Hey guys! I realize that I have now started updating really far apart, and that's because of so much homework. I've got finals in a couple of weeks, and my teachers have been loading me down. So, it's really overwhelming to find time to type fairly long chapters frequently enough so that you'll keep reading my story, so I have an idea. I'm going to start posting fairly short chapters, but updating really close together, OK? Except of course the chapter with the battle sequence. That'll be long one, but fun to write, hehe. SO anyway, here is the next chapter!

By the time that the Dauntless quietly sails up near Isla de Muerta, dusk has fallen, along with an eerie fog. You stand in silence with Jack for a few moments, until you hear the Commodore Norrington come up beside both of you and command,
"Come Mr. Sparrow, the island awaits us." A few Navy-men quickly usher Jack along to the side of the ship, and they all begin to climb down the side. Before Jack is out of eyesight with you, however, you give a little salute of good luck, and he nods in return. Well, that's the last you'll see of him in awhile. Turning around and boredly gazing at the rest of the ship, you notice that the deck area is very desolate, and only a few British officers amble around now. You decide to go and find Elizabeth, seeing as how there's no one to talk to anymore. Governor Swann looks as if he'd rather spit than you give you the time of day. HE really needs to loosen up. What a loon. You put on an expression of self-confidence and walk down the deck towards the double doors at the end with a luminous glow of light emitting from behind their glass windows.
Opening the doors carefully you gaze inside and see Elizabeth sitting on a chair in a British uniform (obviously this was the "alternative means of wardrobe" they gave her) and tying the top portion of her hair behind her head into a braid.
"I like your new style" you taunt mockingly, "So, when did you join the Navy? Just now?" You laugh to yourself, still staring at the red coat and crème colored leggings that she now wears.
"Violet, be quiet." Elizabeth retorts. Well, she's obviously not in the mood for jokes.
"So, watcha doin?" you decide to change subject.
"I'm getting ready to go and save Will!" she replies with shrillness to her voice. Folding your arms across your chest, you reply,
"Uh....Liz? Norrington and Jack left about 15 minutes ago." You jerk your thumb back towards the deck.
"What?!!!" she squawks. She immediately stands up and storms past you to go back on deck. You take a few steps back outside again to see Elizabeth yelling at her father, and demanding to know why she was left behind. Her father frustratedly tries to reason with her,
"Elizabeth, I already told you! I will not have you go gallivanting after pirates, and that is that!" Liz looks as if she intends to continue the argument, but before she can, two soldiers come up behind her and grab her by the arms. They simply state,
"Commodore's orders, miss. We are to make sure that you are secured within the safety resources of the ship!" Elizabeth immediately begins to struggle and put up a rather tough fight against the two. "Sorry, but it's for your own safety!" Gillette (one of the two that is escorting her) pleads to her.
"I don't care what the Commodore ordered, I must tell him!" Elizabeth screams, "The pirates..they're cursed! They can't be killed!" And with that they shove her back inside the Captain's cabin. You stand nearby watching this whole scene until the other officer comes over to you and shoves you in with Elizabeth.
"You too, miss!"
"Don't worry, miss, he's already informed of that!" replies Gillette in return to Liz's earlier outburst, "A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story!" He raises his eyebrows pompously and pulls both of the doors shut in your faces. Elizabeth raps her hands against the door and calls,
"This is Jack Sparrow's doing!"

I know that this is short, but like I said, I'll be able to update more if the chapters are shorter. Oh and by the way, I don't know if you're still reading this Imxi, but I do plan to use the word "ker-plunk" in the next chapter if you're interested, hehe...