My second fic not sad like the last one. :-D, uhm, ya I'm not much with beginnings. The only reason why I wrote the other one is because I was listing to the song and thought about it. Ya, I'd like to thank the ppls who reviewed it(all 3 of em' so... here goes.

asa-chan - Thanks glad you liked it and I'm just happy it got reviewed ^ ^

Rumi-Chan - Thanks I am:-D

KAI21 - here's more TyKa ^ ^

TyKa, Rei/Max, maybe some others

"blah" - Speak

'think' - Thoughts

/..doublethink../ - two people thinking at the same time

~~~ - Change in time

/blah/ - Dragoon to Tyson

//blah// - Tyson to Dragoon

\blah\ - Dranzer to Kai

\\blah\\ - Kai to Dranzer

(blah) - Driger to Rei

((blah)) - Rei to Driger

{blah} - Draciel to Max

{{blah}} - Max to Draciel

### = area change same time

-blah- = dream sequence


Lost for Words

Created By


Chapter One


~* Normal P.O.V. *~

He awoke early that morning unlike most days, a fifteen-year old Tyson Kinomaya sat in his bed looking at the ceiling at 5:30 A.M., until he finally went to take a shower. After returning from the shower he decided to take a walk.

'Damn it why can't I stop thinking about him?' he began thinking to himself

/Because you like him./ Tyson's bit-beast Dragoon responded to his thoughts

//Shut up already, and stay outta my head goon.// was his response

/Oh but its soooo funn./

//Your really getting on my nerves.//

/Just say it that you like him and ill shut up./

There was silence after that, dragoon smirked evilly noticing Tyson blushing.

/AHA! So you do like him/


/Why don't you just tell him?/

//What are you crazy this is Kai were talking about, if I told him he'd probably hit me for feeling emotions.//

Dragoon sighed as he said /Oh well your loss./

//It's almost time for breakfast im going back to the hotel.//


~* Kai's P.O.V. *~

- Tyson...-

\Master Kai\


\Master Kai!!\

\\What is it Dranzer.\\

\Isn't it time for you to normally wake up you were sleeping in.\

\\Oh thanks, I didn't realize that.\\


With that Kai got out of bed and went to the shower.

Hmm.. it seems more humid then naturally, who could've used it before me its 5:45! I thought I was the only one who woke up this early. (a/n: this is one of the hotels where the all share a room, but its dark out.)

Oh well at least the hot water hasn't gone away so I don't have to heat it up.

~~~Later At Breakfast~~~

~* Normal P.O.V. *~

Tyson managing to be the first one there (a/n: like always) had already finished his third course when the rest of the team arrived.

"TYSON!!" Max, Rei, and Kenny all shouted as they noticed the 'All' you can eat buffet, was completely empty

"What?" was Tyson's response to their yelling until he saw them pointing over towards the buffet, after that it was simple an "oh...oops." he replied giving a mischievous grin.

Right then they all (excluding Kai who just sat against the wall) ran after Tyson yelling while he tried to avoid them.

Once they caught up to him all he said was "What was the big deal, they most likely refilled it by now."

"Oh.." their angry red on their faces went to and embarrassed pink as Tyson sweatdropped.

When they returned all they was Kai sitting at the table eating very little.

When he noticed them all he said was "Stupid bakas."

~~~ After Breakfast they went to practice for their next match tomorrow.

"Go Dragoon"

"Driger, Tiger Claw Attack!"

"Dodge it Dragoon!"

Rei looked puzzled on where dragoon was when he noticed Driger was the only one in the dish

"Now!!" shouted Tyson as dragoon came out of the sky at high speeds knocking drigger off balance and stopped it from spinning.

"Whoa nice one Tyson, I didn't see that coming use that in the next match and we should get a sure win." Was Rei's response to the new move.

~~~The Next Day ~~~

At the arena everyone was psyched waiting for the match to begin as they entered Jazzman began to shout "Welcome ladies and gentlemen have we got a match for you, featuring the world famous Blade Breakers and.."



Alright I no there's not much TyKa or any Rei/Max for that matter in this chapter I just wanted it to be a prologue and I couldn't really think of anything, heh ill update soon. And if fixed the spelling errors for draciel and driger well I'm not sure about driger is it one g or 2?

*gets hit in head with rock*

Who through that!

*gets hit with another one*

Ow!! That really hurts stop

*dodges third rock*

Seriously stop

Stay tuned for update *this time is hit with shoe*

Okay who through the shoe that's not funny just stupid

*looks around*

ah to hell with it

*walks off*