***Disappointments---Present Day***

"Come in." Even through the door, Tessa could hear the tension in his voice.

The smile he plastered on his face didn't fool her for a second. "Oh. Hey, Tess."

"You were expecting someone else?" She phrased it in the form of a question, despite already knowing the answer.

But Richie had no interest in beating around the bush. "He's pretty mad, huh?" He couldn't quite keep his voice as casual as he had hoped.

Suddenly, she wasn't sure if she should reassure him or be straightforward. "He's relieved, Richie. And disappointed."

"Disappointed?" That was not the response he had expected.

Straightforward, she decided. Honesty always worked best where Richie was concerned. "That you didn't tell him."

"Oh." He hadn't even thought about that.

"Why didn't you tell us you were hurt? We've been through this before, Richie. I thought you understood by now how important it is that you tell us these things." Duncan wasn't the only one upset.