Xiaolang's Ying Fa: Everyone, I'm very sorry, I thought I would never lose my passion for this fic, but it looks like I have. I hate giving up, so I wont. I'll finish this fic, although don't even ask how long it will take. The lemon is taking forever,I just have absolutely no inspiration. So please help me.



OoONormal POVOoO

Jounouchi Katsuya walked inside the Kaiba estate nervous and jittery. He couldn't hide it, he was scared. He hoped Seth wouldn't see through his outfit until the moment he told him…he also really hoped he wouldn't run into Kaiba while he was here, he got lucky last time…This time, he couldn't be as sure…

He took a deep breath and walked quickly toward Yuugi, spotting him down by the refreshments table.

"Tsuya! You came!"

"I…I had to." Yuugi smiled.

"Don't worry, he'll be here. Just wait it out, have some fun while you're here, this is supposed to be a party, ya know." Yuugi said, laughing. Jounouchi smiled slightly.

"You try having fun with a weight this big on your back…I'm shaking almost as much as Weevil on steroids."

"Tsuya-kun!" a soft feminine voice called out as the owner jumped upon the raven-haired boy's back.

"Wa! Ryou! Don't do that!"

"Ma! Tsuya-kun, its Yoru tonight!" the albino boy pouted.

"Okay, okay, just stop jumping on me! …you're going to ruin my hair!" Jounouchi played, putting on the macho routine, trying successfully to lighten himself up a bit.


Kaiba took a deep breath, and slowly began to walk, more like trudge, down the stairs, into the party. It was loud and huge, just perfect for what he had in mind; everyone would be too busy to notice them and too ignorant to care. His heart nearly stopped at sighting his raven-haired preceded lover around Yuugi-tachi. He stopped and hid unintentionally behind a pillar so the boy wouldn't see him. He was even more beautiful than Seto had remembered…Breathtakingly stunning amber eyes…gorgeous body…Remembering how he had taken the black haired boy, Seto's heart began to beat in an unimaginably fast rate.

Seto took a quick breath and re-steadied himself. He decided to keep his mask on around Yuugi-tachi; he didn't want them knowing anything was different. The proud brunette continued down the stairs, intent on making sure nothing went wrong as he approached his fixation.

Tsuya's eyes widened as a strong pair of arms curled around his waist and pulled him to the owner. The split second before he knew exactly what was going on, he saw Yuugi-tachi's eyes harden as they suddenly stopped talking. But then…he recognized these arms…They held him securely…safely…lovingly…

He turned around to gaze into those strikingly stunning cerulean eyes. Seth smiled lightly and bowed his head to Tsuya's ear, watching amusedly as the raven-haired boy blushed.

"Can we talk? I have a few things I would like to converse with you." He whispered, noting the ebony haired boy's amber eyes cloud over in an emotion that resembled a form of understanding. It was sadness, but along with it was a knowing feeling…a look of complete willingness. Tsuya knew this was it. The end. And he wasn't rejecting one bit of it.

Jounouchi nodded and turned back to Yuugi-tachi, giving them a quick smile before joining Seto's hand with his own as they began to make their way through the crowd.

"Same place as before?" Seto suggested, giving Jounouchi a soft side smirk to show he didn't really intend on doing anything of that sort again. Jounouchi nodded, a light blush filling his cheeks. Seth was even more ethereal than he had remembered. He was so…Hell, no words could ever even describe him. He was god-like and that didn't even suffice.

They reached the room, both entering in silence. Jounouchi's eyes widened. It was the same room…Seto's room. But...why? Had Seto given Seth permission to use his room while he was over? Or maybe…he just felt safer in this room because it was well spent in…unlike the other guest bedrooms…Jounouchi remembered reading up on paranoia in this sense not too long ago.

It was too much like before. The feelings…the recklessness…all was fresh in Jounouchi's mind. He didn't want to say goodbye to something this great…But he knew he had to. He knew this relationship wouldn't work out in the long run…It was inevitable. But to feel those lips one more time…just to feel those lips…

Seth seemed to read his mind, for he turned around and smiled sadly, a small sign to show the black haired boy his affections and how he didn't want it to end either…he too knew all too well what would happen if they continued on. Seto slowly walked over to Tsuya's standing form, rigid with apprehension, his eyes watering only slightly…a glazed look coming into his eyes.

Seto bent down slowly, setting his lips to Jounouchi's ever so softly, his hands resting on the boy's trim waist in a feather light touch. Jounouchi hesitated in closing his eyes, not wanting to believe that this may be the last time they would ever get to be this close. He watched the brunette in a blurred sight before closing his eyes to share in the kiss his lover had given to him, his hands trailing unsurely up the CEO's broad chest to latch around his neck and arch upward into the embrace.

Seto opened his mouth, gently prodding his tongue to the crease of Jounouchi's lips, softly urging him to share in this intimate gesture. Jounouchi complied, opening his mouth for Seto's moist muscle, massaging it with his own as they became heated within their tightly sealed lips.

Jounouchi's amber eyes burst open as he pushed away from Seto suddenly, holding him at arms length and staring deep into his eyes. That taste…Why was it so familiar…? Jounouchi shook his head to clear his thoughts and refaced the brunette haired man.

"Gomen…I," he paused before continuing, "gomen, I got a little caught up…I didn't mean to offend you…I-" Seto set a finger to the (once) blond's lips to silence him.

"You didn't. But, that wasn't the reason you moved away, was it?" Seto asked knowingly, cerulean eyes boring deeply into dark amber. Jounouchi turned his head again and broke himself from Seto's embrace.

"No, it wasn't. Hell, you wouldn't believe the kinda shit I've been though in these past couple of months…" Jounouchi's eyes flashed with the agony he had suffered through, of which no one would truly understand fully.

He was oblivious to how wrong he was.

"Your…'enemy'…How's he been treating you?"

"Worse. It's been so much worse…so bad I had to leave town for a few weeks…just to get away. But no matter how he treats me…I'll always love him…I think I've fallen even more in love with him after all this…" Jounouchi said, motioning between their bodies, to show that he meant after what had happened between them two. Seto's eyes softened as he reached out to hold the ebony haired boy.

"What did he do to you? Are you alright?"

"He…he became furious when he saw…what you had done to my body…and he attacked me…" Jounouchi was trying hard not to cry in front of Seth, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Seto pulled him close, holding him tightly as the boy sniffled in his arms.

"Seth?" he asked softly, his hands lightly gripping the brunette's silk shirt as he looked up.


"Do you have someone you love more than anyone in the world?" The boy's question came very unexpectedly. Seto's eyes widened slightly when he thought about the question. He smiled lightly.

"Yes. I do. I love him more than anything…He is my everything…But as of late…I've been treating him unfairly because I was so hung over about you, Tsuya." Seto said, his voice cracking only slightly as the emotion threatened to take over. Jounouchi backed away, out of the elder man's grip. His tears came dangerously close to falling.

"I've been lying to you…" he started. "I wanted so bad to come to the party last Halloween and see him…and have him love me for someone he thought could never exist within me…I wanted him to fall in love with me…but he wouldn't…at least, not with me…with Tsuya. I wanted to dress up and pretend to be someone I'm not just so he could see how in love with him I am. I…I'm sorry, I'm being confusing, what I mean to say is that…I'm not who you think I am. I'm…not Tsuya." Jounouchi turned to Seto, watching his clouded eyes glint farther with perplexity. Jounouchi looked around. "What can I do to make you see…?" he whispered softly into the cool air surrounding them. Seto frowned lightly in confusion. He stepped forward.

"Tsuya, I know you love him, but please understand when I say that I do not regret any of what we did…In fact you're not all that different from…who I'm in love with. Which is half the reason I had to see you again…I…I just had to. Tsuya, you don't have to pretend to be anyone for him, if he can't love you for who you are, then that's his own loss! You're so wonderful, Tsuya! I could easily see myself fall in love with you if I…If he wasn't…" Seto looked away, feeling his body tense as his frustration began to take over his senses. "Tsuya—"

"I'm not him, damn it!" Jounouchi shouted, averting his eyes from the brunette's. His eyes landed on the door, a bright light showing through the slight opening. He glared lightly at the blue-eyed man as he strode over to the door, opening it fully as he walked inside. Seto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he followed the raven-haired boy. When he got to the door, Jounouchi had already begun to fill the deep sink with water. The sink was huge; it would be prefect to show the brunette truly what he was. However, Seto's confusion just continued to mount.

"Tsuya, what are you—" Seto was cut off by a stern look from his past lover's brilliant amber eyes.

"I'm not Tsuya." He said just as he dunked his head into the water. Seto's azure eyes widened, what the hell was he doing!

Jounouchi brought his hands into the water, sifting them against his hair as the water began to turn murky and dark, the dye slowly beginning to wash out. Jounouchi scrubbed his scalp with his fingers, wanting to get all of the black dye out of his hair. When he was sure it was out, he threw his head back, black tinted water droplets spraying everywhere. He shook his head lightly, ruffling his hair with his hands.

Seto had to take a step back. His eyes had gone too wide and his mouth too dry. Blond…all…blond. What if—Could he—Is he…?

Jounouchi faced Seto through the wet blond locks hanging in front of his eyes. Water droplets relentlessly dripped from Jounouchi's forehead and cheeks, soaking his shirt thoroughly as the silence grew thicker. Determined amber met astonished cerulean in desperate attempt to comprehend the situation. Neither wanted to speak for fear of ruining what may have been the most uncomfortable but beautifully understanding silence they'd ever been in. But no matter how Jounouchi didn't want to end their moment…he had to reveal to the brunette what he'd been hiding…Although, Jounouchi thought, if he was anything like his brother, he'd have figured it all out by now anyways. Amber eyes blinked lightly, ending their intimate gaze. The blond's eyebrows furrowed together firmly. Determination shown strongly within glistening dark honey depths. A tint of sadness could be seen as well, a hurt beyond anything Seto had ever seen before. And…he couldn't help but think…that he was the one responsible for this beautiful boy's pain.

"My name is Jounouchi Katsuya." He said firmly, feigning the pride his voice proclaimed. "Mutou Yuugi's best friend, a class clown, an ex-gang member…and a third rate duelist to your brother." Jounouchi spat the word almost as if it was a curse on his tongue.

Seto's eyes widened at this newly acquired information. It was him…all along…it was him…And…the enemy he spoke of…was…

Seto's hands shook as he took another step back, trying unsuccessfully to gain his bearings. His heart beat furiously, his breath coming in quick, deep gasps, his chest moving up and down erratically. Thoughts were running a mile a minute, just when he seemed to focus on one, another would suddenly come up. But there was one thought that stood prominent above all others. 'Me…he was talking about me…'

"I'm really sorry. I just wanted to show him I could be somebody worthwhile…I just wanted to be good for him…And not fight. But when I went to find him that night, I couldn't…because I found you instead…You seem to be all he is and everything I've wanted in him. It was easy to fall for you…seeing as how you're so much like him…the hard part was realizing that I only like you…because I am so in love with him…" Teary amber eyes looked up, focusing lightly on blank cerulean. Said cerulean eyes were no longer widened, acceptance finally beginning to sink into the depths.

Jounouchi's hands fisted at his sides, desperately trying to hold in the tears that threatened to fall. He averted his eyes, not wanting the man he shared his love with to see him cry. His hands clenched tighter as he willed himself to move. One step…two steps…and past the unmoving brunette. Their shoulders brushed and Seto's eyes widened. The next few seconds seemed to go by in slow motion, almost as if what was happening…wasn't really happening.

He jerked around only to see the boy he'd been in love with this entire time ready to walk out the door. In only one second, his whole composure changed. His eyes…that of which used to be the softest of all sapphires grew cold and hard, beyond even the freezing temperatures of the arctic. His eyebrows twitched and furrowed at the center, contorting to withhold all of the anger he suddenly felt. His body tensed and his fists clenched, his entire form becoming rigid. Jounouchi reached for the door and all of the anger Kaiba had felt exploded on the spot.

'Me…he was talking about me…'


Jounouchi stopped immediately. His body stiffened and his eyes became unbearably wide. Inu…inu…inu…The word echoed vibrantly in Jounouchi's mind. How could Seth know what Kaiba called him? But…that wasn't Seth's normal voice…it wasn't his…it was…Kaiba's. The blond whipped around only to see Kaiba in Seth's place. How could he have not seen it before? They were…the same.

Kaiba was nearly panting, forcing himself to calm down as his anger began to simmer. All this time…all this time of treating Jounouchi so horribly…all this time of forcing himself to disregard the blond in hopes of focusing on Tsuya…Here they were…his biggest wish come true…Jounouchi and Tsuya were one and the same. But after all they had gone through…all he had put Jounouchi through…all just because he was confused…He certainly didn't deserve the blond now…not now and not ever again…

Jounouchi felt so stupid. Of course they were the same…All of it made sense now…every single last thing he did to him…it all made sense…

X He shoved the shirt at Jou's chest, pushing him backwards slightly.

"You can't be him." He hissed cruelly. Seto growled and stalked away firmly. X

He should have understood Kaiba's actions the moment he looked into those cold but passion consumed cerulean eyes…The entire time he'd been hurting him…he'd been trying to deny the fact that his brilliant mind had told him. Jounouchi almost laughed at the irony.

X "…Seth…"

His eyes darkened and his face grew cold. He grasped Jounouchi's collar in his fists and hoisted him up and out of his sleep.

"How do you know that name!" he shouted. Seto shook him roughly and Jounouchi's hands came up to grip his own.

"Wha-wha?" he asked.

"How do you know that name!" X

…That was why he got so angry when Jounouchi had said his name in his sleep…it was an innocent mistake…No need for him to become that upset…but he had…and this was why.

X Jounouchi glared at Kaiba's gawking eyes.

"Are you just going to stare at me all day or are you going to come inside? Honestly, like you've never looked in the mirror!" Jounouchi yelled, his cheeks becoming a tinge red at the close scrutiny of Seto's eyes. Seto looked deep into his amber eyes and raised a finger to point at him. Jounouchi rolled his eyes and waved his hand at the brunette. "Yea yea, I'm a wet dog, I know."

"B-But…Your hair…" he started, his voice failing him again. Jounouchi turned to him and Seto saw that his hair was indeed very blond…not black as he had thought.

"So? What about it? It's always like this after I get out of the shower." X

Of course it was. Because he brushed it back, the very same way he had gotten the idea to wear his hair like that in the first place. Kaiba had pointed at it in bewilderment. And Jounouchi knew he should have thought more of it at the time…but he didn't. After all, aside from his friends, only Seth would have known about his hair that night. It was so obvious…so very obvious…Jounouchi began to feel tears well up in his eyes…he had told Seth of his secret but wasn't expecting one in return in a million years. He didn't know if he could handle it.

X "Seto…" the blond continued to whimper and cry in the brunet's arms. Kaiba held him tighter, unable to comprehend why the beautiful koinu was crying. Jounouchi clasped Seto's shirt in his hands tightly, hoisting himself upwards on a whim. Blind amber eyes, clouded with fever, somehow found Seto's eyes, the deep cerulean widening slightly. One of Jounouchi's hands dropped Seto's shirt and reached up to cup the side of the pale boy's face. His index finger's knuckle hooked under the older man's chin, his thumb beneath his lip, pushing on his chin, forcing his mouth open to Jounouchi's aggression. Suddenly, all so suddenly, Jounouchi's lips sealed against Seto's. X

Jounouchi had to know. Kaiba didn't think he remembered doing that but he did. He had to know…what Kaiba's lips would feel like against his own after entering that room again. And now, here he was yet again…Kaiba's room, not Seth's or a guest bedroom as Jounouchi had suspected…Another place he should have known it was him…his lips…

X Seto bent down slowly, setting his lips to Jounouchi's ever so softly, his hands resting on the boy's trim waist in a feather light touch. Jounouchi watched the brunette in a blurred sight before closing his eyes to share in the kiss his lover had given to him, his hands trailing unsurely up the CEO's broad chest to latch around his neck and arch upward into the embrace.

Seto opened his mouth, gently prodding his tongue to the crease of Jounouchi's lips, softly urging him to share in this intimate gesture. Jounouchi complied, opening his mouth for Seto's moist muscle, massaging it with his own.

Jounouchi's amber eyes burst open as he pushed away from Seto suddenly, holding him at arms length and staring deep into his eyes. That taste…Why was it so familiar…? X

That kiss they had just shared not but a few minutes ago…The taste was Kaiba's. The same taste from when they had made love and when the brunette had kissed him in the locker room…and in his bedroom…A taste he knew he could never forget…That was why it was so familiar…

Jounouchi's eyes widened suddenly as Kaiba's words struck a nerve deep inside of him, resurfacing to the top of his fizzled thoughts.

"Do you have someone you love more than anyone in the world?"

"Yes…I do. I love him more than anything…He is my everything…But as of late…I've been treating him unfairly because I was so hung over about you, Tsuya."

The words seemed to echo…repeating over and over again, almost as if Jounouchi didn't catch their meaning the first time. 'He loves me…He loves me more than anyone in the world…'


Jounouchi growled lightly. How he hated that name…He glared at the brunette haired CEO across the room, his top lip curving into a slight snarl.

"Why must you call me that?" he asked. His voice was thick with malice but laced with a certain gentleness that wasn't there ever before. He was still a second before his confusion and frustration burst forth, much like Kaiba's anger a while back. "Why must you always call me that!" he yelled, tears flying from his eyes at the force of his movements. "Am I just some kind of dog to you! Do I not matter so much as a second glance! Kick me while I'm down, Kaiba, because I'm too far to ever be up now! All this time…I thought I found someone who understands me…someone I could trust…someone who knew me better than I even knew myself…But no…I didn't. I just found my rival all dressed up to humiliate me once he found the right moment. So go ahead and make fun of me Kaiba! Go ahead!" the blond yelled, thrusting his hands at himself, trying to make the brunette look at him. "Well! Isn't this what you wanted!" Jounouchi yelled.

"No! I never wanted to hurt you!"

Jounouchi took a step forward, toward the CEO standing forlornly in the center of the room. No emotion could be expressed quite as clearly as the love he was feeling for the brunette that moment. Not even the anger he felt flitting through his mind as he remembered being treated so horribly in the beginning. He understood. He understood the man's reasons for acting the way he did…and he knew he couldn't hold it against him. After all, he'd never been very good with expressing himself.

"Well you did."

He couldn't find it in himself to do such a thing when it was obvious to him they both were in much need of companionship right now. But no matter how he wanted to just throw himself into his lover's arms…it still hurt. Everything he had done…how utterly cruel he had been to him…He could forgive, but he knew he could never forget…no matter how much he wanted to. It would always be there…lurking in the shadows…

Tears slowly began to build in Jounouchi's eyes. It was right in front of him…and yet, he couldn't believe it.

"You did."

He had to know…The blond reached forward, pushing the brunette's chin to face him with gentle fingers. He leaned forward, amber eyes closing as their lips made contact. The touch was light and ghost-like, almost as if it wasn't really there. Jounouchi stilled himself, waiting for Kaiba to make the first move.

Kaiba's eyes widened lightly before they too closed at the contact shared between the two. This kiss was different, Kaiba could tell from the start. This kiss…was questioning…and Kaiba couldn't help but feel like he should answer the blond's unspoken question to delve just a bit deeper…

Kaiba stepped forward, closing the space between their bodies and applying a bit of pressure to their soft kiss. Kaiba hesitantly reached out, hoping to hold the blond in his arms. Jounouchi sighed lightly into the kiss as he felt Kaiba's arms wind around his waist. He happily complied by taking another small step forward, his body now completely flush against the brunette's. Jounouchi wrapped his arms around Kaiba's neck, reaching upward and into his hair. He ran his fingers through the silky tresses as they slowly fell down, his bangs lightly brushing the blond's forehead. Jounouchi moaned softly, urging Kaiba to deepen their kiss as he parted his lips gently. Kaiba's eyebrows contorted at the rush of passion that suddenly seemed to consume them both. He tilted his head, slanting his lips almost harshly against those of the blond's, his tongue prodding tenderly against the boy's supple lips, begging him the entrance Jounouchi all to willingly granted. A light watery-pink blush puddled along Jounouchi's cheeks and over the bridge of his nose as the taste he longed to have filled his senses completely. Not a doubt remained in either's mind as they savored the kiss for all it was worth. They knew for sure now…who the other was, and just what that meant. Jounouchi hesitantly drew back, locking his eyes onto Kaiba's. Just as he had washed the dye out of his hair, Kaiba's hair had been undone just the same. Chestnut colored locks caressed Jounouchi's fingers and he realized that he must have been running his hands through the brunet's hair for that to have happened.

"Same…That taste…" Jounouchi whispered, eyes still locked with Kaiba's. Kaiba smiled lightly, bringing his hand up to sift through the wet blond strands of hair by the boy's ear.

"You noticed it too…?" it came out more of a statement than a question.

"Ever since the beginning…When you kissed me in the locker room…" The blond murmured. Kaiba's eyes softened, his hand sliding down to cup the side of Jounouchi's face, tenderly running his thumb over the blush that stained his cheek.

"Puppy…" the brunet breathed, leaning down to kiss the blond again. The kiss was so much sweeter knowing everything they had gone through just to get to this point…just to get to where the both of them were right at that moment. In each other's arms…where they belonged. Their bodies were on fire. A blaze of passion igniting throughout their entire beings. Everywhere they touched, electric sparks would zip up and down their bodies, making their hearts race and thoughts jumble. Just the simplest of touches sent blood shooting up to their brains, or down to the farthest regions, inner temperatures rocketing up to the max. The heat was addictive…Both teens doing anything possible to make the flame grow.

"I wanted you to be him," the brunette started, pulling away slowly. Jounouchi looked up at him, perplexed. "I wanted…you to be Tsuya. But…but now that you are…I don't think things could get any more complicated." Kaiba's eyes shone lightly, making the blond think he was about to cry. Emotions soared throughout the CEO's azure eyes, guilt, sorrow, regret, hurt, love. But no matter how badly he wanted to forget what he had done to the blond beside him…he couldn't. And he wouldn't cry for it. Kaiba Seto did not cry. Despite how much he wanted to. "I wanted you to be him since the start…I…I foolishly believed Tsuya to be you…that Halloween night…But…but then, at the same time…I knew it was not you…Would never be you…A-and when I saw all those marks on your body…in the exact same place I gave Tsuya…I had to have you…I wanted you more than I had ever wanted you in my life…But then I began contradicting myself. What was I doing there, kissing you…Why in the name of Ra were you kissing me back? I went crazy with the illusion that you were him and then you were not. I-I hurt you…only because I wanted so badly for you to be him…I-I hurt you…because I knew you could never be him…And I drove you away…For a whole month…I drove you away. I…I never wanted to hurt you…Jounouchi." His voice shook as he spoke, his hands trembling where they rested. Jounouchi nearly cried with relief. He thought for sure Kaiba hated him for being Tsuya. He thought for sure he would hate him…But he didn't. And now he knew why.

"I-I kissed you back because…Because I love you, Kaiba. I've always loved you." Kaiba's hands stiffened along Jounouchi's back, pulling him close and holding him tight. Jounouchi felt the tears stinging at the back of his eyes as he was held so securely, so lovingly…He felt wanted…needed by this man, whom he loved. He wrapped his arms up around the tall teen's neck, holding him close as though he would disappear from him any moment.

"I love you too…" The tears fell at those words. After all this time…he loved him too…it was almost too much to ask for. "I'm so sorry…" his voice cracked, "I'm so sorry for what I've put you through…" Jounouchi nodded against Kaiba's shoulder, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"I forgive you…I've always forgiven you. I knew somehow…that you didn't mean it. I wanted you to be him too…and I knew…somewhere deep down inside…I knew you were him. I just didn't want to believe it. I didn't want you to be him because I knew you would hate me when you found out I was Tsuya. Now I just…I just feel so relieved." The blond said, breathing out a sigh.

Kaiba shuddered at the feeling of the boy's breath against his neck, memories of their first time coming back to haunt him…and they only became sweeter upon knowing it was Jounouchi he had done that with…And the letter he wrote…Wishing it was he who had done that to him, when in actuality, it was. And now, the need to fulfill that dream…the dream that seemed too far away to ever become reality…The one thing he had wanted since he had first laid eyes on it was in his arms.

He pulled back, feeling a sudden rush to his head, a swarm of emotion too true to hide and run from. He sought out the blond's lips, kissing them softly at first, before Jounouchi joined in, kissing him just as needily as he was him. He felt the blond's hands bury into his hair and he lost it. He tilted his head to the side, taking Jounouchi's mouth in a rough and passionate kiss, claiming and tasting the territory for his own. His hands sifted downward, traveling along the expanse of his pup's back, dipping dangerously low only to move back up, cupping Jounouchi's head in his hand and letting the other leave a path of bliss leading down the younger's spine.

Kaiba nicked his head upward suddenly, tipping the blond's head backwards with his hand as he dove into the amber-eyed teen's neck. Jounouchi moaned and arched his throat, a feeling of immense heat quickly sneaking up on him. He found he was unable to hide from the sensation as it took him over completely. Kaiba opened his mouth fully, sucking hard along the blond's pale skin, his arms tightening around his waist in utmost desire. Jounouchi cried out lightly, his hands squeezing the brunette haired man above him, his fingers clawing at his sturdy frame.

"Ah gods, I love you, I love you so much!" he screamed, molding his frame to Kaiba's and arching up into him.

Liquid fire burst through Kaiba's veins at the words called out to him. His arousal burned deeply for the blond and it only seemed to grow each passing second. He held him tighter, biting down into Jounouchi's neck to create a mark that would last for a while yet. He wanted nothing but to have the blond, mark him as his own, let everyone in the world know he was his, and love him with all he had. He trailed searing hot kisses up the boy's jaw to his swollen pink lips, kissing and suckling on them lightly, passion heat enveloping them both in the midst of their union.

"Oh Seto…" Jounouchi whispered, trailing teasing kisses to the brunette's ear, encasing the lobe into his mouth while running his tongue across the expanse.

Kaiba's heart tightened at hearing his name fall from the blond's lips…it sounded so wonderful…he shuddered suddenly, feeling Jounouchi's hot breath against his ear, sending violent shivers up and down his spine. Ah gods, this boy was so perfect! His hands grasped Jounouchi's waist, pulling him back to get a good look at him as he lifted his shirt above his head.

Jounouchi blushed only a little, even though Seto had seen him before…this time it was different and the circumstances had changed…this time…it meant something. This time…it meant everything. His body shook lightly, he was a little nervous, this being only his second time, and he didn't want to disappoint…especially to Kaiba Seto. The fire in his stomach only seemed to grow bigger and sink lower…and then, he was shaking for an entirely different reason.

The cold air met his bare chest and he shivered, embarrassingly noticing that his nipples were hardening under the breeze. Seto's eyes met his, true blue sapphire shining like molten lava and staring deep into the blond's liquid like amber orbs.

"May I call you Katsuya?" he asked softly, running his fingers ever so lightly over the boy's waist. Jounouchi's blush darkened.

"S-Sure…" he whispered, stuttering slightly as Seto brushed his thumb over his pronounced pectoral. His breath hitched and he grasped the brunette's arms, pulling him up against his chest, locking his lips with the other's.

He couldn't get enough of it, the brunette's intoxicating scent…his wonderful kiss…how good his hands felt against his skin…the atmosphere was absolutely perfect for the moment…nothing could go wrong. Katsuya's deft fingers slowly slid about the CEO's lightly built frame, rubbing the buttons against his skin teasingly.

Seto tilted his head to the side, pressing his lips harder to the blond's, his hands swiftly running down his puppy's sides, resting low on his hips. His thumbs ran innocently over the curve inward along Jounouchi's pelvis, feeling the blond shiver almost uncontrollably in his arms.

Katsuya's hands slowly slid between their bodies to Seto's shirt. He started on the buttons, a feeling of vindication flying through him as the brunette moved back only slightly to give him more room. Soon all the buttons were undone, but instead of being pushed to the ground, the blond chose to nibble lightly on the brunette's collarbone. An action that was not overlooked by the brunette, surely intent on making the blond feel as good as he was feeling at that very moment.

Seto gently lifted the blond into his arms, his hands kneading the boy's firm behind as those long legs wrapped securely around his waist, tightening sensually around his hips. He walked forward, dipping the blond back onto the bed and moving to lie atop him seductively. He bent down, kissing Katsuya's kiss-bruised lips and down his neck.

"I want to make love to you…" he whispered erotically in his ear, and, as if to heighten his proposal, he arched his back, grinding his hips down against the other's. Katsuya gasped and moaned lightly, fisting Kaiba's shirt in his palm as his eyes squeezed shut in pure bliss. Katsuya spread his legs lightly, arching up wantonly as he whispered to the brunette.

"I want you too as well…"

Fire raced down their spines at the words, and what they meant. They gazed deeply into each other's eyes, millions of confessions and emotions passing between them both without even a word needing to be spoken. Everything they needed to know was conveyed through their eyes, without a doubt or shadow hindering the love and adoration they felt for each other. So effortlessly exposed was this feeling, it made everything they'd gone through all the much more worth it, just to feel such pure and true feelings.

Seto's lips met Katsuya's again in a slow and passionately breathtaking kiss. The love they felt swelled in their hearts, making their eyes tear with the intensity. They could hardly believe they were there…kissing one another and proclaiming a love that was always there…It made their chests clench and their hands shake.

Seto's hands slowly moved down, using the kiss they shared as a quick distraction, his fingers swiftly unbuttoning the blond's jeans. He felt the skin by his hand jump, as he could just imagine how badly the butterflies in his puppy's stomach were churning. He was no better off, his fingers stuttered as they pulled the zipper down, feeling as if he couldn't wait another minute to see what lay beneath, but at the same time, feeling they had all the time in the world to fall as far as heaven and back.

"Seto…!" the blond gasped, turning his head from the brunet's as torrents of pleasure ripped throughout his being. "Seto…Seto…!"

The brunet smiled a bit and continued teasing the amber-eyed boy, bringing him to the point of near ecstasy, then stopping for just a moment, ending the turmoil and having to start from the beginning all over again.

Kaiba himself didn't know for how much longer he could go, already he felt as if he was going to explode…just from watching the blond. How his eyes would shine and glint…or how his eyebrows would contort and his face would turn pink…how his back would arch upwards, grinding against his own…Kaiba shuddered, it was almost too much for his self-control.

The cerulean-eyed man slowly removed his hand, initially just to get his attention, but when those golden eyes met his own…smoldering and hot…he couldn't help but tease him a bit more.

Kaiba carefully brought the fingers up, inserting the first two into his mouth, making sure it was obvious to Katsuya that he was running his tongue over the tips of them. The blond's eyes widened and he blushed.

Katsuya couldn't believe what he was seeing. This went to number one on the list of things he never thought he'd ever see Kaiba do…right next to giving him the best hand job he'd ever had. He nearly fainted from surprise…and arousal. Can someone faint from being turned on too much? Katsuya was getting damn near close.

As if Katsuya thought he couldn't get any more embarrassed, Kaiba reached down and suddenly ripped his pants from his legs, leaving him completely bare to the world around him. It was a good thing the world around him was only Kaiba…But then, the blond had to think, is or isn't that a good thing?

Kaiba smiled lightly, assuring the blond beneath him. He leaned down, coming within inches of Katsuya's face.

"Don't be afraid." He whispered, burying his face in the boy's neck.

"Fear…is the last thing on my mind…" Katsuya murmured back. Kaiba smirked and opened his mouth to bite down onto Katsuya's neck. The amber-eyed boy arched upwards, his mouth opening in a silent scream as his fingernails clawed at the elder's back.

Kaiba nipped at the spot he had assaulted, lapping at it and kissing the area around it before maneuvering his kisses upward along the column of his neck and where it met his jaw line. Gods…those lips were calling to him again…His eyes met Katsuya's before he leaned down, covering the blond's supple pink lips with his own.

Katsuya groaned, never before feeling anything greater than this simple kiss…He reached up, burying his fingers in the CEO's silky brown hair, loving the texture it left against his skin.

Kaiba opened his mouth, pushing his tongue through Katsuya's lips to kiss him with as much passion as he suddenly felt just then. Flames and intense heat seemed to lick at him, consume him and eat at his flesh…He felt as if he couldn't get enough…enough of this boy beneath him…He longed to have his skin touch the blond's…without any hindrance…

He nearly cried when he felt Katsuya's hands slide between their bodies to his jeans, tugging and pulling at them, it seemed the boy wanted it as much as he himself did.

Kaiba broke away from Katsuya's lips ever so slowly, their eyes meeting as they moved back. Katsuya blushed suddenly at the look he received.

"Well, its only fair you know…" he whispered. Kaiba smirked, he'd purposely left himself half dressed and Katsuya fully naked if so just to see how long it would take him to realize the fact. The brunet sat up about the blond's waist and moved his hands to his jean hem, unbuttoning them and unzipping. They soon found their way into some discrete corner of the room. He faced the blond on the bed, his grin seeming to say 'Happy now?'

The smirk was quickly wiped from the cerulean-eyed man's face as his most sensitive region was enveloped into what seemed to be the hottest and wettest haven ever known to man. And then, the smirk was on a totally different person for a totally different reason.

Seto's hands buried into the blond hair at his pelvis, his vocal cords seeming to have a mind of their own as they continued to heighten in pitch and velocity; never in a million years would he have thought the mutt's mouth to be of any good use whatsoever. How wrong he was.

Katsuya continued to smirk as he moved about the older man randomly, sucking at his head, then completely deep-throating him a second later. He didn't know what it was, but everything about…well, sex, was completely natural when it came to Kaiba. Things he never thought he could possibly know how to do before, he suddenly knew and did. He wondered…he wondered if it would hurt as much as it did last time…Even things disregarding sex, he seemed to know…just things, in general…it seemed as if he knew Kaiba's soul itself. …Would it hurt…? With his mind fresh on the thought, he bit down accidentally.

Kaiba groaned and reared back, biting down on his lip to keep from hissing. Katsuya looked up, his expression one of complete ignorance and remorsefulness. In one second flat, he went from oblivious to embarrassed.

"Gods Kaiba…I'm so sorry…" he whispered, almost too afraid to speak. Kaiba offered him a weak and pain-filled smile as he bent down to lightly caress the blond's face. Katsuya leaned into the touch, feeling warmth fill his heart at the notion.

"What were you thinking about?" the brunet asked, equally hushed. Katsuya's eyes met his and held, both sharing something so much more than words could possibly express.

"Do you ever feel as though…while we're around each other…we know things we didn't know before? Like…know…"

"Hope?" Kaiba felt weird saying he felt something he used to not even believe in. But he did now…and he felt it as well.

"Y-Yeah…" Katsuya said, his eyes wavering from Kaiba's. Kaiba pushed his face up, urging him to meet his eyes.

"Hope as if this will last…and be there when we wake up? Reassurance…as if this is real…and not the masks we've made it into?"

"Yeah. But…How could you…"

"I know things when I'm with you, Katsuya. Things I never knew before…I know you, Katsuya. I know you love me, as I'm sure you know I love you." Katsuya's eyes meet Seto's.

"I'm sorry I bit you." Seto shook his head.

"Don't worry about it."

Seto bent down, kissing the blond's lips with as much passion as he felt for the boy. They both knew the time for words was very much over.


Xiaolang's Ying Fa: Well, that's all I have, literally. Again, all the help I can get would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for helping me get off my ass and write this. Anglusdieing, especially, your review was laughed at and then cried at. I realized I had to just get off my ass and do it. Thank you.