"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Buffy replied.

"Then let's get naked."

"Spike! This is difficult enough as it is! Why do you always have to say things like that and make it worse?"

"I was just joking, luv. I was trying to be funny to break the tension."

"Well, don't." Buffy sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Come on, Buffy. Relax." Spike said, sitting down next to her.

Spike began to gently rub her shoulders until she visibly started to relax.

"Mmmm. That feels nice. A little lower please?"

Spike smiled at her acceptance.

As he rubbed up and down her back, Buffy found herself getting turned on by his actions. As she realized this, she squirmed away from him and stood up.

"What's the matter, luv?"

"Nothing. It's just….that's not helping either."

"It seemed to be a minute ago."

"Well it's really not."

Spike stood up, grabbed onto her shoulders and studied her eyes with his.

"Buffy, calm down. Look, I know this isn't exactly your idea of fun but I am well aware that this is just pretend. I'll be a good boy, I promise."

Buffy just smiled and nodded, not exactly sure how to respond to that. After a moment she looked at him and sighed deeply. "Well, let's get started then."

It was time to put on the show but all they could do was stand there and stare awkwardly at each other. Spike stood, hands in his pockets, staring at the floor, waiting for Buffy to make the first move. As they continued to stand there he realized that it was going to be up to him to get things started.

He sat down on the bed and patted the space next to him. A deep shaky breath escaped her lips and she sat down beside him.

"So, how do we do this then?" She asked.

"We've gone over this, Buffy. You wear your strapless top and I'll wear my boxers, we'll get under the covers and when the clock strikes 5 a.m. and the cameras go on it will look like we're in the middle of having sex."

"This is silly" Buffy let out a frustrated cry. "I don't know why I'm so nervous about this. It's not even real."

"Maybe you're nervous because you want it to be real." Spike eyes fluttered over her face, down to her lips.

"Don't start with me Spike. This isn't…….."

"A bet."

"Huh?" Buffy looked confused.

"Why don't we make this a little more interesting." Spike smirked.

"What do you mean?" Buffy asked cautiously.

"I'll bet that I am better at faking this sex thing than you."

Buffy let out a hard laugh. "You've got to be joking. There's no way you'd be better than me. I dated Riley, that makes me an expert on faking it. You've got yourself a deal. What are the stakes?"

Spike glanced at her, his eyebrow raised.

"So, you faked it with Captain Cardboard? Why am I not surprised?" Spike grinned, then tilted his head to study her.

"Right, like I'm sure no girl has ever faked it with you?"

"They never needed to." He responded with a prideful smile.

"Spike, I hate to break it to you but women fake it all the time and the men are rarely ever able to tell the difference."

Spike looked deeply into her eyes. "Buffy, believe me, I know." He began, his voice low and deep. "I can tell if it's real. It's usually always the same. Her thighs start to tremble, she begins to whimper, her body closes around mine like a vice. She'll either clench the sheets in her fists or scratch her nails down my back and her legs will wrap around me like she never wants to let me go. Then I make her scream until her body becomes so limp she can barely move."

Buffy sat there frozen, his deep voice coating her mind until she could clearly picture it happening. At first she felt a stab of jealousy picturing Spike with Dru or Harmony or any number of countless women he has been with but suddenly she began to picture herself as the woman writhing beneath him and screaming his name.

Her eyes opened, barely even realizing that she had let them drift shut. Spike's face was way too close to hers, his eyes filled with lust. She quickly tried to compose herself and backed away from him before clearing her throat.

"The bet." She said, a bit more huskier than she intended. She took a deep breath and continued. "What are the terms of the bet?"

He chuckled, noticing her flushed cheeks. "If you win, I will be your slave for the remaining time that we're here. Cooking, cleaning, pampering. We'll do anything you want to do, go anywhere you want to go. I will utterly spoil you."

"And if you win?" Buffy asked.

"If I win, all you have to do is go out on a date with me. A formal date with candy, flowers and me being gentlemanly and you maybe giving good old Spike a kiss at the end of it."

Buffy stuck out her hand initiating a hand shake. "You've got yourself a deal."

Spike smiled, knowing that no matter what the results of the bet turned out to be, that he would be the winner either way.

"Buffy? Are you almost ready, luv? We need to hurry."

"Just one more minute." She responded from inside the bathroom.

While brushing through her hair, she could see her hands start to shake. A few deep breaths later, she splashed some water on her face, willing her body to relax.

"Buffy, come on!" Spike yelled impatiently.

"Just a minute!" She screamed back.

She could hear him growl in anger and then pound on the bathroom door.

"Get your stubborn slayer ass out here! We only have two minutes before the cameras go on!"

"Give it a rest, bleach boy! I'll be out when I'm good and ready!"

"You are going to mess up the plan!"

"Screw the plan! If we don't do this tonight then we'll just have to try again tomorrow."

"Stop putting this off, Slayer. If we don't do this now, we never will and then what will you say to Giles when we lose? We're here for a reason. Remember those poor missing people? Ya know, the whole reason we're here in the first place!"

"Go to hell, Spike"

"Oh, that's very nice, Buffy. Just let those poor people die or get tortured just so you're self-involved ass won't have to do something that you're afraid of!"

With that, she flung open the door, seething with anger. "I am NOT self-involved!"

After her outburst, she noticed the camera light go on and she panicked.

Buffy looked up at Spike and quickly lunged at him, knocking him into the wall. She abruptly smashed her lips against his making him groan. In turn, he spun them around, backing her into a dresser, causing items to fall off and crash to the floor.

Spike stood between her legs and continued to kiss her passionately, his hand cradling the back of her neck. She roughly shoved him away from her and onto the bed. She thanked the stars above that she had a bout of laziness and failed to make the bed because it made it a lot easier for them to hide their bodies under the sheets since they didn't have to trouble themselves with pulling back the covers.

Before she could even comprehend what was happening, Spike was hovering above her. He leaned down and began placing soft kisses on her lips, then down her jaw and finally on her neck. He suckled the soft skin beneath her ear hard enough to leave a mark but at the moment she didn't seem to care.

Traveling farther down her body, he kissed and licked around her collarbone and then slid down even further, placing kisses right above her breasts. Needing to distract him from his obvious destination, she reached down and slid her hands under his shirt and began pulling it up, suggesting that he take it off. Finally, when his chest was bare, she pulled him to her, granting his tongue entrance into her mouth. With rampant pleasure, their tongues gently swirled together and his upper body rested on top of hers.

Since their abrupt beginning caused them to improvise, between kisses, they proceeded to remove any extra clothing they had on which didn't fit into the original plan. They concentrated on continuing their pleasure play when Spike was finally in nothing but his black silk boxers and Buffy was lacking enough clothing so it made her look like she was nude under the sheets.

With a swift movement, she flipped him onto his back and straddled his waist. A look of shock appeared on his face as she started to move her hips up and down to give the impression that they were having sex. Even though it wasn't real, he couldn't help himself from placing his hands on her hips to guide her movements.

When Buffy started to moan, Spike thought he was going to lose his mind. It wasn't supposed to seem this real. Even when he imagined the scene in his head, he saw it as being very orchestrated and awkward. He didn't, however, expect it to turn him on this much. Remembering that there was a point to all of this, Spike started to become vocal with a few grunts of his own.

Deciding he wanted to be in charge, he flipped her over so that she was beneath him again. He began thrusting forward and she found herself staring at him as he moved. She almost couldn't bare any of this. Her mind started racing and she tried so hard to push out any thoughts that were telling her she actually wanted this to be real.

Buffy closed her eyes and against every sense of reason in her brain, she let herself imagine that Spike was really making love to her. Between his grunts and her moans, she almost tricked herself into thinking it was actually happening.

A movement of her arm caused her hand to brush against something long and hard yet soft and smooth causing Spike to groan once more but this time it was because of the sensation of her warm skin touching his erection which unknowingly slipped out of the front of his silk boxers.

Freaked out by this sudden development, Buffy quickly faked an orgasm for the cameras to end this little charade and her eyes, as wide as saucers, met Spike's eyes which were equally wide with shock.

Buffy gasped again. "Oh my God!"

"Oh my God!" Xander screeched, watching the developments unfold before his eyes.

The gang which included, Xander, Anya, Willow, Tara & Giles, were staring at the television screen in Xander's apartment, watching the current episode of "Married By America" which included Buffy straddling and grinding into a stunned looking Spike at a party with the rest of the contestants.

Xander continued to stare, his jaw agape. "If this episode was filmed a week ago, I can only imagine what they must be……Oh God! No imagining! I've got to stop imagining! Somebody please poke my eyes out!"

"Shhhh!" Anya hushed Xander while munching on a bowl of buttery popcorn. "Stop talking. You're being annoying and you are going to make me miss the orgasmic conclusion."

Not able to watch anymore, Xander went into his bedroom and away from the disturbing images on the television.

Frantically cleaning his glasses, Giles rose up from his seat and cleared his throat.

"I think I'm going to….you see, I've forgotten to……Uh, I think I'm going to head home now. Make sure you keep Spike and Buffy up to speed on their…uh…progress." Giles stumbled over his words before blushing a deep crimson and scrambling out the door.

Anya continued to sit, literally, on the edge of her seat. "Wow! They're really getting into it. See, I was right, sex definitely sells. They've got to be fornicating by now."

Willow remained silent but observed what was happening on the screen in front of her. She felt a pang of worry at Anya's words. Quietly leaving the room, she walked into the kitchen to get a drink, but mostly to be alone for a few moments with her thoughts.

Tara observed Willow and she felt as though something might be bothering her. Following her into the kitchen, Tara noticed the concerned look on Willow's face when she turned back around after getting some juice out of the fridge.

"Willow, what's wrong?"

"Why do you think something's wrong?"

Tara rolled her eyes, "I know you, Willow. I can tell when something is bothering you."

Willow sighed, grabbed Tara's hands and pulled her a little closer to her.

"There is something. It's about Buffy but If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell any of the others." Willow whispered.

"I promise. I swear, I won't say anything."

"I talked to Buffy in private last time we went to check on her. She told me that she was becoming attracted to Spike."

"That doesn't necessarily mean anything, Willow. It could just be from the kissing and stuff." Tara tried to reassure her.

"Well, that's what I thought too but after seeing them on TV like that, I'm not so sure anymore. It looked so real. It looked like what they felt was real."

"Willow, Buffy is a big girl. I seriously doubt anything is going on with them but even if there is, there's nothing we can do about it. She's old enough to make her own decisions and if something happens between them, the only thing we can do is be there for her if she needs us."

Willow chuckled nervously. "You're right. I know I'm just being silly and over protective but I just don't want Buffy to get hurt."

"I know you don't, sweetie." Tara said, brushing back a lock of Willow's hair. "Buffy is a strong girl and I'm sure she'll be careful. She can take care of herself and things will work out just fine."

Willow smiled, amazed at how a few simple words from the woman she loved could instantly calm her. "Thanks, Tara."

They walked back into the living room together just in time to see Anya rewinding the sexy scene between Buffy and Spike so she could watch it again.

Still staring at Spike, Buffy froze, unsure of what to do. When her cloudy mind became clear, she slid out from under him and ran into the bathroom.

She stood in front of the sink, grasping the edge of it, her breathing erratic.


She jumped at the sound of her name and spun around to see Spike approaching her. He glided up to her, his eyes still hazy with lust. The way he was looking at her made her blush.

Gazing downward, she briefly observed his impressive erection which was bobbing in front of him. She quickly looked back into his eyes, not wanting him to realize what she was staring at. The amused look on his face told her that he knew exactly what part of his anatomy she was studying. He always knew.

"I just have one question for you, pet, and I want you to answer me honestly." Spike's voice was deeper than usual.

All Buffy could get herself to do was nod, letting him know she understood.

"Do you want me, Buffy."

To Be Continued………

A/N: I know it's been a long time since I've posted any chapters for this story and to tell you the truth, I wasn't sure I was ever going to finish it. But thanks to my good friend Angela, I finally got the motivation to continue. It turned out that all I needed was a good idea to get the wheels turning in my brain and then the floodgates opened until I was finally able to get through my writer's block and put out a new chapter.

It is more important than ever now that you guys review. First off, I hope you forgive me for just leaving you hanging like that but I hope that a lot of you will still continue to read this after such a long time without updates. So please review and let me know if this chapter was up to the standards of the previous ones. Also, if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to leave them. It really helps me and sometimes even the smallest thing will spark a huge idea in my mind and it will excite me enough to get me writing faster. I can't even tell you how excited I am to be able to write more of this.