E MAIL MY HEART- Chapter one


It's the last day of school as a freshman...next year we will all come back as sophomores. I have been looking forward to this day all year long. Oooh this is soooo great. I can't even begin to explain how incredibly cool this is.

(Later that morning)

"Hey Miranda. Hey Gordo... what's crackin guys?" "Are you guys as excited as I am about today?" "Hell yeah." Miranda said with a smirk. "You betcha Liz." Gordo shot me a cute grin. " Let's get to class guys.. Sooner we're there the sooner we're gone." Lol.


"Ok... we only have to sit through three more class periods... and then our summer begins..." said Miranda reassuringly. "Too bad all three of my next periods suck." I said. "It's ok Lizzie. Just think.... You only have to sit through those classes one more time this year... then school is over and we will be on our way home, to summer vacation." Gordo said, giving me a reassuring pat on the back .

(Final bell rings)

"Yes!!!!! School is finally out.... Watch out summer.... Here I come!! ." I screamed as the bell sounded. "Come on Lizzie. We're gunna miss the bus..." A frantic Miranda yelped. "Hey guys... My dad's here. Do you guys want a ride?" Gordo asked, already knowing the answer. "Thank god!" Miranda said "I am soooo grateful Gordo... for like the last week, Larry keeps tryin to sit next to me on the bus. Yesterday I almost had to take him up on his offer... oh yeah ... I never thanked you for letting me use you lap as a seat Liz...lol

(On the phone)- M=MIRANDA, G=GORDO, L=LIZZIE

M: Hey Liz what's up?

L: Nothin.. Just cleanin my room, and gettin ready to surf the net.. lol

M : Let's three-way Gordo.

L :Okay.

G: Hey guys

M+L : Hey

L : Whatcha doin? . .

G: Watchin TV. I am sooo bored. I am probably gunna go to bed here in a minute.

M : Yeah me too.

L :Okay well I guess I will let you guys go then

G: K see ya Lizzie call me tomorrow okay?


M: Me too. Love ya guys




(Lizzie online)- Brighteyes1456= Lizzie, Talk2me= Gordo

instant message, after finding each other in a chat room.

Brighteyes1456: hey

Talk2me: hey

Talk2me: u came to the right guy for advice..

Brighteyes1456: cool I am glad.

Talk2me: where are you from?

Brighteyes1456: ok lets make a deal .. no specifics.... as in name and location or anything else that would give away where we are from okay?

Talk2me: sure... so what did you need advice on?

Brighteyes1456: I think that I am in love with my best guy friend. I am scared that if I tell him, he wont feel the same. or start acting all weird around me, or somethin.

Talk2me: I know the feeling.

Talk2me: I am in the same situation right now.

Brighteyes1456: really?

Brighteyes1456: that's weird.. so ya can't give me any advice then?

Talk2me: I can try.

Brighteyes1456: haha

Talk2me: how long u known him?

Brighteyes1456: 14 years.

Brighteyes1456: we have been best friends forever.

Talk2me: whoa!!

Brighteyes1456: our moms are really close.

Talk2me: that is soooo incredibly weird. that is exactly how long I have been friends with my friend that I am in this same situation with. cool.

Talk2me: she only lives a few minutes away from me.

Brighteyes1456: cool me too..lol

Brighteyes1456: this is sooo weird... but at least I have someone that I can talk about this too...because you understand what I am going through.. I can't tell my other friend, because I am afraid that she would tell him. Then everything will be ruined...

Talk2me: yeah I know what ya mean. so what is your friends name?

Brighteyes1456: nope remember ...no specifics.

Talk2me: oh yeah sorry... lol

Talk2me: can I at least know what state.. I promise I want ask anymore..

Brighteyes1456: ok fine but that's it ... I live in California. u?

Talk2me: me too.

Brighteyes1456: so are you gunna tell her?

Brighteyes1456: or have you already?

Talk2me: I haven't told her yet... I am trying to find a way to tell her without actually telling her. if ya know what i'm talkin about?

Brighteyes1456 : you mean like just drop little hints until she figures it out?

Talk2me: yeah.

Talk2me: do u love him?

Brighteyes1456: yes.

Brighteyes1456: I have for a while now.

Talk2me: are you gunna tell him, or drop hints like I am?

Brighteyes1456: I dunno but I think that I am gunna try to tell him.... how should I say it?

Talk2me: you should say this... hey I gotta tell u somethin, okay?

Talk2me: we've been friends forever an I know that this might sound weird, but I think that I am in love with you.

Brighteyes1456: will that work?

Talk2me:i dunno but if anyone said that to me ... I would be thrilled...lol

Brighteyes1456: lol.

Brighteyes1456: but it is soooo ... blunt. I would be embarrassed to say it like that.

Talk2me: oh well, at least I tried... see I am not to good at this subject either... lol

Brighteyes1456: hmmm .. well thanks for talkin to me it was fun. but I am really tired and I think I am gunna go to bed....do you wanna talk to me tomorrow?

Talk2me: yeah sure... how bout at 10:00p.m.

Brighteyes1456: ok talk to ya then

Talk2me:ok bye.