Disclaimer: Though this poem is under poetry for LOTR, it is actually my original work as well. It was inspired bymy fanfic 'Blood-Red Rose for Legolas' as an expression of the main character's thoughts after experiencing an extremely traumatic event. However, you do not need to read the story first, since the themes are fairly universal. I decided to post this poem here for my readers, since it is related and explores the choice we all make, every day, to keep on living - no matter what griefs we suffer, how bleak the future may seem, and how dark the path ahead.

Empty as am I

Wish the tears would come

Wish I could just give up

Fly away to somewhere far away.

Shining knife so keen and bright

Cutting deeply into my heart tonight

This pain is evanescent…

If only the same could be true

Of my spirit and mind. Yet -

Why do I cry so?

There is nothing to sorrow for

Nobody left to mourn or miss

Why do my tears still fall?

I have naught to do in this world

Nothing more I can say

Not a scrap of knowledge to offer

Not even the shards of dreams.

The star burns bright and falls

Perhaps I reached too high

Arrogance blinding my eyes.

I aimed for the moon and missed

But still fell past the stars

Now salvation waits, but what hope is left?

I walk the bitter road of failure

I do not know why this is so

All my efforts wasted, in vain.

Silver knife, release me,

Free me from this pain

All vanished, nothing more.

Gentle death stares back at me

and I run towards it.

Why should I struggle on,

What ties me to this forsaken world?

I have tasted beauty and good,

Have heard the colors of sunlight;

Better if I had not: to have is

To be able to also lose.

I have neither lost nor gained

But simply return to the darkness

From whence I first came

As we all do.

I see myself in this mirror of destiny

Nothing is here.

Yet a new day dawns

And I face the world again

Searching on for something unknown.

My friend is Cynicism,

I converse with Despair.

I am one of heaven's fallen angels.

Farewell, I say

Though I am not leaving,

Merely passing through.

Forgive me for all I am not

And all I yearned to be

The world is empty, as am I.