Zhou Yu sat in his room. From outside of his window drifted in the sounds of music. Xiao Qiao was practicing her new dances with her sister he knew. He sighed. The campaign was to start tomorrow and he still hadn't told her that he was going to go.

He still couldn't believe it. Liu Bei still refused to deal with the territory dispute through diplomacy and so Lord Sun Jian had ordered the rapid deployment of men. Zhou Yu was made the leader of the force for which he was happy. Sun Ce would be his second in command. Their goal was to enter the Nanman territory and take it by force from Wei who had just taken the area.

Simple really, but Zhou Yu was still going over his battle plan and strategies. This would be his first commanding post and he wanted to show Lord Sun Jian that he was capable of handling such a position.

Outside in the courtyard the two Qiaos sat under a tree. They had just finished practicing their new dance. "You did very well today Xiao." Da told her younger sister. The younger Qiao looked at her sister and smiled. Xiao knew her sister was being nice to her. She thought she had done rather miserably. She kept forgetting steps and missed the timing on several occasions. She hadn't been able to concentrate during the practice. Her thoughts hadn't been on dancing but on Zhou Yu instead.

She had found out from Da that Zhou Yu had been given the commanding post in the up coming campaign. She was worried about Zhou Yu. He seemed more withdrawn and kept to his room. Sun Ce was going to go as well so Xiao felt better knowing her brother-in-law would be there but Zhou Yu's strange behavior had gotten to her. Their relationship had always been so-so but they hadn't spoken to each other in over a week.

And he hadn't told her about his appointment or deployment. He had just stayed in his room working on strategies and battle plans. All this she found out from the mouth of her own sister instead of the mouth of her own husband.

And they were supposed to be a married couple. Yet they didn't share a room, have meals together or even see each other very often. Not for the first time Xiao wondered why Zhou Yu had married her. When he had rescued her she was so happy that she nearly fainted. Only the thoughts of being caught and that it was all a dream had kept her awake.

No one, not even Da knew that Xiao had been keeping tabs on Zhou Yu ever since she had seen a picture of him when she was only 10. That was 5 years ago now. It had been her childhood dream just to meet him but now she was married to him. Only she imagined her marriage to be more… more… loving. She knew Da and Sun Ce had been in love for a while now. That was why they had gotten married. But Xiao and Zhou Yu's marriage almost seemed forced. Yes he had rescued her and yes he was kind and caring but it seemed to be out of obligation that he was like that to her. Had he married her because Sun Ce and Da had urged the marriage or had it been because he really loved her?

If he did love her he never showed it. They were nothing like Da and Sun Ce. They spent time together, Da would make meals for Sun Ce and then have them with him, and they even shared a room now. Xiao was happy for her sister but she couldn't help being a bit jealous. Zhou Yu didn't spend much time with her, though she knew he was always busy. But then Sun Ce was also was always busy yet he managed to make time.

Sun Ce managed to make her sister happy. They would hold each other and kiss and do other things that Xiao heard from her sister and the court ladies.


"Last night was so wonderful Xiao!" Da cooed. "I made him dinner and then we had a bath together. It felt so good when he massaged and kissed me." Da said with a shudder remembering the feel of Sun Ce's touch. "After that he held me as we slept." Da would finish with a happy glazed expression on her face.

~End of FlashBack~

Da always told Xiao everything about what happened between her and Sun Ce. It was always so innocent and loving, not hard and cruel like the court ladies rumored. And Xiao wished she could have something to tell her sister or that something would happen between Zhou Yu and herself. Normally it was a highlight if she talked to him or even just saw him that day.

Xiao had always hoped that Zhou Yu would notice her or be a little romantic every now and then. She had grown a lot since they had been married. She was 15 now and even more beautiful then ever. She had matured mentally and physically though she stilled retained some of her childhood charm, cuteness and invitee.

Xiao decided she would do something for Zhou Yu tonight since he was going away the next morning. She would make dinner for him she decided. Xiao bid her sister good-bye and went skipping to her room to make her husband a nice dinner.

Zhou Yu was in the giant training room. He was sparring with Sun Ce and holding a conversation with Zhou Tai at the same time. For some odd reason the hard, cold warrior would never speak more then necessary with other people, even Lord Sun Jian. However Zhou Yu managed to hold entire debates with the man, something that fascinated everyone in the castle.

"What are you talking about?! With the Shu refusing to negotiate and Wei being stubborn as ever and refusing to die… This will just relight the fire. This will be all out war not just a single mission." Zhou Yu grunted as he stepped back and parried Sun Ce's blows.

"How are you so sure? We're only facing Wei in the up coming march and the Nanman Territory is one of the last strongholds that they have. When we take the territories then Cao Ren will have no where to go to." Zhou Tai said as he watched Zhou Yu launch a counter-attack.

"Be… *Swings over head with his sword forcing Sun Ce to block* cause…*goes into a spin forcing another block* Shu… *Flips over Sun Ce and brings is sword tip to Sun Ce's back* may be there and then thing get complicated." Zhou Yu said to Zhou Tai. To Sun Ce he said, "I got you again."

Sun Ce just turned around with an annoyed expression on his face. Zhou Yu had beaten him 3 times now, each time by a different way.

A messenger came rushing through the main doors. "Forgive the intrusion my Lords, however Lord Sun Jian requests to meet with you all immediately.

Zhou Yu nodded to the messenger who bowed his way out. "What could be so important?"

"Who knows? Pop probably has another great idea that he wants our advice on." Sun Ce said off handedly as they all started to walk to the throne chamber.

When they got there Zhou Yu noted all the other officers that would be accompanying him were also gathered.

"My Lord, you wished to see us." Zhou Yu said with a polite bow.

"Yes Zhou Yu. Our spies have notified us that the Shu are also headed towards the Nanman Territory. We cannot let them take control of the area. You know that as much as I do. Get your men together and march to the territory. You leave tonight." Sun Jian told Zhou Yu.

"I understand my Lord. They will not take control of what is rightfully yours."

Xiao was humming pleasantly as she carried the tray containing Zhou Yu's dinner to his room. She hoped he wouldn't mind if she watched him eat. She slowly opened his door and stopped in the doorway.  Zhou Yu wasn't in his room. She wondered where he could be for just a moment before she heard his voice ring out across the massive courtyard and into his room.

"The Shu march for Nanman Territory. We cannot let them take what rightfully belongs to our Lord!" A loud roaring cheer came from the organized ranks. "For too long they have been a thorn in our side! Tonight we march to Nanman Territory and will take what is ours!" More cheering ensued. "FORWARDS MARCH!" Zhou Yu cried loudly so that he could be heard over the cheering men.

Soon his voice and the cheering died down and were replaced with steady beating sounds of boots walking in an orderly march.

He was gone again and he hadn't even said good-bye. A tear rolled down her cheek and landed in the soup she had made him as part of his dinner. Now he couldn't have it.

Xiao felt empty, hallow, and incomplete inside. She normally felt like this when she knew Zhou Yu was out in the field. She knew that he would come back to the castle but silently she worried that each time he went out he would never return. She shock her head to try and get the thoughts out of her head and turned a corner.

She was in the corridor that led to her room. While she was consumed by her thoughts Xiao Qiao had managed to wander back to her room. Xiao just walked into her room and was surprised to see Da sitting on her bed.

"Are you okay?" Da said getting up and taking the tray from her younger sister and placed it on a table.

"Ya, it's just I didn't get to say good-bye to him. I thought he was leaving tomorrow so I made him that dinner." Xiao said sadly as she indicated to the now cold dinner.

"Well, I was surprised as well. Sun Ce dropped by our room just for a minute to say good-bye and give me this to give you. He also said Zhou Yu wouldn't have the time to see you before they left. Apparently our spies found out that Shu was going to take the Nanman Territory away from our Lord Sun Jian. So he ordered the army to move out a head of schedule. But don't worry, Xiao, our husbands have never failed to return to us before." Da said leading her sister to the bed and sitting down next to her.

"True and thank you." Xiao said receiving a folded piece of paper from her sister.

It read:

Xiao, sorry that I did not have time to see you before I left. I've been too busy. I must go now. Take care until I return,


Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu wished he could have written more or better yet seen her before he left. He really felt bad not seeing Xiao in such a long time. He had just been too swamped with drafting troops, securing supplies, getting logistics and making battle plans. He had had barely time for eating and sleeping during the last month and especially the last week.

He sighed. He missed her so much whenever he was out on a campaign. True he never saw her much when he was in the castle but just knowing she was near always lightened his spirits. And right now his spirits were in need of a lift. Rain was gently falling from the black, moonless sky and it had been doing so for the last 5 hours of the march. Zhou Yu was tired and wet; he had been marching on foot with the soldiers for a while now. He had been doing so to try and boost the moral of the tired men. Fortunately his dismounting had had the desired effect on his men and they kept trudging forwards. Only another mile and a half separated the army from their campsite.

Zhou Yu tried to keep his thoughts on the upcoming battle but his thoughts kept drifting back to Xiao. How he wished he could spend more time with his wife, to get to know her, hold her, tell her that he loved her.

Zhou Yu sighed. He counted himself lucky to just catch a glimpse of her in a hallway or from his window when she was in the main courtyard whenever she practiced her dances with Da. Most of the time he never had the time to watch the dances but he would steal the occasional glance just gaze at his wife's graceful movements. How he cherished those moments. Distracted by his thoughts Zhou Yu found himself in the Wu main camp. Setting his personal thoughts aside he turned to the tasks of setting up the camp.

Xiao sighed. It had been raining for 3 days now and gloomy out but she was happy as she laid in her bed clutching to her chest a scrapbook. This scrapbook was old; Xiao had been putting things in it since she was 10. It was the same book Xiao had her scraps of Zhou Yu in. Now it rested firmly against her small breasts open to the newest page in the book, the page containing Zhou Yu's letter to her. That letter was now her most valuable treasure from Zhou Yu. Never before had he ever said or written the word "love" to her. How she wished he would say it to her and mean it. It would truly be the happiest day of her life the day that Zhou Yu would tell her that.

The 3 days of rain had made the terrain muddy and difficult to fight in. Fighting was fierce nonetheless and Zhou Yu had been on the field for more then 12 hours now still at the same gate. The gate had been busted open but the Wei defenders were steadfast in their defense. Cao Ren simply was not willing to loss the city and Zhou Yu hoped that he was not willing to lose any of the outlaying territories as well. He had sent Sun Ce and Zhou Tai with men to take the other territories but Shu was also in the south trying to take the area.

Lost in the heat of battle Zhou Yu did not see the archer that took aim at him nor did he see the arrow fly…

Elsewhere Xiao woke up screaming and in a cold sweat. Da (whose room was nearby) was quickly by her sisters' side. "What is it Xiao?" Da asked when she came into the room.

"I… I…" Xiao said quietly and shakely.

"Come Xiao, what is it?" Da said comfortingly and placing her arm around her shaking younger sister.

"He… didn't see it… and it hit him and…" Xiao dissolved into tears leaning against her sister for support.

"Hush, Xiao it'll be alright."

"No it won't!" Xiao blurted out in between her sobs.

"Xiao, it was a dream, just a bad dream."

"It wasn't a dream Da, it was a nightmare!"

"Well, what happened in it? What's so terrible about it?"

"He was shot and he never saw it coming." Xiao said with a renewal of tears.

"Who Xiao, who was shot?"

"Zhou Yu…"

"I'm sure its just you worrying about him too much sis. I'm sure he's all right and will be coming back just like he promised. So hush now and go to sleep. Do you want me to stay with you?" Da asked like she always did whenever Xiao had nightmares.

Xiao just nodded and laid back down still in the comforting embrace of her sister.

The sharp pain in his shoulder quickly resided as Zhou Yu tore out the arrow. Pain temporarily blinded him and he staggered a few steps and buckled as several spear points slashed his left arm and side. Instinctively Zhou Yu lashed out with his sword before staggering backwards. In the distance Zhou Yu heard Cao Ren cry out "Zhou Yu is weak! All units charge!"

"All units hold your ground! They must not break through!" Zhou Yu yelled to try and rally his men.