Soul's Face

Windswift: (laughs evilly) Hai, I am back, and with a new fic!!!

Bakura: -_- Just die already . . .

Muse: (twacks him) Now that's not very nice . . . . I had to use a lot of effort to pretend I was working hard on this! Show some respect!

Windswift: -_- anyway. . . .

Here's the before fic notes, they're halfway important at least, so read them sometime!

I want to do this type of story with some other characters, perhaps. After you've seen some of the story, feel free to suggest a character you want me to do. That way, I'll know now what to plan on writing ^^

Yes, this is a chapter fic! It has a plot . . . I think . . . okay, not the traditional plot of "good vs. evil, good triumphs," more like a "um, stuff happens, maybe we'll even make the character get over his inner demons!" type of plot. . . . I've discovered the reason my stories have no plot. It's because our lives our a story, and my writing reflects my life. Yeah, my life has no plot . . . .

The next chapter will have more action and dialog! And it'll also be longer!

Disclaimer: If you look and see which character basically all my stories are centered around, and you look at the main characters of Yu-Gi-Oh, you'll find some inconsistencies. Now what does that tell you?

Random Person: That you made lots of errors when you wrote Yu-Gi-Oh?

Disclaimer: baka


Truly, it was amazing how fragile the gentle boy's psyche was.


Back and forth, back and forth, like the waves on the sea, the gentle motion mirrored the far-off days of childhood, when one would be rocked in a mother's lap. A soothing gesture, yes, but a dead one, as far-gone and lifeless as the memory world it occupied.

Back and forth, back and forth, caught in the stream of simple yet fluid motions, unable to be roused to break the pattern. Perfectly balanced, the movements, if unaffected, could go on in oblivious conformity and comforting regularity forever.

Down, down, down, falling forever, suspended in time and space in the world of a heartbeat, that world of limitless but unseen opportunities. After all, in that one moment, doesn't everyone feel tempted to tell themselves they're flying?

Down, down, down, inexorable, unbreakable, yet it symbolized the most fragile of moments. Falling, rising, suspended in the air in that momentary world they were all the same thing.

But when you hit the ground at the end of the journey, was it all the same pain?


Ryou sat on a swing in the park, oblivious to the rain. His sneakers dug into the wet, gritty rocks as he gently pushed himself hither and yon, all his focus devoted to keeping up the perfectly balanced motion, as if his very life depended upon it.

His pale hands surrounded the metal chains loosely and lifelessly, though his grip suggested they would become a lifeline the moment he chose to exert more force. The cold metal links no longer bit into his already frozen skin.

White, wet bangs swayed before his eyes, dancing across the top of his vision. Water dripped from them, some onto his clothes, some onto his face. It didn't matter, he was already too numb to feel the cold water rolling down his fine cheeks and nose, dripping past icy lips, murmuring silently and incoherently, the barest movements signaling screams of anguish trying to escape.

Doe-like brown eyes stared out at the limited gaze of the ground before him, seeing everything, nothing, and a little bit beyond that. Chocolate- brown eyes, except chocolate was warm and good, melting with welcoming hospitality to its flavor, and these eyes were dull, lifeless, and glazed over with a watery sheen as he stared mindlessly into oblivion.

For a moment, he hovered and deliberated between breaking the conformity of his present existence. The moment stretched on into eternity, sweeping the boy into its torrential river of indecision.

Slowly, remotely, as if he had no control and was watching from deep within his soul, his head lifted. It titled agonizingly as if it were a great heavy weight, and continued going as if to snap the slender neck it rested upon.

The rest of his body followed with a slow, deliberate grace. His hands slid further down on the chains, pulling taut as he lowered his back until he was laying horizontally on the swing.

He ignored the damp strands of white hair plastered to his pale forehead, unconsciously blinking he rainwater from his eyes. The rest of the silver tresses swept carelessly over the ground, simultaneously dirtied by the rocks and washed by the storm.

His eyes stared up at the sky, detached fascination running through his mind. How pretty, the weeping pastel watercolor of the sky, the masterpiece of soft light grays and gently tainted whites. Somehow, this seemed more pure to him than the bluest of skies in the most perfect of days.

The rain seemed to slant and spiral from the clouds, reaching out in farther directions the closer it fell to earth as if in outstretched embracing arms. Long, beaded curtains of tears, sewn by angels, waving in the wind, the top renewing eternally, the bottom brushing over his face and kissing the earth.

'Angels must have many things to mourn . . . .'

The swing shifted slightly, and he felt himself slowly falling off. Deciding it was reason enough, he used it as initiative to pull himself back up into his former sitting position.

The swing moved slowly of its own accord from the effort he had used to sit up. Back and forth, nothing and eternity encompassed in one ordinary motion.

He anchored his wet shoes into the muddy rocks again, raising a miniature flood beneath him, welling up from the ground to the indents his feet had made.

The only true way to experience something is to succumb fully and sacrifice yourself to it.

The cool rain flowed down his chilled skin, but he no longer noticed it. He had become the rain, the cold.

Raincoats only got in the way.


Ta da!!! Review, onegai! Since I have the next chapter written (though not typed up, currently) I'll withhold it until I get at least _some_ reviews. So, if you want it fast, recommend it to people and force 'em to review! (I'm so kind, aren't I? ^^ )

Yes, I do drag other characters in. Just be patient . . . .

-Windswift Shinju ((+)~