are not going to train, are we?"

"No. Dickenson called me and told me that the BBA is going to pay us the stay at a trainings camp for a week."

"Huh? Where? And why?"

"They want to give the 'best' Bladers better possibilities to train. I don't know where."

"Right... And why are you calling me and not Kenny?" (An.: Usually Kenny is the second man in charge.)

"Because there are only three of us and Kenny's not coming."

"Who is coming then?"

"Tala, me and you."


"Yes. Remember, he was the one you battled at the World Championships."

"I know. I am not that stupid, you know."

"You are implying?"


"We will meet half past ten at the airport."


"Don't be late."

"I won't."

…The night before we had arrived so late that I couldn't even meet Tala because Kai told me to get some sleep. Stupid Kai. Russia was cold. I already started to hate his home-country and him.

A moment passed. What the...!


Everywhere; blood.

Why was I bleeding that badly? I didn't feel any pain.

I ran into the brightly lit bathroom, looked into the mirror and searched for a wound on my face. Then I looked down…


I heard footsteps from outside of the bathroom. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! What was I going to do now? Ok…slowly, Tyson. Think.

"Tala stay out! Kai come in!"

Yes, that was better.



What did I just say?

But it was too late. Kai had already entered.

"Tyson!" He stood there, frozen in shock and looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"I did nothing Kai, really!" I said in defence.

"Tyson, you are a...a...a girl!" he shouted.

But after that, he cooled down. Hehe…I however, did not…

"And what am I supposed to do now!" I asked him. "I have my period!"

"Calm down. Tala and I will go and buy you the 'things'. You will stay here. You can't go out bleeding like that."

"Can I come in?" Tala asked.

"Yeah," I said.

He stepped in and like Kai he just stood there gaping. Had to be a Russian thing. But he continued staring.

"Tala? You ok?" I asked frowning.

He flinched and replied. "Yeah. What the hell did you do?"

"This is a major problem. We have to go and buy hi- err…her something because she obviously has her period. Tala? Tala? Tala!" Tala was back in 'staring-mode'. But when Kai shouted he flinched and stopped doing it. At least tried to.

"Err? What did you say?" He looked sleepily. Somehow the shock hadn't quite reached him yet.

"Argh." Kai definitely wanted to strangle Tala but when it came down to it he just sighed.

The dual haired teen dragged Tala out of the room and left me alone. I couldn't suppress the urge to blinck several times.

Since it was without any sense for me to change into clothes that would be soaked with blood after two minutes, I decided to take a bath - never once taking the time to actually think about the strangeness of our reactions.

It never struck me as weird that nobody had actually thought about the reason of my sudden girlishness. Nobody had gone crazy and called a reporter. Nobody had called Kenny, Max or Ray either. Nobody had called my grandfather for the matter... Nobody. Kai, Tala and I; we just saw a problem we had to solve.

And I still don't know why.