Jade121 - She was tempted to blast Jean but why start the fights over again? Later, though, who knows.

Elizabeth Braddock-Grey - There's a few more coming up. I want to get a few things settled before you leave.

girlonthem00n - Thank you. Glad to have kept your interest.

sapphireskies - Thank you. Glad you're back.

MagnusXXN - Oh, Warren's about to try something. You can be sure of that.

chrmdbythecajun - Yea! Another convert. Glad you're liking this.

vicol - Thank you. I'm glad it's kept your interest.


Chapter 27

Logan nodded at his answer. "Fine. Cajun's vindicated. Everyone else is forgiven. The end!" With a last glare, he strode out of the house, muttering about needing a drink to deal with this crap.

Betsy smiled in fond amusement and was not surprised when his exit caused others to make excuses and start leaving. Hank and Bobby murmured something about twinkies. Scott had paperwork and excused himself with an apology to Remy as did Professor Xavier who announced he was going to use Cerebro to try to locate Mr. Sinister. Rogue slipped out silently which made Betsy suspicious but there was nothing to do.

Jean spoke comfortingly to Ororo. "How about we go watch a movie or get some ice cream? Would that make you feel better? We can go somewhere and talk."

Ororo nodded somewhat curtly. "Thank you, Jean, but I still have much to discuss with my brother." Turning to Betsy, she gave the shorter woman an apologetic smile. "May I steal my brother away for a short while?"

Betsy returned the smile, gratified at being asked and not pushed to the side. "If it is for a short while. We also have something to discuss." *Something about bad girls as I remember.*

Remy grinned at her before capturing her mouth in a deep kiss. *Oui, Amour, maybe Remy have ta give you a spanking.*

Betsy kissed him hard in answer and they were breathless when they parted. He placed a last kiss on Betsy's forehead. "Merci for understanding, Amour."

Betsy nodded and turned to leave, ignoring Jean's unhappy green gaze. She turned to go upstairs but found Warren standing next to the door of another small study, blocking her way. "May I speak to you, Betsy?"

She sighed. "I would really rather not."

"Why not?"

Betsy looked up in disbelief. He had to be joking. "I do not think the two of us have anything to discuss."

"Yes, Betsy, we do."

She could tell from his intent gaze that he was going to be stubborn. She could also sense Jean's presence just a little further back down the hall. "Fine." Stepping past him into the small empty study, she stood in the middle of the room as he closed the door, waiting.

The blonde man stepped forward, reaching out to her. "Betsy, I've really missed you."

Putting up a hand to stop his advance, she stared at him increduously. "Missed me? I have been here at the mansion."

"Come on, you know what I mean. I was wrong about the Cajun and I'm sorry I took it out on you. Why don't we go out for dinner?"

"What?" Was the man blind? Had he not seen that she and Remy were now together.

He gave her an understading smile. "Now, Betsy, I know I've been a jerk recently and I'm glad you made a new friend, but, honestly, don't you miss us, what we had?"

"No, I can honestly say I do not." When had Warren turned so insensitve and arrogant? Perhaps he had always been like this but she had been too blind to see it. "Warren, we are through. Accept that. Besides, Remy..."

Warren waved away her next comment before she could finish. "Oh, I'm sure he'll be back with Rogue now that he's been proven innocent. She'll forgive him and it'll be just like old times. C'mon, let's go out to dinner."

Betsy's hands clenched at her sides. "No. Remy and I are together now."

His smile became even more tolerant. "Be reasonable. He's going to go back to Rogue, he always does. Besides, aren't you tired of him yet. I mean what on earth could you two have in common. Wouldn't you like to be with someone who can take you to an art gallery and appreciate it."

Betsy started laughing. She could not help it. Warren thought Remy knew nothing about art, could not appreciate the finer things. He really did not know the Cajun very well. "Acutally, Warren, Remy suits me perfectly. Now, if you will excuse me." She tried to step past him to the door.

Warren's hand lashed out, grabbing her arm and pulling her against him. He embraced her tightly, pinning her arms to her side. His eyes were icy flames, cold desire and need for conquest. "He's nothing but a swamp rat, Betsy. So what if he was controlled. He still went to Sinister for help, he's still a thief, he's still an uneducated, secretive plebian. You're too old for infatuations and that's all this is."

Betsy was furious. She turned her head away as Warren leaned in trying to claim her mouth and brought her heel down on his instep with enough force to break it. He let her go to clutch at the aching appendage and she helped him by grabbing his hair, pushing his head down as she rammed her knee into his face. Howling in pain, he fixed her with an angry stare but she was not done. A quick kick to the temple closed his eyes into unconciousness.

Betsy stared down at the body, still caught up in her fury, and gave the fallen man a quick kick in the ribs. "Bloody, arrogant bastard!"

*Betsy!* Remy's concerned voice flashed through her head. *What happened?*

Betsy straightened her clothes and hair before turning to the door once again. *Nothing much. Warren wanted to talk to me and was being his usual self.*

*You sure you ok, Amour.*

*Yes, I just want a shower.*

There was a flow of playful desire along their link. *Want Remy to scrub you back?*

Betsy smiled in pleasure at the mental image. *And wash my hair.*

*Oui, Amour, Remy meet you up der.*


Betsy stepped into the hallway, intending to meet Remy and head up to her room for the promised shower. She did not bother to alert anyone to Warren's state, not caring that he would be waking up with a headache. Looking up the hallway, she saw Remy had said goodbye to Ororo who had immediately gone outside to enjoy the fine weather. He had turned to walk toward Betsy when a familiar figure stepped into his path.

Rogue's back was to Betsy and she did not think the other woman realized someone else was in the hall. All her attention was focuses on her ex. "So, now ya been found innocent, Swamp Rat." Her voice was a low hiss. "An' that makes me a killer, huh?"

"Non, Rogue, it means ya made a mistake. Leave it 'lone." A pack of cards seemed to have magically appeared in his hand.

"But, that's what they're sayin' now. Now that bitch and flyboy are gonna get back together, she's gonna get them all on your side through him, all the original members. They always stick together, everyone knows that an' now ya're gonna use it ta make me the bad girl."

The link was fully open and Betsy could feel his nervousness, she could also feel the fear fueling Rogue's fury.

"Ya're gonna run me outta ma home!"

"Rogue," Remy spoke to her placatingly, trying to use his empathy to calm her, "You're not t'inging straight right now. No one's going to run you out of your home. Jus' let de past go. It's all over. Remy don' t'ink 'bout it no more 'nd neit'er should anyone else."

Betsy used Rogue's inattention to sneak closer behind her. If Rogue tried anything, the girl would receive a psychic blade right in the middle of her skull.

"Liar! Ya always been a liar! Well I ain't gonna wait 'round here for ya to get your revenge to turn the others on me!"

"Rogue, Remy's not going to do dat."

"Even if it would be justice." Betsy could not resist. Remy may have been forgiving but Betsy was still angry.

Rogue swung around and glared at her. "What are you doin' back there? Why ain't you out with Warren?"

"Why would I be?"

"Rogue." She turned back at hearing Remy say her name. "Betsy's not wit' Warren. She wit' me so dis concerns her. No one's usin' de ot'ers 'gainst you. De on'y trouble der's gonna be is any you start."

"What the hell do ya mean by that?"

"You leave Besty 'nd me 'lone, we all get on fine. You mess wit' Betsy or me 'gain, 'nd you gonna get hurt real bad."

The Southern woman looked back and forth between the two lovers. "Ya'll are threatin' me?"

Betsy smiled evilly and extended her psychic knife. "No, we are warning you. We have had enough of this entire stupidity. So, either you drop it or you get dropped."

She continued to look back and forth between the two of them and, through Remy, Besty could feel the fear and apprehension growing inside the woman. "Ya'll gonna gang up on little ol' me?" One on one, she had a good chance of winning but combined...Rogue had no defense against Betsy's psychic knife and Remy was fully capable of generating enough kinetic energy to hurt her. She was almost invulnerable not actually invulnerable.

Betsy continued to smile. "That is what people in love do, they take care of each other. Maybe you will discover that some day."

"Oui, now if dis is done, Remy's got a promise to keep."

Rogue glanced between the two of them again, taking in their battle ready stances and the determination in their eyes. "Fine!" She took off through and open door into one of the small studies and out the window.

Remy replaced the cards into his coat and stepped forward to embrace Betsy tightly. "You ok, Amour."


Remy smiled and kissed her deeply. "Bien, now 'bout dis shower..."

"Sounds very nice."

It was several more minutes before they resumed their journey up the stairs. They were content to hold and touch and taste each other, sharing love until desire and lust made its own demands.

~The End~

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ok, not the best place to end the story but everything's pretty much settled. Now, I promised a preview of my thoughts for the sequel and I want to know what all of you think.

In the sequel, Betsy becomes pregnant with Remy's child. Tensions still exist in the X-men and begin to drive the team apart. Betsy and Remy will be moving for the protection of their child and Rogue's final decision is shown. This will be an AU and will start dealing with a new generation of heroes as families are begun and parents retire.

Anyway, let me know what you think or if you have other suggestions.