Time after Time

By: ComplexSimplicitY

Summary:  A collection of Harry/Luna 'episodes' this is a very different fic~ every chapter will start out with a scene from OotP-then I'll write from there, so everything that happens here occurs in between the scenes of OotP…kinda get it? ^_^ Hope you like-all the episodes do tie in to one another though, and it basically shows how Harry becomes more and more taken with Luna as his fifth year goes by ^_^ Caution: Much fluffiness and insanity to come! ^_^_^_^

Disclaimer for the whole fic:  I do NOT own Harry Potter, though I can see why you may think so…LoL who I kidding yea right ^_^ The italicized words at the start of each chapter come directly from OotP and are not mine either-that's why there's a page number after all of them ^_~

A/N: Hello everyone! Well after all the great comments I got after 'Always in the End' I've decided to do another Harry/Luna fic ^_^_^ This one will be longer, but only a few chapters-I'm thinking 5-6, and takes place during OotP so spoilers abroad!!  Hope you enjoy, please leave me a review and tell me what you think ^_^_^_^

Episode 1:  Valentine's Day

            "Women!" he muttered angrily, sloshing down the rain-washed street with his hands in his pockets.  "What did she want to talk about Cedric for anyway?  Why does she always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?"  He turned right, and broke into a splashy run… (p. 563)

            Continuing down the slightly cramped, thoroughly flooded alleyway, Harry fought his way through, running as fast as he could while his soaked through robes tried to drag him down.  Not even caring in the slightest bit about his drippy attire, it wasn't until Harry's shoulder made contact with a very solid something that he stopped.

            "Hello? Who's there?"  Harry asked, unable to see through his rain splattered glasses.  Running a hand through his soaking wet hair, he suddenly noticed that the rain was no longer falling.

            "Hello Harry."  Luna Lovegood's airy voice sounded in his ears and, after furiously shaking his glasses dry, Harry noticed that he was now under the shelter of her umbrella. 

            "Sorry Luna, I wasn't watching where I was going," Harry started to say.  He stopped talking once he raised his eyes to the huge umbrella that covered them both.

            "Er…what are those?"  Luna's humungous umbrella that could comfortably shield five people from the rain, was dark blue and covered with pictures of little squishy, puff-ball like animals that also had fuzzy wings and beady blue eyes.  The little buggers were bewitched to fly around, and when Harry strained his ears past the sound of the pitter pattering rain, he could have sworn he heard a tune that sounded strangely like "Singing in the Rain" coming from the umbrella itself.

            "Oh, they're Fuzziers.  Cute aren't they? My father came across some when he was traveling in France and saw this umbrella as well.  It plays some Muggle tune when it's open too, quite splendiferous, don't you think?"  Luna asked mistily.  Her waist length blonde hair was down as always, and kept away from the right side of her face thanks to her wand that was always jutting out from it's position atop her right ear.  Today though, for Valentine's Day, Luna had really outdone herself, and in addition to her Hogwarts ensemble, she also donned a flashing heart pin that blinked in red, pink and white, and also emitted glitter every once in a while.

            "Uh…yes, quite. Well where are you headed Luna?"  Harry asked.  Not that he was really listening.  In fact, he was still mulling over the complete disaster that had come of his Valentine's Day, and was currently reminiscing over all the times Cho had burst into tears on him, and felt himself get rather agitated at the thought.

            "Three Broomsticks.  I'm supposed to meet someone there."  Luna replied dreamily.  Without any warning, she started walking again down the alley, and Harry didn't even notice until he realized that the world was looking quite spotted.  After feverishly rubbing at his glasses, he hurried to catch up to her once more.

            "Well, I'm headed for the Three Broomsticks…I guess."  Harry answered distractedly.  Then he began muttering under his breath about how 'Barking mad,' women were in general.

The pair continued down the watery alleyway, Harry trudging his feet through the freezing rainwater, and Luna sashaying along and humming all the way while licking a heart shaped lolly that was half the size of her face. Suddenly, in the middle of a song, Luna stopped humming, and turned abruptly to face Harry.  When Harry looked up, he saw that Luna's face was but inches away from his own.  Feeling his jaw drop as Luna's face came closer to his, Harry immediately shut it, realizing then that it probably wasn't the best thing to do, let his mouth hang open while Luna Lovegood's mouth was less than four inches away from it.  Clamping his jaw shut, Harry swallowed nervously, and made to back up and run for his life when his heels slammed against the wall.


Completely brainless for the moment, Harry simply stood and watched in shock as Luna's face came closer to his own; though he noticed that her eyelashes weren't wet and her face wasn't streaked with tears.  It was a nice change…but this was Luna!  Before Harry could think up something intelligent to say though, Luna popped her lolly into her mouth, and reached up with her free hand.  Her hand hovered for a moment, but in the next instant, it was running through Harry's mussed up, soggy hair, and then it was gone.

Speechless still, Harry looked at Luna's clenched hand in astonishment, and he was surprised when his mind registered the tingling sensation that was dancing along his scalp where Luna's fingers previously were.  Bright emerald eyes filled with confusion and shell shock met crystal blue ones filled with excitement as Luna looked up.  Thrusting the umbrella handle into Harry's hand, Luna dug around in her book bag for a while before she extracted a medium sized glass jar.  With great anticipation, she lowered her fist into the jar's opening, released her hand, and quickly jerked her hand out, while slamming the lid onto the jar with her other.  Then, she pressed her eye to the glass.  Still very much confused, and quite flustered, Harry limply held the umbrella, which was now tipping off to the side and only half covering Harry.  When he came to his senses, Harry managed to ask,

"Luna, what in the world did you just do?"

Luna's loud, slightly crazed laughter pierced through the air, and caused Harry to jump a few inches backwards.  As her hearty laughs continued to sound through the alleyway, and she slapped her hand against her thighs, Harry looked at her half questioningly and half adoringly though he himself was completely oblivious to that.  After a few minutes, Luna's laughter came to an abrupt stop, and her dreamy aura returned.

"You had a netterbee in your hair…look, it's right there.  I've never seen a real live one before until now, but my father's shown me many pictures.  Now I can add it to my collection."

Squinting, Harry took the jar that Luna offered him, and peered into it.  At first he saw nothing, but then noticed a tiny, miniscule black bug that was covered in spikes and crawling up the side of the glass. 

"How in the world did you spot that?  Harry asked her incredulously.

"I just notice things other people don't about you Harry Potter."  And with that, Luna popped the jar into her book bag, resumed sucking on her lolly, and continued frolicking down the flooded alleyway, and out onto the main cobble-stoned road that led to the Three Broomsticks.


A/N: So did you like it? I know it's pretty crappy, (it's 3 a.m. right now, LoL!) but I'd love you if you reviewed!!!! Next episode will be up ASAP-expect it by this Wednesday ^_^ REVIEW PLEASE, and thanks for reading ^_^