Hello to all of my readers and welcome to this first chapter of my new fic! This is my first Inuyasha story, but I have a few more on the brain. I also have 2 Yu Yu Hakusho fanfics going on, 'The Fighter' and 'Full Moon Equinox' so feel free to check them out. Please be kind to me as this is a learning experience. *bows in forgiveness* The entire story will be done in the first person point of view of my main character. Some guy by the name of Inuyasha, if you've ever heard of such a thing. So don't get confused. With that in the open, please enjoy!

Chapter 1:

Rescuing Wenches in Distress

The morning light woke me, streaming threw the window of my room. The digital numbers on my clock flashed 9:26 am. I yawned, stretched, and got up. It was a typical morning. I never had to get up at any specific time, never had to get to sleep at any specific time. I have always lived for myself alone. No responsibilities, no attachments. That was my vow to myself.

It was quiet outside which was suspicious. The streets of my city are never quiet anymore, but the bright sunlight was a rare thing so it probably sent all the decrepits fleeing until the evening. Daylight made them cautious even though the gangs ran the streets no matter the time of day. It had been this way since I was a child. What happened to start it off, I'll never know, but whatever set it off, it hadn't stopped. Slowly at first, the humans who ran this city began to fall. Law was no more. There were only two kinds of people now, those who were in the gangs, and those who were scared of the gangs. You were either aggressor or victim. It was that way for demons and humans alike now. The gangs ran every life in the city. But all the gangs were different.

There were three kinds of gangs in our city. There were the 'Pure' gangs. These were groups made entire of pure-blooded demons or normal human. They never mixed and openly hated one another. It was the Pure gangs that had the most power, and caused the most trouble. They were always trying to see which were better, humans or demons. Always a stalemate and there were always casualties. The worst of the Pure gangs was a group who called themselves 'The Golems'. There were an all demon gang run by a demon named Naraku and his girlfriend, Kagura. They were the most feared in all of the city. All the other gangs respected and feared them, no one ever interfered or went against The Golems or it would mean your life.

There are also gangs that are called 'Mixers'. These were gangs that were made up of both humans and demons together. They were often targeted by the Pure gangs, but the strength in numbers theory usually saved them from death. It was the 'Mixer' gangs that were in the majority, but because of their fear of the Pures, they never went against them.

The third group really isn't a type of gang, it's more a type of person. 'Loners' are the people who aren't in a gang, but they are friendly with the gangs. Being on a first-name basis with the gangs was a good thing if you wanted to get out of trouble. Loners could also be called on for favors that required someone of a neutral position, such as messengering and outside information. Loners are humans or demons, but in certain cases it can be both. I am a Loner, when the price is right. My name is Inuyasha. I am neither human nor demon because I am both. Born to a human mother and a demon father, neither of which I remember much about.

There are not many half-breeds in this city, as surprising as it is to say. There are very clear lines drawn between the two creatures, marking the territory. Most prefer to stick to their own kind anyway. Friendships are easily formed because they can be more easily broken. Occasionally you find a couple with what I like to call 'Romeo and Juliet syndrome'. The star-crossed lovers fate. Half of the time it's because of the thrill that they dare to embark on such a crazy situation. But very rarely you find a human and a demon who are really in love. That is when it's usually a smart thing to leave the city. If you don't leave, then you die. It's really that simple. Life in this city is simple, if you know how to survive. I know how to survive. I've survived for twenty years pretty much on my own.

Hunting around my small apartment, I located some clothes and struggled into them just as there was a knock at my door. "Are you decent?" came a voice from outside. I found my trademark hate, hanging on the hook behind the door to the bathroom, which was the only other room in my small apartment.

"No, but I'm clothed," I yelled back as I jammed the hat on to my head, covering my dog-like ears. Standing in my doorway was the only human I ever fond that I could tolerate being in his presence. Miroku, a friend a business partner. He was sporting his usual violet shirt that I have practically never seen him without, his black hair held back in a small tail at the base of his neck. His dark eyes glinted with eagerness to begin our usual day. It was a standard business arrangement between us, one that was only supposed to have lasted six months. We've been partners for five years.

"Good, you're ready. Shall we get started?" I eyed the man leaning against my door with such ease. Miroku was a strange individual. He was brilliant in his own way, a master charmer. He had a tongue of gold, able to con anyone out of everything they owned. Demon or human alike, you let that man talk and you'd give him the shirt off your back. That's what I liked about him. For all his thieving virtues, he had one fatal flaw. The man was a lecherous as the day was long. He said he enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. I think he's a glutton for punishment. But, who am I to judge? He does get his share of the ladies, it just never lasts.

"Sure, get outta my house and we'll start." I raised a threatening claw at him. He smirked and left, me behind him.

"I don't see why you call that rundown place a house. It's barely above being condemned. It's abandoned apart from you. Haven't you ever noticed? Even the vermin avoid that place." I snorted.

"Feh," was all I said. We walked down the street, looking around, careful to avoid trouble if we saw it coming. There were few people on the street that morning, a few looking around fearfully before ducking into stores and buildings. Some human, some not. This was one of the mixed parts of town, near the outskirts. It was where I liked it best. No one bothered you out here. The closer you get to the heart of the city, the more you risk your life. Miroku and I are not that stupid, especially being a human and a half-breed.

There were marks on the walls of some buildings, graffiti calling cards of the gangs that called this neighborhood home. We ignored them, going further into the city and toward the western edge of town. We never work the same neighborhood in the same week. The would be suicide if you're caught. But Miroku and I devised a system to prevent such a catastrophe.

When we reached our targeted neighborhood, we separated wordlessly. This was rule number one. Never look as if you know your partner, if one of you is caught the other can live another day to break you out. I went to the left; Miroku to the right.

There were more people in this part of the city. I eyed the open out-door shops, lifting the occasional object but mostly picking pockets as I went. Stealing was my one talent. Well, apart from fighting. But it was stealing that put money on the table and food in my mouth.

I walked past an open alley. The mouth was surrounded by about eight guys. All of them were decked out with a red bandana somewhere on their body. They watched as I past, but they hadn't seen me lift anything so far. I pulled down on the brim of my hat, not making eye contact with any of them. They were only a Mixer gang, one called the Red Foxes. Not much of a threat to me, but I didn't feel like a fight right then, so I walked on. Rule number two: Never draw unneeded or unwanted attention to yourself. The hat on my head kept them from noticing my ears and marking me as a half-breed. My long silver hair, which I never cared about enough to cut, was enough of a neon sign. Eye contact would make it worse, but none of them gave me a second glance.

The rest of the morning went the same. I met up with Miroku a little after two that afternoon. We headed to our favorite hangout, a small bar owned by an old woman named Kaede. She's a nice old hag, always serving anyone who came to her place. Her bar was a neutral spot to all of the gangs, there was no trouble for her. Kaede was also one of those human women who had powers against demons, so no one ever thought of messing with her. Old as she was, she still had a bit of power in her bones.

Miroku and I entered the familiar dark little building. It smelled of warm food and beer, a surprisingly mouth-watering combination. Kaede, the old woman herself, was behind the bar. She looked up to see us as we entered and sat at the bar.

"Well well well," she said, still cleaning her glasses. "If it isn't my two favorite costumers, Miroku and Inuyasha." We both smirked. She called everyone her favorite costumers, but we had to admit, this was the only place that we would actually pay to have a drink and meal. "Back from hard day of thievery I see." Her tone was dry, but she didn't reprimand. These were hard times on everyone. We only did what we had to do to live.

"Hi Grandma," Miroku said with a smile. "Could we get some grub and a drink?"

"You have money today, sonny?" she asked, eyeing him. Kaede was the only person I ever saw who was immune to Miroku's powers of persuasion.

"Of course I do! You suspect me of cheating you?!" He sounded absolutely indignant. Kaede didn't even look at him as she just got us both a drink and then a plate of food each. She gave him a knowing old-woman smile, then went about her business. Over lunch, we counted up our stash. Rule number three: Always have a secure location to count the loot, a place no one with steal it from you. And of course, the ominous rule number four. Never let your partner palm a few bills under your nose. You always get a fair share, no matter the sob story.

We spilt up by four that afternoon, Miroku heading off toward his place, me toward mine. He said he's come get me tomorrow at the same time so we could hit the eastern neighborhoods. I gave him a resounding 'feh', then went off. For some reason, I didn't feel like taking my normal route home. I took the long way, cutting right threw the center of the upper side of the western quarter. It was a bold move on my part, seeing as that the Uptown in the western neighborhood is part of The Golems territory. They controlled the Heart of the City, a channel of streets and neighborhood creating a circle around the center of the city, an ever expanding circle.

I was cutting threw a few of these streets when I heard a few yells, nothing out of the ordinary, but they were close by me. I hung back, hugging the building-side sidewalk, so that the disturbance could pass me by. There were a few more yells from behind me, a savage sound that was like a kick. The disturbance passed me alright, in the form of a teenaged girl running at high speed. She was a blur of black hair and green clothes as she charged down a corner nearby. I knew a pursuit when I saw one, and the cavalry was not far behind. It was six demons.

They were low level. I could sense their energy. They were nothing more then snakes and lizards, but I still found it odd that it took six of them to take one girl. Unless they were thinking of doing something to that girl that would involve the six of them. I cringed at the thought, but didn't want to get involved. Rule number five: Never stick you neck out for anyone and never get into anyone else's business. It'll only end bad.

I heard a scream. The demons caught her. I hung at the mouth of the alley that she ran down. Surprisingly, there were no pleas for mercy or release, just more sounds of struggle. The demons were saying things like 'hold her' and 'don't bruise the merchandise'. I was stunned to see a few flashes of light, and then another scream.

"Let me go you slime-brained reptiles! You're not taking me back!" There was the sickening sound of a kick, then the louder sound of a slap. That was all it took for me to get in there. Stupid. I was stupid and it would cost me later, but I couldn't just leave that girl to something like that.

The first two demons were cake, I took them down in a series of a few blows. The next two were harder, and the last two nearly got me. I slipped away of course, cuz I am just a slippery little devil. But I got them all in the end. Oh yes, I am that good. I grabbed the girl's hand from where she had been on the ground, breathing hard and wiping a small stream of blood from her nose. She looked up at me, very surprised.

She had a pretty face, framed in long black hair. She couldn't have been more then eighteen. Her eyes were dark, intense, like they could see right threw me. I looked away, pulling her out of the alleyway behind me. She kept up pace, glancing back every now and then. And that was my grand rescue. I couldn't believe my stupidity. I busted in there like some kind of hero, and now landed myself a hostage.

Behold, chapter nermero uno. I hope you like. Please review, but I'll write more even if you don't, hehe. But please do!

~~Jesse the Wolf Demon~~